9 “small but powerful” items you should always have in your travel suitcase

Headache medicine, stomachache medicine, cold medicine

Don’t think that bringing medicine for headaches, stomachaches or colds is redundant because if your health is not good, moving or changing your living environment will definitely make you susceptible to headaches or colds.

Don't forget to prepare medicine for self-defense!

Don’t forget to prepare medicine for self-defense!

In addition, the food in the place you are going to may not be to your taste, delicious and strange dishes are very attractive but also contain the risk of causing you a stomachache. This is when stomachache pills come into play.

Of course, the advice to bring medicine is not to wish you to get sick, but simply as a precaution. Or sometimes you do not get sick but others in the group do, you can still help them in time. Medicines do not take up much space in your suitcase, so remember to bring them!


Girls are usually very careful, even when they are not traveling, they still use sunscreen to protect their skin. This is very good and necessary. However, guys are often not like that, they think that tanned skin is okay, and even more manly.

This small tube of sunscreen can block more than 95% of UV rays that cause skin cancer!

This small tube of sunscreen can block more than 95% of UV rays that cause skin cancer!

However, guys should remember that sunscreen is not only effective in preventing “skin discoloration” but its main purpose is to block UV rays – the leading cause of skin cancer.

Bringing an extra bottle of sunscreen is also very light, so don’t be shy about not bringing it!


Sunglasses not only help you easily visit and travel in the summer but also are accessories that create extremely cool shots!

Sunglasses not only help you easily visit and travel in the summer but also are accessories that create extremely cool shots!

Summer travel will definitely be very sunny, so the accessory you should bring with you is none other than sunglasses. Sunglasses not only help you travel comfortably, sightsee but also make your shots much more beautiful and stylish!

Urgo Bandage

Urgo Bandages have many uses during your summer travel.

Urgo Bandages have many uses during your summer travel.

This is another “small but powerful” item that you should not forget when traveling. Not only does it have the effect of bandaging wounds, urgo bandages also have dozens of other uses in our lives. For example, if you wear a new pair of shoes, stick urgo behind the heel, it will help reduce foot pain.

Just put a few urgo bandages in your wallet, you will need them someday.


“I’m small but I’m strong”

Safety pins are very small items, but in case your shirt or pants button falls off and you don’t have a sewing needle, they will really be your “savior”. We can’t predict everything, so it’s better to have a careful backup plan.

Tissue paper, wet wipes

Tissues and wet wipes are also essential when traveling. You will see how useful they are when you are sweating profusely or when you have a snack on the road and have nothing to wipe it off. Each person only needs one pack of tissues and one pack of wet wipes, so remember to prepare and put them in your suitcase or backpack!

Power Bank

Don't forget to bring a spare charger for your phone and camera!

Don’t forget to bring a spare charger for your phone and camera!

Traveling now is not only about sightseeing, immersing yourself in nature but also an opportunity for people to check in and take photos as souvenirs. Meanwhile, cameras or mobile phones run out of battery very quickly. A spare charger will be the “life source” for your endless source of artistic inspiration!


Prepare some snacks such as snacks, bread rolls, sausages to eat when you are “hungry” because when traveling you will not always have food available, not to mention the tiring and tiring times of climbing mountains and wading streams.


A box of chewing gum will help keep your breath fresh. It also helps you stay hydrated during strenuous activity. Plus, chewing a piece of gum can help prevent motion sickness and relieve earaches when flying.

Here are 9 “small but powerful” items you need to bring in your suitcase when traveling this summer. If you have anything to add, please share with us!

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