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12 simple ways to make Tet jam from fruits at home

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With common, easy-to-find ingredients, you can make your own delicious, simple Tet jam right at home. Let’s take a look.

You know, there are many ways to make delicious Tet jam that is extremely simple. With familiar, easy-to-find ingredients, you can absolutely make your own delicious jam dishes for the whole family this Tet.

1. How to make fragrant sweet and sour orange jam to sip on Tet

The delicate scent of orange in each piece of orange jam will make your Tet holiday more interesting. You need 3 oranges along with 200 grams of sugar to make this jam. Adding a little pure honey and salt will make the jam more flavorful. After washing the oranges, cut them into medium-thick slices. Boil sugar, salt and honey with a little water, then add all the oranges to the slug until the water dries up. Arrange the oranges on the drying tray of the oven to dry and glue the surface to complete the sweet and sour orange jam.

How to make fragrant sweet and sour orange jam to enjoy on Tet holiday
How to make fragrant sweet and sour orange jam to enjoy on Tet holiday

2. Instructions for making walnut jam with a unique, irresistibly delicious flavor

Walnuts are one of the delicious natural dried nuts that also have many nutrients that are good for the body. You need 600 grams of shelled walnuts. When making walnut jam, you only need to use 300g of sugar and a little vanilla and the jam will be delicious.

While cooking the sugar water with vanilla, toast or lightly roast the walnuts first. Then, mix the walnuts with sugar water until the dry white crystallized sugar layer evenly adheres to the surface of the walnuts. This method of making jam can last a long time, so you can iron it and reserve it.

3. How to make fragrant pineapple jam with pineapple flavor without crushing it

For 1 pineapple of 300 – 400 grams, you will need to marinate it with about 150 – 170 grams of sugar first. Soak for about 2 – 4 hours before simmering. During the simmering process, note that a lot of pineapple juice will come out. Just leave it as is and simmer until the water dries up so the pineapple pieces will absorb.

The secret to keeping the pineapple jam from falling apart is to remember to cut the pineapple into moderately thick slices. When simmering, choose a wide cast iron pan, do not stack pineapple pieces on top of each other. After the pineapple has been boiled, it will need to be dried to tighten the surface. To be more careful, you can expose it to more sunlight to preserve the pineapple jam better.

4. Learn to make sweet and fragrant strawberry jam properly

Strawberry jam has a sweet and sour taste, very easy to eat. You just need to take 350gr of fresh strawberries, remove the stems, wash them, marinate them with 150gr – 200gr of sugar and a little salt and then puree. Pour the mixture into the pan over low heat until the jam has a thick consistency. If you want the strawberry jam to keep the fruit intact, you can leave it whole without grinding. The jam is liquid so you have many different ways to enjoy it. To preserve, you should wait until the jam cools down before putting it in a glass jar with a tight lid to preserve it longer.

Learn to make sweet and fragrant strawberry jam in the right way
Learn to make sweet and fragrant strawberry jam in the right way

5. How to make dried banana jam

Whole dried banana jam is also an easy-to-make Tet jam that you can choose for your family to use during the upcoming Tet holidays. With ripe fragrant bananas, peel off the skin and flatten each fruit. Mix the banana marinade with ginger, salt, sugar and water and brush it on each banana piece before placing it in the oven. Note that you need to time it to turn the banana over and continue to brush the mixture of ginger juice, salt, and sugar so that the banana absorbs the spices. The banana pieces are dry and firm, and the surface will be fine.

6. Change things up with coconut jam for a bustling spring day

Coconut jam is a jam that brings a new flavor to bustling spring days. With 900gr of coconut cake, you only need to add 450gr of sugar and that’s enough. Because it’s made in pellet form, when processing coconut, cut it into square cubes. If you like colored coconut, you can use additional colors to pre-soak such as beetroot color, red dragon fruit color, green tea color, chocolate color. Note that when soaking the color, you soak it with sugar so that the coconut absorbs the sugar and color at the same time. After that, you put it on the stove to boil the jam. Dry crystallized coconut jam is complete.

7. Grapefruit peel jam is delicious wherever you eat it

The standard recipe for grapefruit jam that many people love is 500 grams of grapefruit peel cut into strips and 250 – 300 grams of sugar. However, when processing grapefruit peels, you will need to squeeze them with salt, wash them, and then continue soaking them in lime water for a while. This is to make the grapefruit peel less pungent. Then you mix grapefruit peel and sugar over low heat until the jam is dry and complete. This is a quick way to make Tet jam that many people choose.

8. Welcome fresh spring with unique and flavorful orange peel jam

Slice the orange peel first and then boil it to remove the bitterness. Then, you marinate with sugar in the ratio of 100 grams of orange peel, then use 60 grams of sugar for about 30 minutes.

Bring everything to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. When the orange peel has crystallized sugar, stir well until dry, then turn off the stove.

Welcome fresh spring with strange and unique orange peel jam
Welcome fresh spring with strange and unique orange peel jam

9. Sip sweet and cool jicama jam with a super simple recipe

Jicama jam will be an attractive, new snack for your family during Tet. You take 1kg of peeled jicama and cut it into pieces and marinate it with 400gr of white sugar. To make the jam fragrant, add a little vanilla while boiling. Note that the way to make this Tet jam is that you need to boil the jicama with a little salt before adding the sugar. Simmer until the sugar water dries and crystallized sugar sticks around the bean, then turn off the stove.

10. Learn to make chrysanthemum coconut jam to invite guests to your house, making everyone sobbing with compliments

Although it is a traditional coconut jam, creating a beautiful and impressive chrysanthemum shape will make your Tet jam more unique. This jam will need to be carefully prepared first. Instead of thinning, you will cut the coconut into pieces and marinate it with sugar. After about 2-3 hours, cook the slugs on the stove with low heat. When the coconut begins to crystallize, you will create a chrysanthemum shape. You just need to weave the flower petals along the coconut cut line at first and then continue to weave to get beautiful pieces of chrysanthemum coconut jam. To make the chrysanthemum coconut jam more impressive, you can choose the flavor and color.

Learn how to make chrysanthemum coconut jam to invite guests to your house, making everyone sobbing with praise
Learn how to make chrysanthemum coconut jam to invite guests to your house, making everyone sobbing with praise

11. Make coconut jam with 4 flavors to enjoy on Tet holiday

Instead of the usual way of making Tet jam where you only make one flavor and one color for the traditional Tet coconut jam, now you can create 4 flavors and 4 different colors for this jam. The secret to delicious coconut jam is to choose an old coconut and have time to soak the coconut and flavoring ingredients for 2-3 hours. The 4 commonly used flavors are green tea with green color, red color from red yeast, yellow color from turmeric, pink color from beetroot. After soaking, you just need to cook over low heat until the coconut pieces have crystallized sugar and are completely dry.

12. Enjoy delicious cherry tomato jam on Tet

The beautiful red color of cherry tomatoes means reunion and fortune. Furthermore, the jam has a very delicious sweet and sour taste. For 250gr of fresh cherry tomatoes, you need 100gr of sugar. Before simmering the tomatoes and sugar, remember to soak the tomatoes in clear lime water for 2-4 hours. When simmering soft cherry tomato jam, remember to stir gently so as not to crush the finished product. Cherry tomato jam is flexible so you don’t need to dry it in the oven. Boil until the sugar water dries up and the dried eggplants are firm on the surface.

Above are simple instructions for making Tet jam that you can completely confidently apply for the approaching spring days. Hope you can prepare delicious and delicious jam dishes for your family.

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