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Oats and their wonderful health benefits

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In addition to rice and wheat, oatmeal is a grain with high nutritional value and is often used to prepare many delicious dishes and drinks in families. In particular, this is also a food that has many health benefits.

In addition to rice and wheat, oatmeal is a grain with high nutritional value and is often used to prepare many delicious dishes and drinks. Oatmeal is popular among families. In particular, this is also a food that has many health benefits.

Oatmeal porridge

Oat milk (Source: Internet)

Protect your heart

This is the assertion of scientists at the University of Kentucky (USA). Accordingly, oats have properties that help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Specifically, oats help reduce bad LDL cholesterol (cholesterol is considered harmful to the heart) but do not harm good HDL cholesterol. Using oats every day can reduce the risk of heart attack, diabetes and obesity, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent osteoporosis, cancer, obesity…

Oats protect the heart

Oats help protect the heart (Source: Internet)

Improves skin with psoriasis or eczema

The avenanthramide in pure oatmeal is a natural anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent, used to treat itching and dry skin. You can add oatmeal to bath water (warm water) or use lotion containing oat extract to apply to your skin.

Whole grain oats

Oats (Source: Internet)

Provides fiber for the body

Studies show that oat bran, the fiber-rich outer layer of the grain, can help relieve constipation in older adults. One trial showed that 30 elderly patients ate soup or dessert containing oat bran daily for 12 weeks with positive effects. Furthermore, after 3 months of the study, 59% of patients were able to stop using laxatives, while overall laxative use increased by 8% in the control group.

Oatmeal porridge

Oat cereal (Source: Internet)

Helps lose weight effectively

If you are in the process of losing weight, oatmeal is an ideal food. Oatmeal has a low calorie content, lower than rice, wheat, potatoes or cassava, while its high nutrient content means oatmeal does not accumulate fat, creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, and curbs cravings. At the same time, oatmeal will help burn excess fat to firm the body. This is also a food containing beta-glucan in oatmeal that can increase the feeling of fullness and help you lose weight effectively.

Oats help lose weight

Oats help lose weight (Source: Internet)

Increase muscle mobility

British scientists have shown that you should eat foods made from oats 3 hours before work, especially jobs that require a lot of exercise. Oats will help the body burn excess fat quickly and provide thorough energy for muscles. Therefore, you can use oats to increase your body’s activity before sports activities.

fruit oatmeal

Oat milk and fruit (Source: Internet)

In addition to its health benefits, oats also have many beauty benefits such as: removing acne, good for dry skin, exfoliating dead skin cells… That’s why you can use oats to prepare dishes. Different foods such as: red bean and oatmeal porridge, egg and vegetable porridge, grinding flour to make bread, pies…

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