Summer foods you should feed your baby

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To improve anorexia and help your baby digest well, don’t miss out on some of the summer foods your baby should eat below.

Summer foods you should feed your baby

A safe and nutritious menu for your baby seems simple, but if you don’t research and balance it scientifically but just follow your feelings, it will be very dangerous for your baby’s development.

The following foods are abundant in the summer. Feeding your baby seasonal foods will limit pesticide residues, making them safe for your baby. In the summer, babies move a lot, sweat, and lose nutrients, weakening their immune system. Therefore, you must know how to choose foods for your baby to increase their resistance and limit illness in the summer.

1. Foods that keep babies hydrated Children are often very active. Playing and frolicking makes the baby’s body lose a significant amount of water through sweat, especially in the summer. Not only that, most babies are busy playing and lazy to drink water, so mothers need to pay attention to this to add water-retaining foods to their baby’s menu. Foods that retain water, are cool and rich in vitamin C such as: orange juice, guava, tomato, kiwi, grapefruit… mothers should not ignore. In addition, to prevent the baby from having dry skin and dehydration, and avoid constipation, mothers also need to supplement vitamin A from fruits and tubers: papaya, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin…

2. Appetite stimulating foods Maybe mothers do not know, cool vegetables and rich in vitamins such as Malabar spinach, amaranth… have the effect of stimulating the baby’s appetite. In addition, zinc also has the effect of stimulating the baby’s appetite. Some summer foods containing zinc that mothers should supplement for their children are: peas, soybeans, lean meat, clams, shrimp, crab, flour…

3. Foods that increase resistance To increase resistance, children need to eat enough and balanced nutrients and vitamins. Especially zinc, which will help children strengthen their immune system and appetite. Along with that, lysine found in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk helps children develop bones and muscles, increasing the ability to absorb calcium. Vitamin C is abundant in summer foods such as jute, spinach, grapefruit, longan, lemon, pineapple… playing a very important role in the process of protecting the body, in the activity of the child’s immune system. Not only that, vitamin C also helps heal wounds and protects children’s bodies from common colds and flu.

4. Foods that help reduce night sweats in babies In babies, the autonomic nervous system is not yet stable, it is still in the development and completion stage, so babies often sweat (we often call it night sweats), especially when sleeping. Therefore, babies are very susceptible to respiratory infections. More seriously, night sweats will lead to dehydration and salt loss. Dehydration and salt loss will make the baby’s body weaker, more tired, the body will be exhausted, causing some diseases that are not good for the baby. To treat night sweats in babies, mothers can cook dishes such as: clam porridge, clam porridge, snakehead fish soup, spinach soup, green bean porridge, black bean porridge… In addition, mothers need to pay attention to keep the baby’s body cool, limit heat-generating foods (fat, jackfruit, durian, mango…), supplement cool substances (fresh vegetables, fruits; pennywort, Malabar spinach…) for many days.

5. Foods that help babies sleep well Deep and adequate sleep not only helps your baby develop his brain but also improves his health. In the hot summer weather, babies often have more trouble sleeping than in the winter, so mothers can supplement the following foods to help their babies have a good and deep sleep. Bananas: Bananas contain two substances, melatonin and serotonin, which can regulate your baby’s sleep cycle. In addition, magnesium in bananas is a substance that helps the body relax and fall asleep easily.

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