Review of TH True Milk unsweetened milk and notes when using it

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TH True Milk unsweetened milk is familiar to many Vietnamese families thanks to its ability to provide good nutrition for the body. Don’t miss the following article with detailed information about this type of milk as well as notes during use.

1. Origin of TH True Milk without sugar

TH True Milk is sugar-free produced by TH Dairy Food Joint Stock Company and established in 2009. TH is the implication for the message “clean milk”, the brand wants to bring consumers clean, quality milk products. safe and good for health. After many years of operation and development, the brand has continuously launched new products, welcomed by consumers, including TH True Milk’s unsweetened milk.

2. Nutritional ingredients in TH True Milk unsweetened milk

TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk is an excellent source of nutrition for consumers’ health. TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk provides 4.2g Carbohydrates, 2.3g fat and 3g Protein, helping to provide energy for the body and maintain nutritional balance.

In addition, TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk also contains many other valuable nutrients such as: Calcium – an important ingredient, very good for the health of teeth and bones and joints; Vitamin D3 contained in the product helps enhance calcium absorption, supports height development and maintains bone health. In addition, milk also provides Vitamin A along with silver minerals, which help strengthen the immune system and support the development of vision.

It can be said that TH True Milk fresh milk without sugar is a perfect choice to ensure adequate nutrition for the body and health of yourself and your family.

Answers to frequently asked questions about TH True Milk unsweetened milk
TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk provides necessary nutrition for the body

3. Calories of unsweetened TH True Milk milk

Because this is unsweetened fresh milk, the calorie content is mostly very low compared to sweetened milk. With unsweetened TH True Milk sterilized milk, about 100ml of milk will contain 50 calories. Besides, the fat content is only modest, about 3.3g for 100ml of milk.

4. Drink sugar-free TH True Milk without worrying about gaining weight

If you use approx 3 boxes TH True Milk unsweetened milk everydaythe amount of calories you take into your body will be about 396 calories. This calorie index is only higher than a snack and almost equal to a main meal. Therefore, your use of unsweetened fresh milk should be in moderation. Does not cause weight gain.

In addition, TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk also contains Linoleic Acid and Calcium, which can support the fat loss process and limit fat absorption. Therefore, consuming TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk will not cause weight gain, but it is important that you maintain a balanced diet and regularly exercise.

5. Benefits of drinking unsweetened TH True Milk milk

TH True Milk is sugar-free is rich in calcium and vitamin D, so it will provide nutrients to help strengthen bones, teeth and hair, reducing breakage. Use by elderly people can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis. For children, TH True Milk sterilized fresh milk without sugar will support height growth and reduce the risk of tooth decay or gum disease.

Phosphorus in unsweetened fresh milk stimulates metabolic organs to work more effectively. From there, the body fully absorbs nutrients from the food consumed. Besides, tryptophan and amino acid components help support symptoms of difficulty sleeping and insomnia, giving you a good night’s sleep.

Sugar-free TH True Milk reduces the risk of osteoporosis for the elderly
TH True Milk fresh milk without sugar will help reduce the risk of osteoporosis without increasing blood sugar levels for the elderly

6. Price of TH True Milk unsweetened milk

Currently, TH True Milk’s unsweetened milk is packaged in many different forms such as paper bags or paper boxes with different capacities and specific prices such as:

  • TH True Milk sterilized fresh milk bag without sugar 220ml: 8,500 VND/bag.
  • TH True Milk sterilized fresh milk without sugar 1 liter: 37,000 VND/box.
  • Lot of 4 boxes of TH True Milk sterilized fresh milk without sugar: 36,000 VND/lot.

7. Notes when drinking unsweetened TH True Milk milk

  • You should not drink milk on an empty stomach because when the calcium in milk combines with stomach acid, it will cause bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Babies under 12 months should not drink it because their digestive system is not yet developed and it is difficult to absorb.
  • The appropriate time to drink milk is after breakfast, two hours after lunch and about 30 minutes before going to bed.
  • Limit the use of unsweetened TH True Milk fresh milk at the same time as dishes containing a lot of Protein such as meat, fish, etc. because this combination can cause an overload of Protein consumed in the body.
  • For those who are facing stomach-related problems, milk should be avoided. Because when drinking milk, the stomach can contract, causing indigestion, bloating and nausea. Using unsweetened fresh milk in this condition can make the situation worse.
  • Boiling milk when drinking can lead to loss of nutrients due to chemical changes. Therefore, you should limit boiling the product before use. If you want warm milk, soak the product in hot water for about 3 – 5 minutes.
Some things to pay attention to when drinking unsweetened TH True Milk milk
Users need to pay attention to some important notes when using TH True Milk unsweetened sterilized fresh milk

Above is detailed information about TH True Milk unsweetened milk as well as notes when using this type of milk. Hopefully the above useful sharing can answer common questions about TH True Milk unsweetened fresh milk before making a decision to consider purchasing.

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