Top 3 types of powdered milk for skinny people to help gain weight quickly

For those who are skinny and want to gain weight, they definitely cannot ignore using powdered milk for skinny people. So which type of milk should you choose to help you gain weight quickly without side effects?

Gaining weight is not difficult, as long as you go the right way and choose the right product to support good absorption and gain weight quickly. Let’s learn about right away. Types of powdered milk for skinny people to gain weight quickly!

1. Appeton Weight Gain Milk – Reference price: 800,000 VND/900g box

When it comes to weight gain support products for adults, we cannot ignore Appeton Weight Gain milk from France. The product is manufactured with a scientific formula, rich in protein to help skinny people quickly regain weight to have a more balanced figure.

Appeton Weight Gain Milk
Appeton Weight Gain milk helps skinny people gain weight quickly

Outstanding advantages of Appeton Weight Gain weight gain milk for thin people:

– Contains a fairly high PER content of 3.1 (compared to the FDA standard of PER 2.5), helping to gain weight effectively. PER is a measure of the ability to gain weight from available protein content. The higher the PER index, the higher the ability to absorb nutrients to support weight gain;

– Helps gain weight gradually and steadily until the body adjusts and adapts well to the new state, avoiding harm to the user’s health;

– The whey protein content in milk supports the production of amino acids, making digestion easier and absorbing nutrients to nourish the body;

– Appeton Weight Gain milk is suitable for all ages: Skinny people, athletes who need to develop muscle tissue, bodybuilders.

2. Grow Plus Diamond powdered milk for skinny people – Reference price: 450,000 VND/900g box

Grow Plus Diamond Milk is a product of the NutiFood brand, processed according to the 365 Plus formula, helping to supplement high nutritional content for thin people with energy up to 120 kcal/100ml of milk. The product contains up to 27 nutrients including vitamins and minerals that are good for the body, supporting thin people to improve problems such as osteoporosis, weight loss, insomnia, etc.

Grow Plus Diamond Milk
Grow Plus Diamond milk provides full energy and nutrients.

The reason many skinny people choose to use Grow Plus Diamond weight gain milk is:

– Contains a source of quality protein PER 2.7 that is easily absorbed into the body, helping thin people improve their digestive system and absorb nutrients best.

– 1 glass of milk provides up to 278 kcal, 14.1g of high-quality protein and 9.3g of fat, supplementing missing energy, contributing to cell regeneration and growth to increase body weight.

– Supplementing soluble fiber FOS/Inulin improves digestive system activity, preventing constipation.

– Contains high levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D3, etc. to help improve bone and teeth systems, prevent osteoporosis, malnutrition, bone and joint pain, etc.

– Helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy, improves resistance and fights against the invasion of disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

– Contains nutrients such as B vitamins, lysine, zinc, etc. to help users eat better, sleep deeper, and improve mood.

3. Calosure powdered milk for skinny people – Reference price: 400,000 VND/900g box

Calosure milk is a product of VitaDairy (Vietnam), has balanced nutritional content, supports good weight gain and helps restore health quickly, suitable for thin people, the elderly, people who have just recovered from illness,… 1 glass of Calosure milk 200ml contains up to 200 kcal, equivalent to the energy of 1 meal.

Calosure Milk
Calosure milk has high nutritional content, good for thin people.

Unmissable advantages of Calosure milk for skinny people:

– Contains more than 25 vitamins and minerals, providing energy to help the body restore health, maintain weight and prolong life.

– Helps the body absorb and digest nutrients well because the milk does not contain lactose, does not cause diarrhea, and prevents bloating. At the same time, milk adds soluble fiber FOS to help improve digestive problems.

– Contains soy protein and no cholesterol, good for the heart.

– Lysine in Calosure milk helps the body absorb calcium, build muscle, recover from injury and synthesize antibodies that are good for the immune system.

– Milk supplemented with taurine improves eye and nervous system function.

Above are 3 types of powdered milk for skinny people to help them gain weight healthily without using medicine. Combined with drinking milk regularly, skinny people should actively exercise and maintain a suitable diet to improve weight and improve health.

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