5 ways to properly take collagen in pill, powder, fresh form, and apply it to your face to beautify your skin

5 ways to properly take collagen in pill, powder, fresh form, and apply it to your face to beautify your skin

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As you may know, 70% of skin structure is made up of Collagen. Over the years, collagen in the skin decreases, leading to skin aging and wrinkles. Drinking Collagen properly will supplement nutrients for the skin, helping the skin become younger, brighter and smoother!

1. Instructions for taking collagen properly and effectively

1.1. How to take collagen tablets

There are two types of collagen used orally: liquid collagen and collagen tablets. With collagen in tablet form, you can take it directly like you would take regular medicine and take it on the go very conveniently. However, you need to know how many pills to take that are appropriate and do not cause unwanted side effects.

According to research, the normal human body is only capable of absorbing about 1000 to 1500 mg of collagen a day. If you supplement too much, the collagen will be eliminated. Therefore, if you take too much collagen, your body will not be able to absorb it all, and will cost you more money and effort. Therefore, when using collagen pill form, take it according to the recommended dosage stated on the packaging. At the same time, you should take it for three months and then take a month off. Then drink again if needed. In the case of people with severe melasma, they can drink it for six months and then rest for a month before continuing to drink it. Taking collagen properly over time will help you determine whether you are suitable for that type of collagen or not, whether your body is allergic, and whether you should stop or continue using it.

Taking collagen in pill form has many advantages. Besides beautifying the skin, collagen also has a good effect in improving vision, reducing bone and joint diseases, and helping strengthen teeth. However, because when taken into the body, collagen must be distributed to many organs, so the beauty effect will not be as quick as applying collagen. Therefore, you need to be persistent in using it. Although the effect is not quick, in return, your entire body is supplemented with collagen. Compared to collagen products in liquid and powder form, collagen tablets have the lowest price, suitable for many users.. Reference price: 250,000 VND.

Collagen pills are easy to take, easy to carry and reasonably priced

Collagen pills are easy to take, easy to carry and reasonably priced.

1.2. How to take powdered collagen

Powdered collagen is packaged in small bags. When you want to use it, you just need to mix collagen powder with water and drink as usual. According to research, the effect and absorption ability of powdered collagen is equivalent to that of liquid collagen. You should drink collagen powder 30 minutes before eating rice. And for best results, you should Buy vitamins and functional foods Take a combination like Vitamin C.

You can flexibly combine collagen powder with other dishes such as: mixing it into porridge, adding fruit juice, milk, smoothies or even kneading it with cake flour to increase the appetite and good health. for health and more beautiful skin. Compared to collagen tablets, powdered collagen has a higher price. Reference price: 600,000 VND.

Collagen powder is packaged in small bags that are very convenient to use

Collagen powder is packaged in small bags that are very convenient to use.

1.3. How to use fresh collagen

You often hear about fresh collagen and don’t understand how fresh collagen is different from regular collagen? The most obvious difference here is the ingredients. Common types of collagen are produced in the form of tablets, powders, and liquids with the main ingredient being collagen but containing other substances. Meanwhile, fresh collagen is made from 100% collagen, so in terms of density, fresh collagen is superior. Fresh collagen is a cosmetic supplement that is used topically on the skin. However, not all skin can use fresh collagen. If you have sensitive skin, overusing this type of collagen can lead to unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using fresh collagen, you should do the following.

You should test the product before using it on a large area of ​​skin: Whether you have sensitive skin or not, you should use fresh collagen on a small area of ​​skin to see if it suits your skin and if there are any allergies. What amount is appropriate to use? After 24 hours, if your skin has no abnormalities, no itching or redness, it means your skin can use fresh collagen. If otherwise, you should not use this product.

Use fresh collagen properly every day: Once you have tested and determined that your skin can use fresh collagen, you can start using it in your beauty routine. Every day after washing your face, apply fresh collagen to your face and neck by rubbing your hands or using a roller. You should massage gently and focus a lot on aging and wrinkled skin areas. You should use fresh collagen at night before going to bed. For more severely aging skin, it can be used twice a day, morning and evening. After 28 days of use you will see clear results.

Fresh collagen is the most expensive type of collagen. Depending on the capacity, the product has different prices. Reference price: 2,500,000 VND/200ml bottle.

1.4. How to use collagen on face

You can use fresh collagen to apply to your face as mentioned above or use products containing lots of collagen to add to your skin care routine. It could be a serum, cream or mask. You just need to use it according to the instructions on the packaging. However, to be safe, it is best to try using it on a small area of ​​skin such as the wrist to see if the skin is allergic or not. The prices of products containing collagen that can be applied to the face also vary widely. In there, Paper mask contains collagen essence has the lowest price and collagen serum has the highest price. Reference price: 12,000 VND/Paper mask containing collagen.

Applying a collagen mask helps the skin absorb directly and effectively

Applying a collagen mask helps the skin absorb directly and effectively.

2. Where to buy Collagen that is reputable and guaranteed?

In addition to advising customers to take collagen properly, we always remind people to buy collagen at reputable and trustworthy addresses. Collagen has become a popular and effective beauty product for many women, so there has been a phenomenon of counterfeiting, counterfeiting, and poor quality products. If you are not alert and buy unsafe goods, it can lead to loss of money.

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