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12 foods that increase joint lubrication to prevent dry osteoarthritis

With aging over time, joint fluid gradually disappears and needs to be supplemented in many ways to ensure smooth and flexible movement of the skeletal system. Top 12 foods that increase lubrication for joints are suggestions for daily meals that you should refer to.

1. Why is it necessary to increase lubrication for joints?

Synovial fluid is the mucus in the joints. Joint fluid contains hyaluronic acid, an important ingredient in lubricating joints, preventing friction between bones, allowing the body to move more easily.

Lack of lubrication in joints is called dry joints. Lack of joint fluid is the cause of joint friction and erosion, causing pain to the patient. There are many causes of dry joints, the most common of which is the effects of aging over time.

If this condition is not treated promptly, the level of joint degeneration will become more severe. It can even make the patient unable to move or walk normally.

That’s why it is necessary to increase joint lubrication to prevent and treat dry joints, arthritis, and osteoarthritis through natural and prepared foods to cure dry joints.

Dry joints and arthritis cause pain and difficulty moving

Dry joints and arthritis cause pain and difficulty moving (Source:

2. Foods that help increase lubrication for bones and joints

Foods that are proven to supplement lubrication for joints at the top of the list will usually contain a lot of protein, omega-3, vitamins and collagen… As long as the food contains these nutrients, they will have an effect. Uses to naturally increase joint lubrication, compensating for the amount lost over time.

However, in the process of developing a menu, it is necessary to pay attention to the dosage as well as other ingredients that can cause damage to joints in order to achieve the best results. So what to eat to create joint fluid? Try referring to the 12 nutritious foods in the following list.

2.1. Oily fish

Scientific studies show that oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring, or sardines will make joints less painful and improve joint function due to the Omega-3 fatty acids contained in them. Fish meat has helped reduce the level of inflammation in the joints.

Therefore, it should be in the daily menu Regularly supplement fresh fish To increase lubrication for joints, replace red and fatty meats, use vegetable fats instead of animal fats. Familiar fish dishes in Vietnamese meals such as: braised fish, grilled fish, breaded fish or salmon salad… are all nutritious dishes for joint cartilage.

Salmon and other oily fish are good for your joints

Salmon and other oily fish are good for joints (Source:

2.2. Fish oil

Similar to fish, fish oil is a food that helps promote the production of hyaluronic acid to help increase mucus and restore damaged joints. Besides, fish oil also contains a lot of Calcium and Omega-3, along with Vitamin D which will help develop strong bones and joints.

However, if you intend to take fish oil to supplement Omega-3, you need to seek advice from a doctor, because an overdose of fish oil can also be harmful to the body. On the other hand need Order genuine fish oil, clear origin to avoid poor quality products.

2.3. Tubular bones, cartilage

Bones and cartilage are foods that contain a lot of Calcium. These two types of bones also stimulate the body to produce hyaluronic acid, which increases the amount of mucus and helps strengthen bones and joints. Dishes made from bones and cartilage should be added to the daily diet.

You can refer to bone stew dishes such as: bone stewed pumpkin soup, bone stewed bone porridge, bone stewed with vegetables,… which not only makes the meal richer but also provides many good nutrients for the cartilage regeneration process. bones, making bones strong, from which all body activities become more flexible.

2.4. Milk and foods made from milk

Milk contains large amounts of calcium, which strengthens bones and supports the production of lubricants to lubricate joints. More specifically, soy milk also has the ability to increase joint cartilage cells, stimulate the body to produce more Collagen, and prevent dry joints.

You should add foods to treat dry joints such as: Delicious milk and dairy productsinclude Fatty, attractive cheeseyogurt, milk cake,… or simply 1-2 glasses of milk a day to provide enough nutrients necessary for the process of regenerating cartilage and lubricant in the joints.

Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D which are good for bones

Milk and dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are good for bones (Source:

2.5. Cereal

Cereals are rich in vitamins and mineralsThese substances not only supplement essential nutrients for the body but also have anti-inflammatory effects and produce lubricant for the joints. Cereals such as brown rice, wheat, rye and other whole grains have the ability to increase immunity, increase resistance and slow down oxidation.

2.6. Tomato

Tomatoes are considered a food that increases joint lubrication, replenishes joint fluid by providing a large amount of collagen needed for the body, not only beautifies the skin but is also very good for bones and joints. Besides, Tomatoes also contain large amounts of antioxidants lycopene along with vitamins necessary for the body.

Preparing dishes from tomatoes, especially salmon salad, not only helps lubricate the joints but also makes bones and joints stronger, making it easier to walk or exercise. Tomato seeds also contain compounds similar to aspirin that will reduce pain and fight arthritis in people with osteoarthritis.


