Can people with diabetes eat Vinamilk yogurt?

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Because you must eat carefully to avoid increasing blood sugar levels leading to dangerous complications, people with diabetes should also be careful when eating yogurt. If you are wondering whether you can eat Vinamilk yogurt with diabetes, this is a useful answer for you:

1. Benefits of yogurt for people with diabetes and diabetes

Yogurt is a dairy product that is rich in nutrients, calcium, and vitamin D for people, especially sick people. However, for diabetics, also known as diabetics, yogurt not only brings benefits but can also cause harm, making the condition more dangerous. Specifically as follows:

1.1 5 benefits of yogurt for people with diabetes

According to many scientific studies, yogurt is very good in nature and gives humans the following effects:

  • Provides large amounts of probiotics that regulate glucose metabolism and reduce the risk of diabetes while supporting good digestion.
  • If you use unsweetened yogurt, it will have little or no effect on the medical condition of people with diabetes or type 2 diabetes because it does not increase blood sugar indexes.
  • Probiotics in yogurt can overcome pancreatitis and help prevent and control diabetes.
  • Probiotic bacteria strains such as L acidophilus and B lactis in yogurt have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels, which is very good for diabetics.
  • Reducing stress and anti-oxidants help improve psychology and disease conditions in a more positive way.
Benefits of yogurt for people with diabetes and diabetes
Benefits of yogurt for people with diabetes and diabetes

1.2 Harmful effects of yogurt for people with diabetes

Although it has many benefits, if you eat sugary yogurt or eat too much, it will cause you to have a high blood sugar index, easily leading to unwanted complications of diabetes such as: high blood pressure, decreased vision, liver failure. , kidney disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetic retinopathy,…

2. Can people with diabetes eat Vinamilk yogurt?

Vinamilk is one of the major domestic milk brands in the country. Vinamilk’s milk products and dairy products, including Vinamilk yogurt, are very popular with Vietnamese consumers and choose to use for family members. So can people with diabetes eat Vinamilk yogurt?

The answer is HAVE. However, you should just use it Vinamilk sugar-free yogurts to avoid increasing the blood sugar index. Priority is best to choose yogurts of plant origin and organic, fat-free, and skimmed yogurts. Regardless of Vinamilk yogurt, you can use other brands of yogurt as long as you meet the above criteria.

Vinamilk Greek yogurt peach flavor 50% reduced fat
Vinamilk Greek yogurt peach flavor reduced fat by 50%.

3. Top 3 types of Vinamilk yogurt that diabetics can use

If you crave Vinamilk yogurt but don’t know which types of Vinamilk yogurt people with diabetes can use, here are a few useful suggestions for you to refer to:

  • Vinamilk yogurt without sugar
  • Vinamilk Greek Style peach yogurt, also known as Vinamilk Greek yogurt with peach flavor, has 50% reduced fat
  • Vinamilk Hero orange oat yogurt
Vinamilk Hero orange oat yogurt
Vinamilk Hero orange oat yogurt

Even though it is unsweetened yogurt, it still contains quite a high amount of fat and carbohydrates, so you should only use 1/3 – 1/2 box/day to reduce cravings. Perhaps this is the reason Vinamilk’s Hero orange oat yogurt dominates when the small box is only 60g instead of 100g.

Above are 3 types of Vinamilk yogurt that diabetics can use to supplement balanced nutrition for the body whenever cravings. However, you should only use it in sufficient quantity and not too often!

4. Instructions on how to choose appropriate yogurt for diabetics

There are many types of eating yogurt and drinking yogurt on the market, whether from Vinamilk or other brands. You just need to base on these criteria to choose the right yogurt:

  • The average carbohydrate content of around 15g – 18g is reasonable
  • Protein intake is 0.8g/kg/day. Too much protein is not good
  • The general calorie energy requirement for diabetic patients treated in the hospital is 25Kcal/kg/day.

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