6 foods that help brighten eyes and make you smart that everyone should know

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According to medical research, Vitamin A is an essential ingredient that helps you have beautiful skin and bright, smart and healthy eyes. So what foods are rich in Vitamin A? Let’s find out in the following article.

When children are still in the school-going stage, it is also the time when parents pay more attention to their children’s health. Preparing a menu so that children have bright, intelligent eyes is not an easy task for parents. In this article, Websosanh will review foods that help brighten the eyes so that you can add them to the daily menu for your whole family.

1. Yellow and red fruits and vegetables

  • Carrot: This root vegetable helps protect the eyes against pollution and harmful effects of sunlight. Note that you should use carrots in the afternoon or evening meal for best results.
  • Sweet potato: This tuber is not only rich in vitamin A but also has the effect of supplementing potassium and fiber for the body. You can prepare sweet potatoes in many ways such as: boiled, steamed or fried.
Yellow and red fruits and vegetables help you have bright eyes.
Yellow and red fruits and vegetables help you have bright eyes.
  • Citrus fruits: Some citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc. are essential foods that help prevent damage to the optic nerve, thereby giving you healthy, bright eyes.
  • Papaya, mango, banana: These fruits are rich in Vitamin A, delicious and easy to find. You can use these fruits as dessert after every meal.

2. Dark colored vegetables

Dark green vegetables are rich in Vitamin A.
Dark green vegetables are rich in Vitamin A.

Some dark green vegetables such as spinach, fish mint… often contain a lot of Vitamin A. You can add these vegetables to your daily meals by eating them with dishes such as salads, mixed dishes… to make your meals delicious and still full of nutrients.

3. Fatty fish

Some types of fatty and oily fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring… are very useful in supplementing vitamin A for your body. Eating these types of fish regularly will help your eyes stay healthy and beautiful, while reducing the risk of cataracts.

Salmon is a rich source of Vitamin A for the body.
Salmon is a rich source of Vitamin A for the body.

4. Animal liver

Animal liver is the richest source of Vitamin A for the body, especially fish liver. In addition, you can also supplement Vitamin A by using fish liver oil, which can reduce toxins in the liver.

5. Lean beef

Lean beef is rich in zinc and vitamin A.
Lean beef is rich in zinc and vitamin A.

Lean beef is a food that provides an excellent source of zinc for the body, helping to supplement anti-aging substances as well as other diseases. In addition, lean beef is also very good in caring for the retina of the eye, giving you healthier eyes.

6. Milk

Drinking milk regularly is a way to help you have bright, intelligent eyes.
Drinking milk regularly is a way to help you have bright, intelligent eyes.

Milk is a rich source of vitamin A, which is especially good for the eyes. Milk is also a rich source of riboflavin, which helps to minimize the risk of cataracts, similar to fatty fish.

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