Tomatoes (Source:

2.7. Banana

Bananas contain a lot of serotonin and tryptophan, along with potassium, these substances actively participate in the process of creating lubrication and effectively protecting joints. Banana is considered one of the Fresh fruit, clear origin Leading in increasing synovial fluid in joints that are dry and lack lubrication. It would be great if we could enjoy a banana smoothie or dishes made from bananas such as: banana sweet soup, fried bananas, banana cake,…

2.8. Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh, clean and safe vegetables It is also a top priority joint lubricant food. The reason green vegetables and fruits are good for people with rheumatism is because they contain large amounts of vitamins, especially vitamin C and fiber, which are very good for health, enhancing the absorption of calcium and vitamins. D is good for bones.

Natural anti-inflammatory substances found in many fruits: lemon, grapefruit, papaya or pineapple, etc. will help reduce symptoms of arthritis. In particular, dark green leafy vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, broccoli or kale are all good foods for improving arthritis. Suggested dishes that can be made from green vegetables: stir-fried water spinach with pork, stir-fried vegetables with chicken liver, vegetable soup,…

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for regenerating joint lubrication

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for regenerating joint fluid (Source:

2.9. Malabar spinach

Malabar spinach is Fresh, delicious, fibrous green leafy vegetables Contains natural lubricants and vitamins that play a great role in effectively replenishing lubrication for joints. So this is a good joint lubricating food that is extremely familiar and easy to find. On the other hand, spinach soup, or spinach stir-fried with garlic, also has good effects for the digestive system. Malabar spinach can be used to prepare dishes such as stir-fried spinach with garlic, spinach soup with shrimp, spinach soup with chao,…

2.10. Avocado

Thanks to its effect of promoting collagen production in the body, avocado is a very nutritious fruit. Avocado contains a lot of vitamins that have great effects that not only support beautiful skin but also help fight arthritis. Try making an avocado smoothie or frugal avocado salad that is not only delicious but also nutritious with skin care and “cartilage nourishment” benefits, don’t miss it.

2.11. Okra

Just like spinach, okra contains many natural vitamins and minerals that help increase joint fluid. Adding okra to daily meals, such as stir-fried okra with beef, is not only a delicious dish but also a food that increases lubrication for joints.

Okra helps increase joint lubrication

Okra helps increase joint lubrication (Source:

2.12. Oats

Cereals have been proven to be good for bones and joints because they contain nutrients and vitamins that help strengthen immunity, increase resistance and slow down the oxidation process, helping to fight inflammation very well, especially arthritis.

On the other hand, studies also show that some cereals, especially whole oats, also have the ability to effectively stimulate joint cartilage cells to produce lubricant.

3. Functional foods good for joint cartilage

In addition to adding foods that increase joint lubrication to meals, functional foods that are good for cartilage should also be considered for reasonable use to increase joint lubrication.

3.1. Glucosamine 100VIP

Glucosamine 100VIP joint supplement has a price 900,000 VND. This is a functional joint supplement with the main ingredient Glucosamine Hydrochloride extracted from shrimp and crab used for people with osteoarthritis or bone and joint diseases.

This pill helps regenerate and restore damaged joint cartilage tissue, helping to reduce bone and joint pain caused by osteoarthritis. And contraindicated for people allergic to shrimp or crab.

Glucosamine 100VIP

Glucosamine 100VIP (Source:

3.2. Sakura Lead

One bottle contains 30 Sakura Lead cartilage and joint support pills The price is 220,000 VND. This food helps increase joint fluid secretion, reduce joint inflammation and pain, protect joint cartilage and help joints move flexibly. Main ingredients include Collagen type II, Hyaluronic Acid and medicinal herbs such as Indian ginseng, devil’s claw, frankincense and turmeric essence.

Sakura Lead functional food

Sakura Lead functional food (Source:

3.3. Hanmi Glucosamine 100

Box includes 3 bottles of 90 tablets of Joint supplement supplement Hanmi Glucosamine 100 The price is 900,000 VND. Main ingredients include Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Opti-MSM, Chondroitin, Vitamin C and powdered shark cartilage,… these substances help supplement nutrients to create joint cartilage, reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, especially in the elderly.

Hanmi Glucosamine 100 also helps relieve pain for people with osteoarthritis, prevents and supports the treatment of rheumatism, bone and joint pain, and back pain. The product also helps regenerate surrounding mucus, lubricating joints, making bones and joints move flexibly.

Hanmi Glucosamine 100

Hanmi Glucosamine 100 (Source:

Thus, to have healthy and flexible joints, it is necessary to supplement foods that increase joint lubrication at the same time Buy genuine functional foods good for joint cartilage. Hopefully after reading the above article, people with arthritis will no longer wonder what to eat to create joint fluid.

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