Mooncakes: a favorite dish but ‘be careful’ with calories!

Mooncakes are an indispensable dish every Mid-Autumn Festival. Have you ever wondered how many calories a small mooncake contains? Does eating a lot of mooncakes make you gain weight? To answer these questions, we will find out in the article below.

1. Calories in a moon cake

In today’s market, moon cake There are many designs and flavors for you to choose from. However, based on the method of making and ingredients, moon cakes are often divided into two basic types: mooncakes and mooncakesThe calorie content of each moon cake also depends on the type of cake, the size of the cake and the ingredients in the filling.

According to information from famous moon cake manufacturing brands, a Moon cakes contain from 450 kcal to 850 kcaldepending on the type of cake and ingredients used. Therefore, before deciding how many moon cakes you should eat, check the calorie content of each type of cake to maintain a reasonable weight.

We have listed some specific types of cakes along with their functions. Estimated calories for a mooncakeYou can refer to it in advance to feel more secure when using:

1.1. Calorie content in a green bean cake

Calories in a green bean cake
Calories in a green bean cake

Baked moon cake with green bean filling has quite simple ingredients, including mung beans, sugar, flour, butter or cooking oil. An average mung bean moon cake, weighing about 150 – 176 grams, usually has a calorie content of 550 kcal – 650 kcal. These calories mainly come from basic ingredients such as flour, sugar, especially mung beans. Although mung beans are a type of seed that provides a large source of protein and natural fiber, it also contains a little fat and sugar.

For Kinh Do mooncakes baked with green bean fillingthe calorie content is about 650 kcal/175 grams of cake. For Bao Ngoc mooncake baked with green bean fillingcalorie content falls between 579 – 657 kcal.

1.2. Calorie content in a mixed-filling mooncake

Calories in a mixed filling mooncake
Calories in a mixed filling mooncake

Mixed mooncakes is a type of cake with complex composition with many different ingredients. In a cake weighing about 170 – 200 grams, there are ingredients such as flour, sugar, nuts (such as cashews, pumpkin seeds), jams (such as pumpkin jam and lotus jam), spices to enhance the aroma, lard, sausage. Just hearing this, we can see that the amount of calories in this type of cake is quite high.

According to nutritionists, a 175 gram mixed moon cake provides 500 to 800 kcal for the body. Specifically, Kinh Do mooncakes with mixed fillings (cake) weighing about 176 grams contains about 706 kcal. Also Maison mooncakes with mixed fillings contains 585 kcal/120 grams.

1.3. Calorie content in a moon cake with taro filling

Calories in a mooncake with taro filling
Calories in a mooncake with taro filling

Taro Mooncake has a high calorie content, estimated at 600 – 700 kcal, higher than traditional green bean mooncakes. If you eat a mooncake with this flavor, you will have to run for more than 1 hour, equivalent to drinking a cup of L-size milk tea.

However, the calorie content can increase if you use other ingredients such as sugar, cooking oil, salted eggs, nuts, etc.

1.4. Calorie content in a moon cake with lotus seed and salted egg yolk

Calories in a moon cake with lotus seed and salted egg yolk
Calories in a moon cake with lotus seed and salted egg yolk

Mooncake with lotus seed and salted egg yolk filling famous for its delicious taste. The main ingredients of mooncakes with lotus seeds and salted eggs include flour, sugar, lotus seeds and salted eggs. However, this type of cake provides a large source of energy with a significant calorie content, ranging from 750 to 890 kcal.

If you eat a 170 gram lotus seed and salted egg mooncake, you will have to exercise for at least 1.5 hours to burn off all the energy. Normally, a mooncake Maison lotus seed salted egg mooncake Small size (25 grams) contains about 105 kcal.

2. Moon cakes contain a lot of calories, so be careful when eating them.

With such a high calorie content, should we eat moon cakes? This is quite an interesting question as moon cakes are a traditional dish with long-standing cultural value.

First of all, we need to remember that everything has its good side if we know how to balance and control. Mooncakes are not an everyday food that we can eat at any time. Instead, they are only popular on special occasions such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, when people gather with family and friends to chat and gossip.

If you are interested in losing weight or maintaining your figure, you can control your calorie intake by dividing the cake into smaller portions to reduce the calories per meal. In addition, you can choose diet moon cake low sugar, low fat to reduce sugar and fat intake.

If you love mooncakes and find them to bring joy and happiness on special occasions, then enjoying one in moderation is perfectly acceptable.

How to enjoy moon cakes without getting fat
How to enjoy moon cakes without getting fat

3. How to enjoy moon cakes without getting fat

Here are some tips to help you enjoy your meal with peace of mind. moon cake without gaining weight:

– Avoid eating mooncakes when hungry: If you eat mooncakes when hungry, your stomach will absorb nutrients faster and increase the possibility of calorie accumulation. Therefore, try to eat after the main meal to control the amount of cake you consume.

– Divide the cake into small pieces: Cut the cake into small pieces and enjoy each piece. This method helps control the amount of calories you take in and prevents you from overeating.

– Avoid eating after stress or fatigue: Many people have the habit of eating sweets when their body is stressed or tired. But limit this. Eating mooncakes or sweets at this time will reduce the amount of vitamin B that converts sugar into energy.

– Avoid eating moon cakes late at night: Evening is the time when the digestive system rests, eating moon cakes at this time can accumulate excess calories and cause weight gain.

– Combined with green tea: We are often advised to drink green tea with moon cakes because green tea can remove toxins and excess energy from the body.

– Choose natural and low-calorie ingredients: You can homemade moon cake at home using natural and low calorie ingredients like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, almonds, walnuts, red beans and many more.

– Calorie Counting: Check the nutritional information on the cake packaging and calculate the calories you take in. Based on your daily physical activities and body condition, you can determine the appropriate amount of cake to eat each time.

Moon cakes are an indispensable dish every autumn. However, this type of cake has a high calorie content. Therefore, you should enjoy it in moderation to avoid gaining weight and excess energy.

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