See beautiful photos of the 10 happiest countries in the world

The report is based on economic, social and psychological research by a group of independent experts. Here are the 10 happiest countries in the world.


Sweden is a beautiful country with snow-covered forests, magnificent castles…


It seems like it would take a lifetime to fully appreciate the beauty of Australia. Not to mention the Great Barrier Reef and many other beautiful places that you can’t find anywhere else in the world.

New Zealand

Since the release of the movie “Lord of the Rings”, people have known New Zealand – the land of wonders. Although the people of this island have to face terrible earthquakes every year, every time tourists come here, they are moved by the beauty and development of this country.


The Netherlands is the land of legendary windmills, adorable sheep, vast tulip fields, bicycles and a system of canals that run through the country.


If you take a boat trip around Canada, gliding through the beautiful rivers and bays, you will understand that nature has endowed this country with breathtakingly beautiful scenery. National parks, suspension bridges, bears, or Niagara Falls… – all will make you feel attracted and unable to take your eyes off.


Finland is a land of fairy tales, of cute characters like Santa Claus or Moomins. Not only that, the beautiful scenery in Finland seems to never be lacking. You will feel the happiness and peace when coming to this country.


Norway is a land of romantic fairy tales, of icy fjords… Not only that, this place is also the homeland of heroes that are remembered by the whole world. Vikings and Valkyries were both born in Norway – these two heroes sacrificed themselves and always yearned for dangerous but glorious adventures.


Iceland is such a beautiful country that you could easily shoot sci-fi movies without the need for computer graphics.


Switzerland is the most mountainous country in Europe, with beautiful scenery. In addition, Switzerland is also famous for Chocolate – something that can make people feel happier.


Gentle rivers, white sandy beaches, toy farms that resemble ancient castles – all this is found in Denmark, the happiest place in the world. – The first price comparison website in Vietnam

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