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7 great uses of pumpkin to help you stay healthy and beautiful

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Not only does it help brighten eyes and strengthen bones and joints, pumpkin also helps prevent cancer very effectively.

1. Supports cardiovascular health Pumpkin may reduce the risk of heart disease thanks to its magnesium content, which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Magnesium along with potassium in pumpkin helps prevent high blood pressure, while vitamin C and beta aid in preventing oxidation.

The aforementioned nutrients help reduce the development of atherosclerosis by preventing the buildup of oxidized cholesterol in blood vessels. The folic acid found in squash helps eliminate homocysteine, a substance linked to heart attacks and strokes.

2. Prevent cancer Pumpkin has high levels of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals in the body. The beta carotene content in pumpkin is very high, so it can protect you from harmful effects from pollutants and chemicals in the environment.

Pumpkin is also a rich source of vitamin C, which helps eliminate cancer-causing toxins as well as inhibit cell division. It also contains vitamin A which can effectively contribute to fighting lung cancer and oral cavity cancer.

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3. Keep your eyes bright and healthy Thanks to beta carotene and lutein, pumpkin helps brighten eyes and effectively prevent cataracts. Researchers say 110g of pumpkin contains about 135 mg of beta carotene and 2400 mg of lutein. A diet rich in lutein plays an important role in preventing the onset of cataracts and macular degeneration.

4. Helps strengthen bones As one of the vegetables containing abundant amounts of manganese and vitamin C, pumpkin has the ability to protect you from the risk of osteoporosis. Manganese helps maintain healthy bone structure, makes the body increase calcium absorption, as well as improves spinal bone density. Vitamin C in squash is involved in the production of collagen, an important step in building bones. Magnesium also contributes to maintaining and strengthening joint and bone health. In addition, other minerals in squash such as iron, folic acid, zinc and phosphorus also improve bone health and protect us from osteoporosis.

5. Good for the intestines The rich content of fiber in squash makes this food a good friend of the digestive system, especially the colon.

For the digestive system, fiber plays an extremely important role. In addition to helping you easily digest food and absorb maximum nutrients in food, fiber also plays a decisive role in removing toxins from the body and maintaining colon health, preventing constipation. and colon cancer.

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6. Promotes weight loss If you want to lose weight quickly without worrying about other health problems that come with the weight loss process, pumpkin is the top choice for you. Many studies have shown that using pumpkin as a weight loss food is a wise choice, not only because pumpkin contains very few calories and fat but also because of the diverse nutritional components of this food.

A 110g serving of pumpkin contains only about 36 calories, 7g carbohydrates, 1g protein and less than g fat. Therefore, if you are on a weight loss regimen, you can choose to eat pumpkin every day.

7. Anti-aging skin One of the essential benefits of pumpkin for women includes its ability to protect your skin against sun damage and prevent dehydration and dry skin.

Furthermore, it also contains high levels of vitamin C to help fight free radicals in the body, preventing signs of aging such as wrinkles, brown spots… Regularly using pumpkin will keep your skin soft and smooth. and youthful.


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