9 ways to choose delicious, clean, red, sweet watermelon with thin skin and no injections

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Watermelon is one of the cool fruits with high nutritional value that is popular with consumers, especially on hot summer days. Please join Websosanh to learn about 9 ways to choose delicious, super standard watermelon below!

1. How to choose super delicious watermelon

1.1. The bottom has yellow spots, large and wide yellow spots

One of the tips for choosing a delicious watermelon is to choose fruit with yellow spots on the bottom, large yellow spots that are in contact with the ground a lot. If when examining the fruit, it is green and only slightly yellow, then the melon is still young. If the fruit has turned orange or creamy yellow, it will be a very delicious melon to choose.

1.2. There are many bee stings on the shell

Watermelon is one type Attractive, nutritious cooling fruit Therefore, you should choose carefully so that they bring the best value. The experience of choosing a good watermelon is to choose fruit with many bee stings on the skin. Many people often avoid fruits with bee stings for fear of rotten fruit. However, a melon with a bee sting on its skin is a delicious melon because this characteristic proves that The melon has been pollinated many times and very sweet.

Watermelon with yellow spots on the bottom is a delicious melon

Watermelon with yellow spots on the bottom is a delicious melon.

1.3. Distinguish between “male” melons and female melons

Choose watermelons from the Clean, safe, reputable fruit store is an important thing, however to choose a delicious watermelon, you need to try some of the following tips such as distinguishing melons based on “male” flowers and “female” flowers. Male melons are usually larger in size, oblong in shape, and have a lot of water, while female melons are characterized by a round shape and very sweet fruit, with a circle underneath the fruit. loud and clear.

1.4. Size of melon

Choosing the right size of melon is a tip for choosing a delicious watermelon that you should refer to. Choose medium-sized melons that can be picked up and seen. If you have a firm hand, the fruit will be sweet and succulent. When you gently tap the melon, if it makes a dull sound, it means the melon is ripe.

A watermelon of moderate size and firm in your hand will taste better

A watermelon of moderate size and firm in your hand will taste better.

1.5. Melon stem

Looking at the stem of the watermelon to predict whether the watermelon is delicious or not is also a way to choose a good watermelon. A ripe melon is when the stem dries to a dark brown color and twists like a pig’s tail. And vice versa, when the stem is still green, it means the melon is still green and not sweet.

1.6. Recognize by melon peel

Is kind Cheap and delicious foodwatermelon is increasingly popular with consumers thanks to its nutritional content. However, recognizing a delicious melon is extremely difficult, and recognizing a delicious melon through its rind is really a very interesting thing. The skin of sweet melons is usually round and shiny, and also has prominent black stripes. And a delicious melon is one that, after we gently press the shell, is still hard.

How to choose a delicious melon just by its peel?

How to choose a delicious melon just by its peel?

1.7. Bottom of watermelon

Another experience in choosing a delicious watermelon is to observe the bottom of the melon. If the bottom of the fruit is small and deeply concave, this is a sweet melon. On the contrary, if when you look at the bottom of the melon you see a big bottom or shallow dents that are not deep, then the melon is still green and not sweet.

1.8. Feel the sound

Feeling whether the melon is ripe or not by gently tapping it with your fingers is also a way to choose a delicious watermelon. If when you tap the melon the sound is dull, this will definitely be a good choice. The melon is delicious and sweet.

1.9. Volume of melon

Every time you choose a watermelon, try lifting the melon and estimate its weight. Any melon that is small but heavier than estimated is old, delicious and succulent. If the weight of the melon is lighter than estimated, the melon is still green and spongy and should not be purchased.

How to choose watermelon

How to choose watermelon.

2. How to preserve fresh watermelon

2.1. How to preserve raw watermelon

There are many methods used to Preserving fruits and vegetables at home is effective and commonly used. To preserve an uncut watermelon, first wash the watermelon. Then use a dry cloth to clean the melon. Continue to melt sticky wax onto the surface of the melon about 0.5cm to let the candle wax cool and harden. Then, store the melon in a box lined with newspaper. around and store in cool places, less exposed to sunlight.

2.2. Preserving chopped watermelon

After you have finished using the watermelon and you find that there is still leftover watermelon, what you should do is wash the remaining watermelon skin, then cut it into small pieces, put it in a plastic or glass box, then store it in the refrigerator. Modern technology refrigeratoradvanced, multi-functional of our family. However, the maximum storage time is only 2 to 3 days, otherwise the melon will be susceptible to the invasion of bacteria that are harmful to health.

Preserving chopped watermelon

Preserving chopped watermelon.

To choose the right watermelon, you need to have experience in choosing delicious watermelon. You should look to buy fresh, clean watermelons at reputable purchasing addresses, ensuring origin.

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