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Making your own Tet candy at home is not difficult with the following 4 tips

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In this article, will share with you 4 tips for making your own Tet candies at home with candies that are both delicious, easy to make, and in line with the 2024 Lunar New Year trend. Let’s follow along and shake hands. Get to work now!

1. Clearly identify the type of candy when making Tet candy at home

Making Tet candies Working at home is a meaningful job. It not only gives you sublime emotions when baking. But at the same time, we put all our thoughts, feelings, and love into each cake and candy made to give to relatives and friends. On Tet day, inviting each other to a piece of handmade Tet candy is just an excuse to start a more exciting conversation, while also leaving compliments and laughter to make the first day of the new year more fun and full of happiness. .

Although I think so, making some Tet candies that are both delicious and “satisfy” the taste of most people is not an easy task. Therefore, you need to clearly determine the types of Tet candies you will make before starting to avoid “wasting effort in vain”.

Accordingly, during Tet, popular candies to invite guests include: butter cookies, sesame cookies, sponge cakes, chocolate-covered wafers, hard candies, fruit-flavored soft candies, marshmallows, and candies. chocolate,… Those are the most common types you can think of and learn how to make yourself.

According to the 2024 Tet candy trend, people still prefer low-sugar, low-fat, low-calorie candies because they are afraid of getting fat and more worried about their health. The dragon-shaped candy image in yellow, blue, and red colors will be very suitable for the year of the Dragon 2024. If combined with making your own candy trays with environmentally friendly cardboard, it would be great! You will become the brightest face this year!

2. Plan to prepare ingredients before making Tet candies

After the clearly defined step, make Tet candy anything, you need to plan to prepare the ingredients to try it first and learn from experience in the next batches. For example: This year’s Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024 you plan to make 2 cakes and 1 candy to treat guests. In particular, the 2 cakes you want to make are sesame cookies and chocolate covered wafers and the candy you want to make is the hot dragon beard candy. You will need to prepare the ingredients for 3 dishes as follows:

Clearly identify the type of candy when making your own Tet candy at home
Sesame cookies, chocolate-covered dragon-shaped wafers, and dragon beard candy are 3 types of candies that guides you to make yourself in this article (Photo: Anhtp).

2.1. Ingredients for making sesame cookies

  • 10g black sesame/white sesame, if you want to make sesame coconut cookies, you can prepare additional dried coconut or shredded fresh coconut to increase the aroma of your cake.
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 100g all-purpose flour
  • 15g cornstarch
  • 50g sugar
  • 100ml fresh milk or coconut water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • If you want the cake to swell and expand, you can add 3/4 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • To add more flavor to this Tet cake, you can add vanilla, fruit jam, or syrup if available. You can try making many different variations of cookies at the same time to have a diverse and eye-catching experience, satisfying the diverse tastes of each enjoyer.

2.2. Ingredients for making dragon-shaped sponge cake covered with chocolate

Cake part:

  • 225g unsalted butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 225g sugar
  • 225g baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon liquid vanilla
  • 15ml fresh milk

Chocolate coating:

  • 150g chocolate (you can replace it with cocoa powder mixed with water and fresh cream for coating).
  • 10g gelatine powder to create a glossy, mirror effect and create flexibility for the cake.

2.3. Ingredients for making dragon beard candy

  • 500g cornstarch
  • 50g corn syrup
  • 5g lemon juice
  • 200g sugar
  • 100g peanuts

3. Record the steps to make Tet candies and get started

Regardless of whether you read information, recipes or watch live videos, it’s easy to forget. Instead, using a pen and mini notepad you can quickly jot down the steps. make Tet candy These 3 dishes are both delicious and easy to make correctly so you can start making them right away. Besides, you also need to pay attention to weighing and measuring the ratio of ingredients to be very accurate. Here are instructions on how to make the above 3 types of candies for your reference:

