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17 foods rich in fiber for babies to have healthy digestion and prevent constipation

Foods rich in fiber give your baby good digestion and support comprehensive development with good resistance. Let’s find out and add to the menu with Websosanh!

1. Green leafy vegetables

Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage… are foods rich in fiber for babies, in addition to vitamins A, C, minerals such as iron and calcium. As soon as your baby starts eating solid foods, you can add this vegetable dish to your baby’s menu to add fiber to help with good digestion and enough nutrients.

2. Oats

When Choose oats rich in nutrients and minerals With high fiber content, mothers can feed their babies a variety of dishes 2-3 times a week to supplement their baby’s health and also change their taste to help them eat more deliciously. Oatmeal porridge or oat milk are popular dishes made from this food.



3. Apples

Apples are both a fiber supplement for babies and a favorite dessert for many children. With a fiber content of about 4.4g/1 fruit, apples are one of the fruits that should be included baby’s self-directed weaning menu. Apple juice and apple smoothies are popular with many people in their daily menu.

Apples are baby's favorite food

Apples are baby’s favorite food.

4. Popcorn

Many mothers think that popcorn is a bad food, so they often forbid it for children. But actually this is a high-fiber food for babies, because popcorn is made from corn kernels. It is like other cereals on the market, which also have endosperm, bran and germ. Therefore, this dish contains a lot of fiber, which is very good for your baby’s digestive system.



5. Carrots

Carrots are a fiber-rich food for babies and provide vitamin A, vitamin C, and minerals such as iron, potassium, and calcium. Choose vegetables that provide nutrients For smart and tall babies, mothers can cook beef porridge with carrots or give them juice. However, each time you should only give your baby 30-50 grams and no more than 3 times a day.



6. Bananas

Mothers can feed their babies bananas in the late afternoons. The fiber content in bananas is 3.1g for a medium-sized fruit or can be processed into many delicious dishes such as banana sweet soup, grilled bananas, grilled banana cake or banana ice cream.



7. Beans

A high-fiber food for babies that mothers often forget is beans. Choose suitable beans for your baby to eat Such as peas and lentils, which are rich in vitamin C to help boost your baby’s immunity and rich in vitamin A, which is good for eyesight. Beans can be used to make sweet soup or steam very well.



8. Whole-wheat pasta

Each cup of pasta will help your baby’s body receive 2g of fiber, stimulate bowel movements and help the digestive system work effectively. Mothers can change their baby’s menu with dishes made from pasta to change their taste, such as pasta with minced beef and tomato sauce.

9. Berries

Berries are considered a fiber-rich food Feed your baby solid food. Some possible berries include blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. The fiber content in half a cup of raspberries is 4g, in blueberries is 1.8g and in strawberries is 1.5g. These fruits can be used to make smoothies, juices or fruit bowls.

10. Pear

The sweetness of pears often makes children excited and easy to eat. Furthermore, one pear can provide 5.5 fiber for your baby. Therefore, mothers should feed their babies pears to be good for the digestive system.

11. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are considered nutritious “ginseng” of Vietnamese people and are no stranger to many mothers, trusted by mothers as a fiber supplement for their babies. Mothers should feed their babies sweet potatoes when they are constipated, in addition to providing fiber, Sweet potatoes also contain many nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D and minerals necessary for baby’s development in many different ways of preparation such as baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, honey-baked potatoes, fried potatoes or adding sweet potatoes to dishes. eat.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato.

12. White rice

This is a familiar food to children. White rice contains fiber Give your baby good digestion and at the same time provide him with energy.

White rice

White rice.

13. Peas

Peas have a sweet taste, neutral properties, treat indigestion, and are good for the baby’s digestive system. In addition, it also helps reduce blood sugar levels, helping children add more energy for fun and learning activities. Peas stir-fried with meat or boiled can be used in daily family meals.

14. Almonds

With a cup of almonds, your baby can absorb up to 8.7g of fiber. Mothers, please prepare dishes with almonds so your baby can digest better! Dried almonds are a familiar dish that children love.



15. Barley

Did you know that barley is a high-fiber food for babies to eat? For babies who do not like to eat vegetables, mothers should give them breakfast with dishes from barley so that the baby can easily absorb and digest well. This is known as nutritious cereals Provides energy for a long, delicious, nutritious and economical day for mothers while still ensuring enough nutrition for children. Barley porridge or barley milk will be a great choice for babies.

Barley (or wheat)

Barley (or wheat).

16. Lentils

With just one cup of boiled lentils, your baby can absorb up to 15.6g of fiber. But to make it easier for your baby to eat, mothers should prepare suitable dishes such as soup or porridge.



17. Malabar spinach

Mothers should feed their babies vegetables as soon as they learn to eat solid foods. Malabar spinach is a fiber-rich food for babies. Because the vegetable is soft, it is easy for babies to adapt. 100g of spinach contains 1-3g of fiber. Malabar spinach soup or boiled spinach will be very suitable for children’s digestive system.

Malabar spinach

Malabar spinach.

Hopefully with the above information, mothers can start making a menu of fiber-rich foods for their babies to help with good digestion and comprehensive development.

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