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Should we eat fermented foods regularly?

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Let’s look at 5 reasons that prove fermented foods bring many benefits to human health.

According to naturalnews, some fermented foods are very good for health such as yogurt, sauerkraut… Let’s look at 5 reasons that prove fermented foods bring many benefits to human health.

Many beneficial bacteria

Good bacteria are absolutely essential for proper body function, digestion and immunity, so choose foods containing probiotics every day for optimal health.

Although many probiotic supplements contain 50 billion beneficial bacteria, recent research shows that a 1-1.5 gram serving of sauerkraut contains up to 10,000 billion good bacteria!

Many live enzymes

When you eat unpasteurized fermented foods, you ingest loads of live enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This helps ease the load on the pancreas and other digestive organs, and provides much needed raw materials for the hundreds of enzymatic processes in parts of the body that keep us active and healthy.

Rich in biological nutrients

Fermented foods are pre-digested foods, so they are very good for the body’s digestive process by bringing nutrients into the body, and avoiding toxins from entering the body.

Sauerkraut is rich in vitamins B1, B6, B9, C, K, and manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron which are very good for the body.

Better digestion

Thanks to containing beneficial bacteria and enzymes as well as containing nutrients and being easy to digest, eating 1-2 grams of fermented foods every day will help the body a lot. However, at first, you may experience bloating due to the death of harmful bacteria, overcrowding of good bacteria and the destruction of disease-causing yeast and other dangerous bacteria. However, these symptoms will begin to gradually decrease and disappear after the body adapts.

Eating fermented foods helps improve many conditions including: digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, reducing chronic fatigue, alleviating allergies, relieving constipation, eliminating problematic bacteria and parasites , improve skin condition, improve liver function.

Improve immune system

About 80% of the immune system is located in the intestinal tract, so improved digestion will directly and positively affect your immune system. The immune system is key to how your body feels, and its ability to flush toxins from your body can facilitate disease management.

The secret to choosing the best fermented foods is to find raw, unpasteurized products that do not contain any other harmful ingredients such as white vinegar, sugar, and altered dairy ingredients.

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