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How many flavors does Strongbow fruit beer have and how much does it cost?

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In the beer, wine and beverage market today, there is another product with a very strange name: Strongbow fermented fruit. What exactly is this Strongbow fruit beer product line? Let’s learn more in detail in the following article.

Recommendation: Beer products are only for people over 18 years old.

1. Is Strongbow fruit beer delicious?

1.1 Strongbow is wine or beer

Nowadays, many people still mistakenly believe that Strongbow is beerbut actually this is a cider product line. So what is Strongbow cider? This is a drink originating from Europe, cider is known as an alcoholic drink fermented from apples. The difference between the cider line and Delicious and attractive alcoholic beverages under 15 degrees today Another difference is that the product has an extremely attractive flavor with natural intoxicants from fruits. Currently, users call Strongbow by many different names such as fermented fruit, fruit beer, or fruit wine…

Strongbow is a drink loved by many people
Strongbow is a drink loved by many people

1.2 Which country does Strongbow beer originate from?

Strongbow is a famous cider drink brand from England. Thanks to advanced production technology Strongbow product lines It retains the sweet taste of fruits and delicious yeast flavor, so it is loved and used by many users around the world.

1.3 How many degrees is Strongbow beer?

Although it has a sweet taste and is easy to drink, Strongbow is still essentially a fermented and alcoholic beverage. The alcohol concentration in Strongbow products ranges from 4.5% to 5%, this is a fairly light alcohol level so many users can use it. Other drinks such as beer have an alcohol content of 4.5 to 6%, wine has an alcohol content of 12.5 to 14.5%, 18 to 20% is the alcohol content of rice wine, 35 to 50% is the alcohol content of Vodka. . Therefore, Strongbow is the drink with the lowest alcohol content today.

Those with poor alcohol tolerance can drink 1 to 2 bottles of Strongbow fruit beer at parties or drinking occasions. Because most parties, parties, exchanges… mostly use alcoholic products. More specifically, this is an alcoholic drink that is completely suitable for women because it has a slightly sweet, fruity taste and is not too harsh like naturally fermented beers. So because women in the world can completely rest assured that they can drink this drink on such occasions without making everyone unhappy.

Strongbow helps make parties more attractive and interesting
Strongbow helps make parties more attractive and interesting

1.4 There are several flavors of Strongbow beer

Currently on the market, the Strongbow product line has many different flavors that you can try:

  • Strongbow Gold: This is the original Strongbow apple beer product line, imbued with the sweet and refreshing flavor of apple fruit.
  • Strongbow Honey: This product is the perfect combination of the original apple flavor combined with the sweet taste of honey to help stimulate the user’s taste buds.
  • Strongbow Elderflower: This type of Strongbow is a combination of fermented apples and European strawberry flower scent, creating a perfect sweet taste and attractive aroma. This is a product line loved by many women due to its extremely sweet taste and extremely attractive fragrance.
  • Strongbow Red Berries: maybe this is Strongbow beer product line with unique flavorsthe most complex of fermented apples with pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries. Thanks to such a diverse combination, this product creates many different sweet and fruity flavors, helping curious users guess what kind of fruit it is and stimulating users to use it more.
  • Strongbow Dark Fruit: This is the flavor that most women love the most and praise it as the most delicious. Strongbow Dark Fruit, also known as Strongbow blackberry, is made quite sophisticatedly and elaborately with fruits such as raspberries, gooseberries, pomegranates and red strawberries. Therefore, it has a special and quite strange flavor. Has a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma, delicious and easy to drink. But for men, many people share that they don’t like this flavor very much because it’s like drinking fruit juice, nothing special.

1.5 How much does Strongbow fruit beer cost?

Currently, a bottle of Strongbow costs quite cheap from only 16,000 VND or more for 1 bottle of 330ml and 18,500 VND For a 330ml can, this price is moderate and suitable for the majority of consumers today. This product should be chilled before use to ensure better taste.

Strongbow comes in many different flavors
Strongbow comes in many different flavors

Surely the above information has helped you better understand the famous Strongbow fruit beer on the market today. Besides that this is definitely the one Delicious drinks are chosen by many people This will help connect all members in fun parties at the company, family or anywhere.

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