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Top 8 foods good for the colon to support digestion and prevent cancer

The colon is an important part of the body’s digestive system. If damaged, it will greatly affect the absorption of nutrients. Next, Websosanh will suggest the top 8 foods that are good for the colon and good for health.

1. Top 8 foods good for the colon

Nowadays, many people suffer from colon diseases and it affects their health. The main cause is due to unreasonable diet and lifestyle. Let’s learn about preventing the risks and effective treatment support methods by using 8 foods that are beneficial for the colon in the following article.

Good foods that support the colon

Good foods that support the colon (Source:

1.1. Green leafy vegetables

In these categories Green leafy vegetables contain large amounts of fiberalong with necessary vitamins and minerals to support the functioning of the colon effectively. Providing and preparing green leafy vegetables in daily meals will help prevent diseases. Familiar vegetables can be mentioned such as choysum, spinach or spinach,… stir-fried spinach with coriander garlic. delicious taste, or frugal green vegetable soup are attractive suggestions for your daily meals.

1.2. Broccoli

With up to 90% water, 7% fiber and 3% protein, broccoli is considered a superfood good for the colon. Besides, there is almost no fat and very few calories, so this food is not only beneficial for the colon but can also support weight loss and help prevent diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity. strengthen the immune system. Broccoli can be prepared into many dishes such as: boiled broccoli, stir-fried beef with broccoli, broccoli soup,…

Broccoli is an extremely good food for the colon

Broccoli is an extremely good food for the colon (Source:

1.3. Yogurt

Yogurt is easy to eat and aids digestion is a source of billions of beneficial bacteria for the body. These beneficial bacteria will help the colon function more smoothly and effectively. The best advice for you is to use yogurt every day to help prevent the risk of diseases. Yogurt used to mix fruit, or eaten with strawberries, apples or avocados, is really delicious, isn’t it?

Yogurt is a food that is good for the colon

Yogurt is a good support food for the colon (Source:

1.4. Raspberries

Raspberries contain a lot of fiber that supports muscle movement in the colon, which helps support the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases very well. Besides, this fruit also has many other useful effects: anti-cancer, reducing cardiovascular risk and increasing the body’s resistance.

1.5. Oats

Contains lots of fiber and antioxidants that help increase the body’s metabolism and increase the functioning of the digestive system. That’s why, Oatmeal is considered a colon-healthy food.

Oats are very good for the colon

Oats are very good for the colon (Source:

1.6. Brown rice

It is a type of unpolished rice, so the surface of the rice is still covered with a red brown bran layer. This shell retains a lot of fiber and contains essential B vitamins for the body. This amount of fiber is very good for the digestive tract, prevents constipation and is very good for laxatives.

Brown rice is a good source of nutrients, supporting digestion and colon

Brown rice is a good source of nutrition, supporting digestion and colon (Source:

1.7. Artichoke

Studies have shown that 100 grams of artichoke flowers contain up to 10.3 grams of fiber. This fiber is fermented by intestinal bacteria to create nutrients for the body. Besides, this fiber is also a food source for beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, thus maintaining the stability of the colon. It will be very frugal when we can drink boiled artichoke juice or eat stewed artichokes with bones. Maybe pork liver artichoke soup is also a great choice!

Great uses of artichoke flowers

Great uses of artichoke flowers (Source:

1.8. Salmon

Wild salmon is one of a kind Fresh seafood, no mercury At the same time, it contains a large amount of Omega 3 Acid which is effective in preventing and treating people with colitis. Regular use also helps support the heart effectively. Salmon is an indispensable nutritious food in our menu: salmon sushi, salmon salad or salmon head hotpot are suggestions for you. Also you can Use fish oil and omega supplements besides the above dishes.

Salmon meat

Salmon meat (Source:

2. Good nutrition for the colon

2.1. Limit red meat consumption and stay away from processed meats.

Using red meat and canned foods will increase the risk of colon diseases. Because the unsaturated fat content in food will affect health, especially the digestive system and colon if used regularly.

Harmful effects of canned foods

Harmful effects of canned foods (Source:

2.2. Limit sugar

Using a lot of sugar increases hunger and makes users eat more. This negatively affects the digestive system and can lead to diabetes.

2.3. Increase fiber

Fiber is one of the important nutrients and directly affects the digestive system, especially the colon. Providing the necessary amount of fiber will help the beneficial bacteria in the intestines stabilize and grow by eating lots of vegetables and fruits every day.

2.4. Choose grains wisely

Most cereals contain large amounts of fiber. Prioritizing foods high in fiber and low in calories will help both ensure colon support and avoid obesity. Some grains you can choose from include brown rice or some mixed grains.

Choose cereals that are good for the colon

Choose cereals that are good for the colon (Source:

2.5. Drink milk

As a food that helps clean the colon, drinking cereal milk or strawberry milk every morning will help keep the digestive system clean and bring balance to the colon’s activities during the day.

2.6. Limit alcohol and beer

Stimulants and alcohol such as wine and beer are never a good choice for health. Regular use of alcohol will affect the liver, kidneys and other parts of the digestive system. When these substances enter the colon, they destroy the beneficial bacteria there, causing an imbalance and causing ulcerative colitis.

2.7. Choose healthy cooking oil

You should limit the use of animal oils because they contain a lot of saturated fats and trans fats, which increase the risk of colon cancer. Choose pure natural cooking oil Containing lots of omega 3 fatty acids in daily meals found in salmon, ground flaxseed oil, walnuts, vegetable oils and canola will reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

Olive cooking oil is good for health

Olive cooking oil is good for health (Source:

2.8. Eat lots of green vegetables

Using salad with green vegetables every day is an extremely great choice in preventing colon diseases. With extremely high fiber content, green cabbage will support the functioning of the colon in the best way.

2.9. Eat orange and yellow vegetables

Many scientific studies have shown that, in the fresh fruits and vegetables Orange and yellow contain vitamin B6 with powerful antioxidant properties. In addition, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins contain an extremely large amount of fiber, supporting the digestive system, especially the colon.

Besides using foods that are good for the colon and a reasonable diet, you need to come regularly reputable general health check-up hospitals. This will help proactively control health conditions, detect disease symptoms early and accurately, and then have the fastest and most effective treatment.

Choose green, clean, vitamin-rich foods for family meals

Choose smart green, clean, vitamin-rich foods for family meals (Source:

Hopefully the information this article brings will help people understand and choose the right colon-healthy foods for themselves and their families. As well as applying a reasonable diet to ensure the health of the colon and the whole body. Refer to the colon cancer screening package at Vinmec To truly feel secure about your health.

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