3.1. How to make sesame cookies

  • Step 1: Put 2 egg yolks in a bowl and mix well with 50g sugar and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Then add fresh milk/coconut water and add melted unsalted butter and mix together.
  • Step 2: Add 100g of all-purpose flour, sift it first to make the dough smooth and the surface of the cake more beautiful. Add 10g of black sesame into the bowl and mix well. If you like to eat a lot of sesame, you can add 10-60g.
  • Step 3: Pour into cake mold. With regular sesame cookies, there are two types of coin cookies (solid round shape) and round cookies, hollow round shape. But if you are determined to make a dragon-shaped cake, you need to prepare a dragon-shaped mold to shape the cake before baking! On the market today there are dragon head molds and flying dragon molds. Choose a heat-resistant mold material if you want to put it in the oven directly. Or you need to freeze the cake in shape before molding it and baking it.
  • Step 4: Preheat the oven for 10 minutes, then put the cake in and bake at 170 degrees for 20 minutes to get the finished product.
  • Step 5: You can decorate your sesame cookie with a little syrup to make it beautiful and add flavor if you want.
Making Tet candies: How to make sesame cookies
Make your own Tet candy: How to make sesame cookies (Source: Youtube, photo: Anhtp).

3.2. How to make chocolate covered dragon sponge cake

How to make sponge cake:

  • Step 1: Beat butter and sugar together until smooth, then add eggs, water, vanilla, and baking powder and beat for 15 minutes. Then add 15ml of fresh milk and mix together.
  • Step 2: Pour the mixture into the dragon-shaped mold before baking if you want to make many small cakes. In case you want to make a large dragon-shaped cake, put all the mixture in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees F. When the cake is golden, take it out and let it cool, cut and shape before covering with chocolate. Also at this stage, if you are not sure if it is a dragon shape or something, you can iron the cake into small rectangular or square bite-sized pieces and then cover it with chocolate.

How to make mirror chocolate coating:

  • Step 1: Add 10ml of filtered water to gelatine powder to soak for 10 minutes.
  • Step 2: Put the chocolate in the microwave and heat for 30 seconds, then take it out and stir well. Repeat step 1 continuously until the chocolate is completely melted. Then put the gelatine powder on the stove, heat it up, mix well, then set aside to cool.

How to cover sponge cake with chocolate:

  • Use chopsticks or a spoon to take each piece of sponge cake and dip it into the bowl of chocolate until both sides are even, then put it on a paper cake lining. In case of making a large dragon-shaped cake, you can just spread chocolate on it to make it full and decorate it.
  • After coating, put it in the refrigerator to let the chocolate solidify before putting it out to decorate. With a large cake and a large amount of chocolate covering, you may have to leave it overnight for the chocolate to gather.
Making Tet candies: How to make chocolate-covered dragon-shaped sponge cakes
Making Tet candies: How to make chocolate-covered dragon-shaped sponge cakes (Source: Jonhny Ta, photo: Anhtp).

3.3. How to make dragon beard candy

  • Step 1: Roast the peanuts, separate the shells, and pound them finely.
  • Step 2: Add filtered water, granulated sugar, corn syrup, and lemon juice to the pan, stir well, then cook over low heat on the stove for about 15 minutes. When the mixture boils and blends together, it’s done. Then, pour it onto a plate and let it cool for 5 minutes until you have candy.
  • Step 3: Place another pan, pour in cornstarch and stir-fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, then spread evenly on a tray to cool.
  • Step 4: Spin the thread: Take the glued candy mixture and put it in a tray of stir-fried cornstarch to cool and then start spinning the thread. Just pull it into a large round shape, then fold it in half and continue pulling in the cornstarch to separate the fibers. When pulled many times, the thread will separate more until it is as thin as a dragon’s whiskers, then stop and go to step 5.
  • Step 5: Cut the dragon’s beard into bite-sized pieces, then add some peanuts and roll them into the shape you like, then put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to enjoy.
How to make dragon beard candy
Make your own Tet candy: How to make hot dragon beard candy for Tet 2024 (Source: Zing, photo: Anhtp).

4. Ask relatives to try it and evaluate the quality

After you have the finished product, you should be the first person to try it yourself to evaluate the quality make Tet candy Has your project succeeded as expected? Next, invite at least 3-4 people to try it and give them an objective assessment to see if it’s delicious or not, if it needs more sugar, more butter, more chocolate or less ingredients to make it more perfect. Remember to record the entire process, these small diary entries will help you make Tet candies faster and more delicious in the next batches!

Above are 4 tips to refer to when self-studying make Tet candy at home to reduce failure rate, increase success rate and especially produce impressive finished products. believes that with the above useful sharing, the 2024 Dragon Year handmade style for you and your family will be very interesting and have many memorable memories! Wishing you success and a Tet full of love!

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