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10 dishes to help produce more milk without gaining weight after giving birth, delicious and easy to cook

After giving birth, mothers often receive nutrition to restore their health and produce milk for their children. But what to eat to have more milk without gaining weight is an issue that makes mothers worried about finding out.

1. What to eat after giving birth to have more milk without getting fat?

1.1. Green papaya stewed with pig’s feet

This nutritious dish is very good for new mothers because it is easy to digest and provides water for milk production. You just need to stew the pork trotters and then add green papaya and cook until soft.

1.2. Pork spinach soup

Malabar spinach contains calcium, vitamin A, and abundant fiber content For mothers to increase milk production effectively, it also helps mothers quickly clean up postpartum fluid. Pork and spinach soup is always at the top of the list of dishes for pregnant women.

1.3. Boiled sweet potato

Sweet potato contains a dish that helps you worry less about what to eat to have more milk without gaining weight because it is rich in fiber, water, starch, protein and small amounts of calcium, iron, and phosphorus necessary for lactation. This dish also improves the digestive system of both mother and child during confinement. But mothers who have had a cesarean section absolutely should not eat it because it will make the incision scar dark.

1.4. Drink enough milk

Drink fresh milk, yogurt, condensed milk Diluting it about 20 minutes before feeding your baby is a way to make the milk come in faster and thicker. Most of the nutrients in milk have been converted into breast milk, so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight.

1.5. Black sesame porridge

If you are worried about what to eat after giving birth to lose weight and still have a lot of milk, you can make black sesame porridge. Black sesame contains nutrients such as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron… black sesame has neutral properties, sweet taste helps nourish blood, laxative, and brightens eyes. Postpartum mothers eat black sesame to increase milk production and prevent constipation.

1.6. Soybeans and soy dishes

Soybeans contain no fat and are high in calcium, fiber, and vitamin D to improve health and increase milk production for mothers. Every week you can eat about 300-400g of soybeans which is very good.

Delicious food from soybeans

Delicious dishes from soybeans (Source:

1.7. Lean meat (pork, beef, chicken)

Lean meat is a dish that contains a lot of iron, protein and minerals necessary for milk production. Lean meat also contains little fat so it can be eaten every day with a variety of dishes such as lean meat stir-fried with onions, braised with turmeric, roasted with ginger…

1.8. Seafood

Seafood is rich in calcium and protein, helping mothers increase the quality of milknutrients and milk quantity. Shrimp, herring, sardines, squid… are rich in Omega-3 and DHA for baby’s brain development, anti-oxidation, increased eyesight… But mothers who gave birth by cesarean section should not eat seafood when the surgical wound has not healed because they causing the wound to fester or take longer to heal.

What to eat to have more milk without gaining weight?

What to eat to have more milk without gaining weight? (Source:

1.9. Jute vegetable soup

Vegetable pain has the ability to help breast milk secrete faster, increasing the amount of breast milk thanks to the mucus contained in the vegetable. In addition, it contains nutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus… Mothers eat about 200g of spinach for several consecutive days in the first week after giving birth to maintain the amount of breast milk.

1.10. Dishes from banana flowers

Banana flowers contain ethanol to help wounds heal quickly, effectively preventing the risk of infection. This is also a dish that promotes breast milk flow regularly and more abundantly. You can make banana flower soup with shrimp or stir-fried banana flowers…

Banana flower salad

Banana flower salad (Source:

2. Note that mothers who lose weight after giving birth still have enough milk to breastfeed

In order for postpartum mothers to lose weight and still have enough milk to breastfeed, in addition to meeting an appropriate nutritional regimen, it is necessary to combine many of the following factors:

2.1. Exercise gently every day

Gentle exercise every day helps circulate blood, the mother recovers quickly, her spirit is more relaxed, her milk comes in more regularly and she gets back in shape quickly.

2.2. Do not eat foods that can cause loss of milk

Mothers should Avoid foods that cause loss of milk such as spices: lolot leaves, parsley, mint, garlic and chili, pickled eggplant, bitter melon, dried bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots, foods containing caffeine, alcohol…

2.3. Keep your spirit at ease

You should keep a comfortable and happy mentality because there is a new member in the family to overcome the initial difficulties of giving birth. This has a positive meaning that both helps improve milk production and does not make the mother tired. You need to be mentally balanced, don’t be too stressed or take things too seriously, think positively and gradually get used to the role of mother taking care of and raising children every day.

2.4. Get enough sleep

Pay attention to your health, get enough sleep, if you feel tired, ask a relative to look after the baby and rest for a while, so you can recover your body.

2.5. Breastfeeding care

Breastfeeding is An effective way to stimulate milk productionstrengthening the emotional connection between mother and child. Breastfeeding a baby a lot also helps mothers lose weight quickly after giving birth.

2.6. Absolutely do not use stimulants

Stay away from alcoholic beverages, stimulants, and tobacco because they directly affect milk quality and can cause you to lose milk. Toxic substances in foods contain stimulants that affect breast milk and are not good for the baby’s health.

Postpartum mothers, please get rid of worries about what to eat to have more milk without gaining weight with the delicious menu above. However, in the case of dirty food, you should carefully choose a food source with clear origin and certification to ensure safety.

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