5 signs that you are a deep thinker

For a person with a deep thinker, this world is a place filled with color. [...]

Night Comes, It’s My Time??

Has anyone told you that the sun goes down and the moon rises when the [...]

How long will you persevere for an emotional episode?

Love is difficult to talk about, emotions are difficult to explain, clearly who we love, [...]

Journey on buses

I don’t know why I used to have strange feelings when riding a bus (but [...]

Heaven has eyes

Everyone who hears this sentence will probably immediately know what issue I want to write [...]

Is Tet “Bland” or are we grown up?

Tet – a traditional Vietnamese holiday has become an indispensable part of our lives. But [...]

6 habits that ruin our lives

Lazy Laziness is one of the biggest obstacles to personal growth. When we procrastinate doing [...]

Top 5 zodiac animals with the best love luck in March

When the warm weather of spring begins to spread everywhere, the doors of love in [...]

What do moles on a woman’s mouth mean? It turns out they reveal a lot about personality and destiny

In the art of physiognomy, moles are not only small marks on the skin, but [...]