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These foods should absolutely not be used with alcohol

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Many foods, if used with alcohol or beer, will lose or change the nutrients in that food, causing harm to your health.


The above research was published in the Journal of Food Chemistry. This is the first time the toxicity of combining durian and alcohol has been scientifically proven.

Researchers John Maninang and Hiroshi Gemma of the University of Tsukuba, Japan, conducted experiments to answer the question of whether the deadly side effect is due to the high sulfur content in durian, which reduces blood sugar levels. alcohol breakdown. The results showed that durian extract hindered the activity of enzymes that decompose aldehyde toxins by up to 70%. Therefore, if you drink alcohol, you should not eat durian and vice versa.

Therefore, if you drink alcohol, you should not eat durian and vice versa.


Persimmon has a cold nature, while wine has a slightly bitter taste and is hot and toxic. When entering the stomach, alcohol will stimulate intestinal secretions. The tannin in persimmons entering the stomach will form a viscous, sticky substance that easily combines with cellulose to form blood clots, which is both difficult to digest and difficult to digest. If not excreted, over time it will cause intestinal obstruction.

Foods containing alum

Alum found in sausages, spring rolls, banh duc, squash jam… will make you drunk faster, while also reducing the speed of blood circulation and slowing down the stomach’s digestion process. Therefore, drinking alcohol with food containing alum is not good for the body’s health.


Some restaurants often serve fried peanuts or cashews to serve “mixed” gentlemen. In fact, these nuts are not a dish that should be served with wine because nuts are high in cholesterol, and their flavor can also ruin your taste before eating the main dishes.

Milk and dairy products

Some people have the habit of using a few slices of cheese when drinking alcohol to help them get drunk longer. This may be true, but dairy products easily cause indigestion. Some studies also show that dairy products combined with alcoholic beverages also affect heart activity.


Studies show that if carotene in carrots is combined with alcohol, it will create toxins in the liver, negatively affecting health. Especially if carrot juice and alcohol are combined, the harmful effects will be even more serious. than.

French fries

In fact, when drinking beer or wine, it will cause our body to produce enzymes that promote fat absorption. Therefore, remember that not only should you not eat french fries with beer or alcohol, but you should also not eat fried foods because it will speed up the fat absorption process.

Foods are smoked and contain preservatives

In smoked foods containing organic amino acids, the processing process will produce degenerates such as Polycyclic hydrocarbons, amino acids and even Benzopyrene. When drinking too much beer causes the alcohol content in the blood to increase, the above substances in smoked foods will combine together, thereby causing digestive diseases and even tumors.

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