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How much does Hanoi Bold beer cost?

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As a new product of Habeco, Hanoi Bold beer is receiving a lot of attention from consumers. If you do not know how much Hanoi Bold beer costs and where to buy it, this will be useful information for you. :

A few words about Hanoi Bold beer

  • First launched in the summer of 2019 with his brother Hanoi Light beerthe Hanoi Bold & Light beer pair is a beer aimed at young people with a taste for modern beer, promoting the spirit of civilized and responsible beer drinking.
  • Special point of Hanoi Bold & Light beer is inspired by the identity of Hanoi, the people of Hanoi, especially the strong emotions and passionate experiences of young people.
Hanoi Bold & Light Beer
Hanoi Bold & Light Beer
  • In this duo of Hanoi beers for young people, Hanoi Bold beer represents a nightlife Hanoi and Hanoi Light beer is the opposite. Therefore, this beer represents generosity with a bitter yet mellow, harmonious taste and attractive aroma.
  • Similar to other Hanoi beers, Hanoi Bold beer Made from natural ingredients such as barley malt, premium quality hops combined with advanced technology on a modern production line.
  • With an alcohol level of 4.7 – 4.9% vol and a unique, pure aroma, Hanoi Bold beer not only captivates men but can also “seduce” young girls who want to assert their equality. separate level.
  • Above all, Hanoi Bold beer is a gift from Habeco to customers who want to drink and enjoy high-quality beer, want to affirm their class, have bravery and aspirations to constantly reach out.

How much does Hanoi Bold beer cost?

In today’s market, Hanoi Bold beer price can 330ml Retail price is 13,000 VND/can Price of 24 cans of Hanoi Bold beer 330ml Selling for about 390,000 VND/barrel.

How much does Hanoi Bold beer cost?
How much does Hanoi Bold beer cost?

Where to buy Hanoi Bold beer?

To buy Hanoi Bold beer, you can go to major supermarkets nationwide or buy online at Shopee e-commerce channel.

*These are updated sales as of January 2021.

3 notes when using Hanoi Bold beer
3 notes when using Hanoi Bold beer

3 notes when using Hanoi Bold beer

To enjoy Hanoi Bold beer more deliciously and responsibly, you should pay attention to the following:

1. Hanoi Bold beer tastes better when drunk cold

The product is recommended to be chilled with ice at a temperature of 10 – 15 degrees Celsius before use. If the beer has not been chilled before, you can drink it with ice. Besides, you should enjoy beer in a large cup to help the beer lose heat quickly. In addition, dOnce opened, you should drink it all to avoid leaving Hanoi Bold beer too long as it will become bitter and harder to drink.

2. Do not share Hanoi Bold beer with alcohol

If you don’t want to get a headache or get drunk quickly, you need to remember that when drinking any type of alcohol, you should not drink beer together to avoid the majority of alcohol in alcohol being quickly absorbed, which will be very harmful to the stomach. Even though the alcohol content of Hanoi Bold beer is low, the water and carbon dioxide content is high, so the absorption is faster. Therefore, drinking alcohol at the same time will cause the amount of alcohol to penetrate the body faster, causing strong stimulation. This will affect the creation of digestive enzymes, reduce gastric juice, causing symptoms such as stomach spasms, gastritis, acute duodenal ulcer…

3. Only drink Hanoi Bold beer after eating something

Like other beers, you should not drink Hanoi Bold beer on an empty stomach because it will greatly affect the lining of the stomach and esophagus, which can easily cause damage to the stomach and esophagus due to alcohol. There is even vomiting and bleeding, leading to acute gastritis over time.

Besides, when drinking alcohol, alcohol will interfere with the liver’s sugar metabolism. While the liver is responsible for converting food into sugar for the body. This supply must be continuous, because otherwise the body will fall into a state of low blood sugar.

Therefore, before drinking alcohol, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates to regulate blood sugar, and also quickly reduce the absorption of alcohol and the stimulation of alcohol into the stomach.

In addition, when drinking Hanoi Bold beer, you should also enjoy it responsibly:

  • If you have to participate in traffic and drive directly, you should not drink beer. If you drink beer, don’t drive.
  • The product is only for people 18 years of age and older and is not intended for pregnant or lactating women.

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