5 foods that make your skin age quickly

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Surely you’re wondering why you always feel your skin is darker and older after holiday parties, BBQ restaurant trips or parties full of sweets on the beach.

6 foods that make your skin age faster

The reason is very simple, “What you eat can make your skin better or worse”said Ariel Ostad, Doctor of Medicine of the American Academy of Dermatology. Your diet can speed up the aging process of your skin and teeth over time. And below are 5 foods you should limit eating if you want to have youthful skin:


Sugar overload can cause a process called glycation. In theory, when you eat more sugar than your cells can process, the excess sugar molecules combine with protein, creating a substance called “advanced glycation end products” The abbreviation is AGES, Dr. Ostad explains. Finally, AGES can damage the collagen in your skin, which is a protein that helps keep skin firm and youthful.

6 foods that make your skin age faster

Eating too many sweets is also not good for your teeth. “Sugar stuck to your teeth encourages bacteria, cavities, and discolors your teeth.”said Brian Kantor, a cosmetic dentist in New York (USA).


A healthy liver also means you will have healthy skin. “When your liver is working well, toxins that can affect the skin are naturally expelled from your body.”said Dr. Ostad. “But if toxins accumulate in the liver and are not eliminated, your skin will have a series of problems such as acne, dark spots, and wrinkles.”. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause rosacea.

Besides, alcohol causes dehydration and is not good for your sleep, speeding up aging. “Lack of sleep can cause wrinkles, uneven skin pigmentation and reduced skin elasticity.”Ostad said.

Burnt meat

Charred meat can contain inflammatory hydrocarbons, and inflammation can wreak havoc on the collagen in your skin, Dr. Ostad explains. You don’t necessarily have to take grilled meat off the menu, but you should scrape off the charred meat and clean the grill so you don’t contaminate your next meal.

Salty food

6 foods that make your skin age faster

You can cook without using salt, but that still doesn’t guarantee that you consume less salt. “Many canned foods are preserved with sodium which can make you thirsty and leave your skin looking blistered.”said Ranella Hirsch, PhD, former president of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology & Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Commercially available foods such as chips, snacks, etc. often contain excess salt (to make you feel appetizing) and are not good for your skin.

Processed meat

Deli meats, hot dogs, and bacon and other processed meats all contain sulfites and other preservatives that can cause inflammation in the skin and promote the appearance of aging. They’re also often high in salt, which can make you look bloated, Dr. Ostad says. Try replacing deli meat on your bread with chicken or turkey. If you can’t then limit meat and eat more vegetables.

According to Vnreview

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