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4 recipes for washing face with beer to treat acne and whiten skin for women

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Beer contains B vitamins, saccharides and yeast, which are very good ingredients for the skin. Therefore, if your skin is experiencing acne and melasma, you should refer to the following 4 recipes for washing your face with beer:

1. Face wash formula with beer and green tea to treat acne and whiten skin

Green tea contains many antioxidants, vitamin C, tannin and caffeine that help cleanse the skin and eliminate acne-causing bacteria on the skin. In particular, because green tea has high antiseptic properties, many women choose to combine it with beer to wash their face to treat acne and melasma.

Therefore, if you have unhealthy skin, blackheads, or hidden acne, you can apply this formula. wash your face with beer and green tea as follows:

  • Step 1: First, you need to prepare 3 teaspoons of beer and 1 teaspoon of pure green tea powder. Then, you mix the mixture well until it thickens.
  • Step 2: Clean your face and then apply a mixture of beer and green tea powder to the acne-affected facial area.
  • Step 3: After 15 minutes, wash your face with normal water.
Recipe for washing face with beer and green tea to treat acne and whiten skin
Beer and green tea help brighten skin and reduce acne (Photo: Uyenntn).

2. Recipe for washing face with beer and potatoes to whiten skin and treat acne

Beer contains many vitamins and trace minerals such as Selenium, Magnesium, zinc, etc., which help exfoliate dead cells, remove sebum stuck deep in the skin, help brighten skin, and significantly reduce acne. Besides, potatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, Carotenoids and natural Phenols, which help prevent aging and provide comprehensive skin care to help reduce dark spots and acne. That’s why many women choose potatoes in the beauty industry.

Recipe wash your face with beer and potatoes treat acne and whitening simply in 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Take a potato about 350 grams, wash it and boil it. Then, peel and puree with 50ml of beer to create a thick mixture.
  • Step 2: Soak your face in water for about 2-3 minutes to open your pores. Then, take the beer and potato mixture and apply it evenly on your face and massage gently.
  • Step 3: After 15 minutes, you can wash your face with clean water and then apply other skin care steps as usual.
Recipe for washing face with beer and potatoes to treat acne and whiten skin
Potatoes contain many nutrients that are good for the skin and when combined with beer, they will help treat acne, whiten skin, and fight aging effectively. (Photo: Bachhoaxanh).

3. Recipe to wash your face with beer and unsweetened fresh milk

Unsweetened fresh milk contains lactic acid, which has the effect of cleansing the skin and preventing aging. Besides, one of the causes of acne is lack of vitamin D in the skin, and milk has a lot of vitamin D. Therefore, washing your face with beer and unsweetened fresh milk will be an effective way to repel acne, helping to prevent acne. bright white, healthy skin. The way to prepare a mixture of beer and unsweetened fresh milk to wash your face to treat acne is also quite simple, you just need to do the following steps:

  • Step 1: Mix beer and unsweetened fresh milk in a 50:50 ratio (Mix with moderate ratio in one use, because this mixture is quite liquid, do not mix too much as it will cause waste).
  • Step 2: Use a cotton ball to soak in the beer and milk mixture, then apply it to your face and gently massage so that the mixture penetrates deep into the skin.
  • Step 3: Wait after 30 minutes then wash your face with normal water to clean.

4. Face wash recipe with beer, cucumber juice and eggs

Way wash your face with beercucumber juice and egg whites are extremely effective ways to whiten skin with beer. At the same time, when combined with cucumbers and egg whites, it will help treat acne and improve skin for women. Because cucumbers contain both vitamin C to help stimulate new cell growth and folic acid to fight environmental toxins that cause premature aging of the skin. The combination of cucumber juice, beer and egg whites is the optimal beauty formula to help remove acne, kill bacteria, and restore damaged skin.

The recipe for washing your face with beer, cucumber juice and eggs is as follows:

  • Step 1: After washing the cucumbers, squeeze them to get the juice. Separate eggs and beat egg whites.
  • Step 2: Put 3 spoons of beer + 3 spoons of cucumber juice + 1 beaten egg white into a clean bowl and mix well.
  • Step 3: You can use a cotton ball to soak in the mixture and then apply it all over your face. Wait about 15 – 20 minutes until the mixture on your skin dries like a mask, then remove it.
  • Step 4: Finally, wash your face with warm water until your face feels clean.
Recipe for washing your face with beer, cucumber juice and eggs
Washing your face with beer, cucumbers and eggs helps improve your skin (Photo: Uyenntn).

Note: The 4 recipes for washing your face with beer just shared above are very useful for treating acne and whitening your skin. However, there are many beautiful women who can’t help but worry about whether washing their face with beer will cause sunburn. In fact, beer has the ability to clean and remove dead cells on the skin, so it is also corrosive to the skin, making it sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, you should apply sunscreen and wear a jacket every time you go out in the sun to avoid premature skin aging and reduce the risk of darkening your skin.

Hopefully, the 4 recipes for washing your face with beer to treat acne and whiten your skin that just shared will help women know how to take care of themselves and be more beautiful. Always pay attention and follow to receive useful information every day.

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