Top 12 foods that help regulate menstruation, reduce pain, and get your period on time

Irregular menstruation, if it occurs regularly, will negatively affect women’s daily health, and in the long term, it will also negatively affect their future fertility. You should add the following foods to your daily menu to help regulate menstruation!

A normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, while a missed period lasts from 4 to 7 days. The signs of a delayed period that you will encounter are a lot of blood or very little, the number of days of menstruation is shorter (less than 3 days) or more than 5 days and irregular each month. Some other signs are menstruation is delayed for more than 6 months or the cycle is irregular. In addition to taking medication, you should also regularly maintain a healthy diet with these foods to help regulate menstruation.

1. Cereals

One of the foods that help regulate menstruation is cereals. It will provide users with a large amount of fiber, protein and B vitamins, thereby helping to balance hormones in the body, while reducing the symptoms of menstruation. Besides, nutritious cereals It also has the effect of reducing stress and improving mood. Foods rich in this ingredient are black bread, oatmeal, brown rice, etc.

Cereals - foods that help regulate menstruation

Cereals – foods that help regulate menstruation (Source:

2. Oily fish

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring will help supplement a large amount of good fats and protein. Belonging to the list of foods containing the most omega 3, this type of oily fish has the ability to circulate blood in the body and effectively regulate hormones.

In addition, they are also a perfect substitute for protein sources in salty foods such as red meat, fresh cheese… You can make Vietnamese dishes such as braised fish, fish cooked with galangal and fermented rice, fish with tomato sauce… or grill them with spices such as lemon, butter… to reduce the fishy smell and add variety to your family’s daily meals.

Oily fish is a rich source of nutrients for the body.

Oily fish is a rich source of nutrients for the body (Source:

3. Flaxseeds for fiber

When it comes to foods that help regulate menstruation, we cannot ignore flaxseeds for their high fiber content.

They contain abundant amounts of lignans – a natural compound that is effective in balancing hormones, including estrogen. With such a large amount of fiber in the seeds, it also gives the eater a healthier digestive system. A simple way to prepare this food is to put it in a smoothie with other fruits or add it to cakes during the baking process to enhance the flavor and make it easier to eat.


Flaxseed (Source:

4. Papaya

Papaya is also on the list of foods that help regulate your period. It actually helps to regulate your periods so if you are prone to late periods, this is the number one food to add to your daily menu.

In addition, papaya also provides a lot of fiber, vitamins A, C, potassium… so this is also a fruit that helps you have a smooth, vibrant skin. The simplest way to enjoy it is to eat it directly or cook it with soup. fresh meat, ensuring hygiene and safety like beef, pork, papaya salad… to regularly change the taste more diversely!

Papaya - food that helps regulate menstruation

Papaya – food that helps regulate menstruation (Source:

5. Parsley

Although it is just a decorative vegetable or adds flavor to the main dish, parsley also has a great effect in regulating menstruation through food. In many countries, according to traditional culture, parsley is boiled in boiling water and used as a medicine to treat menstruation. The simplest way is to put it in a juicer, filter the water and drink it every day to help stabilize menstruation gradually.

Parsley has a distinctive flavor and has many benefits for human health.

Parsley has a distinctive flavor and has many benefits for human health (Source:

6. Turmeric

Since ancient times, turmeric powder has always been known as a hot spice with excellent pain-relieving effects. Turmeric contains a large amount of antioxidants as well as being effective in balancing hormones for women.

The easiest way to use it is to mix it with delicious, nutritious milk with the formula ¼ or ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and add a little Pure honey, clear origin to add sweetness to make it easier to drink. Or more elaborately, you can use thinly sliced ​​turmeric, dry it, then boil it with mugwort and motherwort to drink about 2 hours before meals every day.

Turmeric milk - a food that helps regulate menstruation very well and also helps beautify the skin

Turmeric milk – a food that helps regulate menstruation very well and also helps beautify the skin (Source:

7. Ginger

Like turmeric, ginger also has a characteristic hot property, so it contributes greatly to stimulating menstruation. In addition, this food also helps to push menstrual blood out faster. For those who often have irregular menstrual periods, you can apply the following remedy: slice ginger into thin slices, boil it with water, then add a little honey. Drink this way continuously for three nights, then stop for a week, then drink it again for three more nights. If you have menstrual cramps, you can use fresh ginger slices to apply to the lower abdomen to quickly relieve pain.

8. Carrots

Carrots are great for the eyes as well as the body’s hormones. This natural root vegetable contains a lot of iron, so it will compensate for the large amount of blood lost during a woman’s period. According to experts, with the main ingredient being beta carotene, carrots will help control blood flow well, thereby causing pain to appear less frequently. The fastest and most effective way is to make carrot juice to drink every day or add to salads.

Carrots - Good food for menstruation

Carrots – Good food for menstruation (Source:

9. Aloe vera

Not only is it a method of beautifying the skin, laxative, treating diabetes, urinary stones, but aloe vera is also used as a food to help regulate menstruation. With aloe vera, you should peel off the outer shell, take the inside kernel, soak it in diluted salt water to remove the slime, then boil it with water to drink instead of filtered water every day or eat it with delicious yogurt.

Aloe vera is not only for beauty but also has effective menstrual regulation effects.

Aloe vera is not only for beauty but also has effective menstrual regulation effects (Source:

11. Almonds

Almonds are an ideal source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, etc. Moreover, they also contain antioxidants that help reduce stress very effectively, especially during women’s moody days. You can eat a handful of almonds directly every day or add them to dishes as an ingredient to enhance flavor.

Almonds are a favorite snack of many people, but not everyone knows all of its wonderful benefits.

Almonds are a favorite snack of many people, but not everyone knows all of its wonderful benefits. (Source:

12. Eggs

Eating an egg every day will provide you with a large amount of protein, minerals, vitamins and good fats to balance hormones and regulate menstruation. However, you should also eat in moderation because if you eat too much, the body will not be able to absorb it and will push the good nutrients out. Clean poultry eggs, strict quarantine can be processed into many dishes but the most popular is still boiled.

Eggs are a rich source of protein and balance hormones, regulating menstruation.

Eggs are a rich source of protein and balance hormones, regulating menstruation (Source:

Although the foods that help regulate menstruation are very good, you still need to combine them with a healthy, reasonable lifestyle such as daily exercise and enough sleep. In addition, you should also regularly diversify your diet with pure walnut milk, nutritional mushrooms,… and limit spicy foods, alcohol, and tobacco.

Another cause of irregular menstruation is inflammation of the genital area. Therefore, you should regularly clean this area every day and before and after sex. At the same time, when you see unusual signs, you should proactively go to a gynecologist to detect the disease early and have a timely and effective treatment regimen.

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