12 types of foods that are easily contaminated

During the summer, the weather is hot, humid, and rainy. If food is not stored properly, it can spoil easily.

However, some foods are not only stored unscientifically but also contain potential toxins that we must be very careful about in the summer.

1. Bean sprouts do not have roots

During the production of bean sprouts, some individuals have applied the effects of herbicides to grow rootless bean sprouts. Herbicides contain toxic substances that cause cancer, birth defects, and mutations that when Introducing them into the body causes serious effects.

2. Sprouted potatoes

Potato sprouts contain solanine, a bitter and toxic glyco-alkaloid. Solanine can occur naturally in any part of the plant, including leaves, fruits and tubers. It is very toxic, even in very small concentrations. In addition, this substance is also found in tomatoes and other plants in the Solanaceae family. Solanine has anesthetic properties and was previously used to treat epilepsy.Olanine is made up of the alkaloid solanidine and a branched-chain carbohydrate (glyco-).

3. Green tomatoes

Green tomatoes contain the toxin Solanine. Therefore, when eating green tomatoes, the mouth feels bitter; After eating, symptoms of poisoning may appear such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting… Scientists also warn that eating raw green tomatoes is even more dangerous.

4. Tea is moldy

Tea is an extremely valuable drink for human health. But note, if you discover moldy tea, it means it is contaminated with penicillin and aspergillus. If you drink moldy tea, you may feel dizzy and have diarrhea.

5. Fresh coffee beans

Fresh coffee beans can cause hemolytic syndrome, allergies, fatigue, anemia and other symptoms.

6. Seaweed changes color

The color of seaweed secretes cyclic peptide, fucose, a toxic toxin. If after soaking in cold water, the seaweed turns purple-green, it means the seaweed was contaminated before drying and packaging. This type of seaweed is very harmful to the body.

7. Rotten cabbage

Rotten cabbage contains nitrite, which plays a role in the formation of methemoglobin in human blood, causing the blood to lose oxygen functions, causing oxygen poisoning, dizziness, palpitations, vomiting, purple lips… Severe cases can cause unconsciousness, convulsions, difficulty breathing, and if not promptly rescued, it can be life-threatening.

8. Wilted ginger

Fresh ginger is a food that should not be kept for a long time because after a few days it will soften, shrink and gradually deteriorate in small branches and cuts. If, out of regret, you try to cut off the damaged part and continue using the intact part. You should know that, according to some studies, due to the process of crushing and spoiling, a toxic substance called shikimol occurs inside the ginger root. This substance is in the whole ginger root, not just in the crushed part, so it cannot be completely removed. This is an active ingredient with very high toxicity that can cause changes in the liver cells of a healthy person, even though the amount of this substance that can be absorbed is very small.

9. Potatoes have black spots on the skin

Potatoes contain a lot of fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, B6, E, iron, calcium… so it ranks highest in nutritional value compared to other vegetables. However, when choosing to buy or eat, you need to pay attention to avoid “danger”. If you see black spots appearing on the potato skin, it proves that it has been infected with fungus, and if you eat it, you will easily be poisoned.

10. Metamorphosed white wood ear fungus

The white wood ear (also known as silver ear or snow fungus) has degenerated, showing signs such as yellowing, less fresh, inelastic, etc., proving that it has been infected with flavobacterium. After eating, symptoms of poisoning may appear such as dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea…

11. Uncooked green beans

Green beans contain saponins and lectins. Saponins are a strong irritant to the human digestive tract and can cause hemorrhagic inflammation and the dissolution of red blood cells. Beans also contain hemagglutinin with aggregates. Red blood cells cause poisoning after eating. Therefore, if you eat uncooked green beans, you can easily be poisoned.

12. Not pickled properly

Pickles in general (including pickled eggplants) are foods prepared by using salt mixed with some stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and tubers to make sour fermentation under the effect of some microorganisms. object. Eating pickles brings many positive effects to the body and daily meals.

Even though it has the above effects, if you don’t know how to use it properly, pickles can sometimes become harmful. Because in the first few days of pickling, microorganisms will convert nitrates in the ingredients into nitric, causing the nitric content to increase and the pH to gradually decrease (meaning the acidity gradually increases). Eating melon at this stage has a spicy, pungent, slightly bitter taste because it has not met the requirements. This type of melon contains a lot of nitrate, which is very harmful to the body.


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