Tips for girls with dry skin

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Dry, chapped skin is very uncomfortable and unsightly, easily making girls lose confidence. Understanding your skin and having a suitable care regimen will help you get the moist, smooth skin you want.

1. Understand dry skin

Dry skin often appears tight, dry and appears peeling and cracked in some areas due to the skin losing moisture and not being able to regulate the necessary amount of water.

There are many causes of dry skin. Changes in weather, the effects of sunlight, and improper skin care procedures are some external conditions that lead to dehydration of the skin.

Besides, genetic factors, hormones, age or diet and work also contribute to affecting the skin’s moisture balance. To thoroughly improve dry skin, it is necessary to carefully understand the factors that directly impact the skin and have an appropriate care regimen.

Tight, dry, cracked skin is a sign of dry and dehydrated skin.
Tight, dry, cracked skin is a sign of dry and dehydrated skin.

2. Carefully check the ingredients of cosmetic products

You should test the suitability of cosmetics before using them directly on your skin by first applying a small amount to the back of your hand or the skin behind your ear. Wait at least 24 hours to monitor, if your skin shows signs of dryness, redness, rough spots… it means the product is not suitable for your skin.

Some skin, when it becomes too dry, becomes sensitive and easily irritated, so this check is essential to prevent any possibility of skin damage.

3. Wash your face properly, use moisturizer and replenish moisture promptly

Some of you often have the habit of washing your face whenever your skin feels too dry. However, this is not as useful as you think, and can even dry out your skin.

You should only wash your face 1-2 times a day with a water-rich cleanser and use moisturizer immediately after washing your face to maintain and balance the skin’s moisture, creating a dark moisturizing film. from the outside, improving and restoring the skin’s self-moisturizing ability from the inside.

If you have to work in an air-conditioned environment, make sure you always have a mineral spray bottle with you to use whenever your skin feels dry and dehydrated.

Use mineral spray to instantly moisturize the skin.
Use mineral spray to instantly moisturize the skin.

If your skin is too dry, you can use a moisturizing mask twice a week or use a sleeping mask.

4. Regularly use sunscreen

Sunlight and dust are the factors that cause skin to become dehydrated, dull and dry faster. In addition to protecting your skin every time you go out with a hat or mask, make sure you always apply sunscreen even in winter.

Combine moisture and vitamins from within to make your skin truly healthy and moisturized.
Combine moisture and vitamins from within to make your skin truly healthy and moisturized.

5. Maintain a reasonable diet and drink plenty of water

A reasonable diet will help your skin become healthier and prevent dehydration from the inside. Pay attention to supplementing Vitamin A, C, E – vitamins that are good for the skin with foods rich in essential oils, green vegetables, fruits… and maintain the habit of drinking 2 to 2.5 liters. water every day to ensure your skin is always moist and smooth!

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