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Review: Is Wakodo Japanese fruit juice good? 3 reasons to buy for your baby

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Bottled water is often very toxic, causing many people to worry whether Japanese wakodo fruit juice is good enough. To know the quality of this juice loved by children, let’s learn about the product.

1. Which country produces Wakodo juice?

Wakodo is a famous brand specializing in trading and manufacturing foods in Japan, with more than 100 years of establishment and development, this is considered the leading prestigious brand in Japan. Wakodo specializes in the production of health supplements, always ensuring food safety and quality such as: Wakodo baby food powder, Baby powdered milk is rich in nutrients to help comprehensive developmentfruit juice, functional foods to care for your baby’s beauty and health,… Wakodo has a scale of operations not only within Japan but also throughout the world. This is a familiar brand to Asian consumers.

The brightest point of the Japanese brand is that in addition to providing babies with nutritional supplements such as weaning powder, powdered milk, Wakodo nutritional drink for children,… then each Wakodo product also contributes to comprehensive physical and intellectual development.

Is Wakodo fruit juice good for babies?

Is Wakodo fruit juice good for babies? (Source:

2. Main ingredients and characteristics of Wakodo juice

In addition to products such as Quality nutritious weaning powder with many flavors to help your baby avoid boredom or powdered milk, Wakodo also provides fruit juice products. So what’s special about Wakodo juice? Let’s learn about the product before deciding to let your baby use it!

While other bottled water products often contain many additives, flavorings or preservatives, Wakodo fruit juice does not contain any toxic substances.

The product is extracted from 100% natural fruits, grown using biotechnology on Japanese farms, so input quality is always guaranteed.

Each Wakodo juice product provides children with abundant nutrition and energy thanks to its high content of important minerals such as zinc, iron, phosphorus,… and vitamin C. In addition, in fruit juice Wakodo is also supplemented with dextrin molecules that can hydrolyze starch, helping babies absorb quickly and digest well.

Besides, Wakodo fruit juice also contributes to strengthening the immune system, preventing constipation and purifying the body, eliminating toxins, helping to cool the liver and increase resistance very well.

Besides finding more How to mash fruit for baby to eatmothers can also choose Wakodo fruit juice which has many good uses that mothers should choose for their babies to use. Water has 4 main flavors: apple, orange, peach, pineapple, each flavor has its own characteristics, mothers can freely choose the type of water their baby likes. Both nutritious and delicious, this fruit juice is very popular with children.

Wakodo fruit juice is very delicious and nutritious

Wakodo fruit juice is very delicious and nutritious (Source:

3. Instructions for using Wakodo juice

Surely mothers already know how good and safe Wakodo juice is. The next thing that mothers need to keep in mind when choosing to use for children is to use the right object and use it properly. When ensuring the above two factors, you can be completely assured about the effect the product brings to your baby.

3.1. Subjects of use

Many mothers wonder what age this product is suitable for children? Can adults use it or is it just for children? Wakodo fruit juice is a product produced for young children, the content of substances, uses and properties are all aimed at health care, nutritional supplementation, for comprehensive development of children. Mothers can use Wakodo juice for children over 6 months old. At this stage, the child’s digestive system is working more effectively, the body has also gradually adapted to drinks and above all, this is the stage when the child’s digestive system is working more effectively. Children need to be supplemented with nutrients found in Wakodo juice.

3.2. How to use

Using Wakodo fruit juice for babies is very simple, in just a few minutes mothers can make a bottle of nutritious fruit juice for their baby.

  • Before mixing Wakodo juice, mothers need to clean the cup and container to ensure hygiene and safety for the baby.
  • Use boiled water cooled to about 60 degrees to make water for your baby. Dilute with water to help your baby absorb it more easily. Stir gently until the mixture dissolves evenly and then give it to your baby to use.
  • Babies at the stage of learning to eat need to let them get used to water by trying to give them 1 to 2 small spoons first, then gradually increasing it gradually so that the baby gets used to it.
  • The best time to supplement water and nutrients for your baby is after your baby has just bathed or exercised, when he or she will feel thirsty and crave water.
  • A small note, do not keep any leftover water your baby drinks and pour it in immediately after each mixing to ensure the baby’s safety. In addition, only give your baby a drink mixed with water and should not be used with foods such as eggs, peanuts, or flour.

Wakodo fruit juice is very convenient to use.

Wakodo fruit juice is very convenient to use. (Source:

With the above sharing, surely mothers already understand the ingredients, uses and how to use Wakodo fruit juice, right? With a safe, delicious and nutritious product like Wakodo juice, there is no reason why mothers should not choose it for their babies to use. Besides, to change their child’s taste, parents can use different fruit flavors or choose to buy fragrant and nutritious fruit juices. Moreover, mothers can also proactively make it at home with fresh fruits to feed their babies with mashed fruit, ensuring that through 20 ways to prepare mashed fruit for weaning babies, they will absorb vitamins well. okay!

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