7 types of vegetables pregnant women should not eat because they can easily cause premature labor and increase the risk of premature birth

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In a journey of motherhood full of challenges, pregnant mothers must absolutely stay away from these vegetables that pregnant women should not eat to avoid being detrimental to the health of mother and baby, because they have the risk of causing miscarriage and premature birth. .

1. Reasons why pregnant women should limit eating certain vegetables during pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, the mother’s body undergoes many changes both psychologically and physiologically. These include a strong decline in the immune system, making mothers susceptible to health problems such as infections, arthritis, high blood pressure, flu… if unfortunately exposed to foods carrying bacteria, virus or poor hygiene environment.

In the daily nutritional diet, fruits and vegetables are almost indispensable for pregnant mothers, because they provide many essential vitamins and nutrients to help the pregnancy go smoothly and the fetus develop healthily. stronger. However, there are also several types Pregnant women should not eat vegetables like the ones below because they can affect the mother’s health and the safety of the fetus.

2. 7 types of vegetables that pregnant women should not eat because they can easily cause miscarriage and premature birth

2.1. Mugwort

Although it has many health benefits such as soothing muscle pain, reducing abdominal pain, and being a remedy to prevent miscarriage, mugwort also tops the list of vegetables pregnant women should not eat. According to research from experts, wormwood contains Methanol. If pregnant mothers consume 80 – 150 mg/day, it can increase the risk of miscarriage and affect the baby.

Pregnant mothers should not eat wormwood
Eating too much wormwood can easily cause miscarriage (Source: 2monngonmoingay.com)

2.2. Vietnamese coriander

Perilla contains active ingredients that stimulate cervical contractions, easily leading to miscarriage if eaten too much during pregnancy. In addition, coriander has a hot nature, so eating too much can lead to indigestion, internal heat and blood loss.

2.3. Bitter melon, bitter melon

Bitter melon is a vegetable that absolutely should not appear in the nutritional diet for pregnant women. This vegetable not only contains little fiber and fat but can also cause hypoglycemia. Bitter melon seeds secrete vicine – a toxin that causes acute syndromes such as headaches, stomachaches and coma. For pregnant mothers with weak and sensitive constitutions.

Pregnant mothers should not eat bitter melon or bitter melon
Bitter melon is a food that easily causes miscarriage and reduces the ability to conceive (Source: webtretho.com)

2.4. Malabar spinach

Since ancient times, our grandparents have often advised their children not to eat spinach during pregnancy because it can lead to diarrhea, bleeding, and miscarriage. In the same vein, scientists have proven that spinach contains high levels of papaverin, which has the ability to stimulate strong uterine contractions, increasing the risk of miscarriage, especially in the first 3 months.

Not only that, Malabar spinach also contains Glucocorticoid compounds, which will hinder the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, leading to osteoporosis in the mother and slow growth in the fetus.

2.5. Purslane

Purslane is often known as a medicinal herb that has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying the body, but if you eat too much of this vegetable, it will strongly stimulate the cervix, which can lead to cervical bleeding. Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to absolutely stay away from this vegetable.

2.6. Moringa vegetables

According to research by scientists, Moringa is a vegetable with high nutritional content, but not everyone eats it well, especially pregnant mothers.

This vegetable contains 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 4 times more calcium and 2 times more protein than milk, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots, 3 times more iron than fish mint and 3 times more potassium than bananas. However, this vegetable also contains alpha-sitosterol, a substance that helps prevent pregnancy by preventing a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall to nest. For pregnant women, this substance will cause smooth muscle contraction of the uterus, leading to miscarriage.

Pregnant mothers should not eat moringa
Moringa is better than magic medicine but not suitable for pregnant mothers’ diet (Source: wikibanh.com)

2.7. Green papaya

If green papaya has the great effect of making postpartum milk, then during pregnancy it is the type Foods pregnant women should not eat.

Green papaya and underripe papaya can increase the risk of premature birth, because the sap (latex) of green papaya contains a mixture of papain, endopeptidases and chymopapain, the pregnant mother’s body will be able to mistake papain. with prostaglandin, an active ingredient used to induce labor. On the other hand, this substance will also weaken the membrane supporting the fetus, stimulate the cervix causing bleeding and hinder the development of fetal cells and fetal tissues, negatively affecting the fetus. pediatric.

Pregnant mothers should not eat green papaya or underripe papaya
Green papaya is not good for pregnant women in the first 3 months (Source: beleza.vn)

Every mother wants her child to be healthy, smart, and talented, but to do that, pregnant mothers first need to strictly follow the diet and nutrition. Vegetables that pregnant women should not eat The above are things that mothers absolutely need to avoid to not affect the health and safety of the fetus.

In addition, during the pregnancy, mothers should not forget the rule ‘eat cooked, drink boiled’. If vegetables and fruits are not prepared properly, the remaining amount of pesticides and bacteria can cause acute poisoning for the mother (manifested as fatigue, nausea, skin irritation…) and lead to danger. chance of fetal malformations.

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