No anti-hair loss shampoo can save you when you keep making “chronic” mistakes like this

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There are many mistakes that prevent hair from becoming beautiful, even if you have invested in anti-hair loss shampoo without success. Check to see if you made any mistakes.

No matter how good you buy anti-hair loss shampoo, making this mistake is still “harmless”.

Washing your hair is something everyone does regularly, but the number of people who wash their hair correctly doesn’t seem to be many. I have invested in so many anti-hair loss shampoos but for some reason my hair is still thin and falls out every time I wash it. There’s nothing more painful than wasting money for nothing. I thought it was because the shampoo was bad, but it turned out it was myself. Taking too much care of your hair is not good, nor should you neglect your hair. So what to do?

Wash your hair every day with anti-hair loss shampoo

Mistake when washing hair

Seeing that the shampoo integrates hair care ingredients to help hair grow faster, I diligently wash it every day. This approach turned out to be a really wrong move. Washing your hair every day seems harmless, but it turns out it’s extremely harmful. Washing too much will cause your hair to lose its natural oils, causing dryness and frizz soon. Hair at this time is weak and falls out quickly. In particular, if you rub too much shampoo in, your hair will be over-cleaned. Depending on your hair condition and oil secretion, wash it every 1-2 days. It’s okay to wash your hair less when you’re at home.

Blow-dry your hair at high heat

Obviously, if you want to dry your hair quickly, you should choose the maximum setting that is strong and hot. But if you want your hair to be beautiful, shiny, and reduce hair loss, remember not to dry at high temperatures, and also don’t bring the dryer too close to your hair. You should dry from top down, away from your hair and choose a cool setting so that your hair retains moisture and reduces breakage. This mistake is extremely common among women. Basically, if you continue to blow dry this way, your hair will fall out for a long time.

Mistake when washing hair

Brush while your hair is still wet

Just after shampooing, don’t wipe the towel too hard, just blot lightly and don’t be foolish enough to comb your hair. My hair is soft and weak because it has just been treated with anti-hair loss shampoo. Now that I comb my hair, it becomes more broken and sparser. You should use a towel around your head to reduce the water in your hair. Let your hair dry until it’s only slightly damp before styling.

Use anti-hair loss shampoo but subjectively let your hair “expose” to the sun

Many people are extremely subjective, thinking that it’s okay if their hair is exposed to the sun. However, hair as well as skin must still be protected from the sun and not exposed to direct sunlight. Being too carefree causes your hair to break, become dry and change color. Direct exposure to UV rays like that is also harmful to the scalp and health.

Mistake when washing hair

Choosing the wrong anti-hair loss shampoo

You spend money investing in oil to prevent hair loss, it is very expensive and recommended by many people. However, you have to look at the ingredients and importantly whether it is suitable for you. Many girls stubbornly use it many times without any improvement in their hair but still refuse to change to a new type. The advice at this time is to research your scalp condition, try it first and change if it doesn’t suit you.

Always keep your spirit, take care of your hair like you take care of your skin

Washing properly must be done properly. Remember the steps of wetting, applying oil, massaging, rinsing and rinsing, but your hair is not beautiful, frayed and broken all the time? It is because of the mistakes above. Of course, knowing the anti-hair loss shampoos is a lifesaver for yourself. But still pay attention to habits and the “human angle”, otherwise investing in good oil will be useless. In general, never rush or wash your hair quickly. Hair also needs your time and patience to look beautiful.

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