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Use vegetable oil properly to protect family health

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Vegetable oil has become a familiar ingredient in Vietnamese family kitchens with attractive fried, stir-fried or mixed salad dishes. However, currently people are still subjective in using and preserving vegetable oils, leading to long-term harmful effects on family health, especially children.

1. Use vegetable oil for low-temperature dishes

According to research by Polish nutritionist – Professor Grazyna Cichosz, when vegetable oil is heated above 180 degrees Celsius, the unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) in the oil will have structural disorders. cell structure, creating biological amines that cause people to become immunocompromised due to excess fluid and increase the risk of cancers such as rectal, liver, lung… In fact, to ensure exactly when the temperature is Oil boiling reaches 180 degrees C, consumers can buy additional specialized cooking thermometers to check and ensure health safety when cooking.

Using vegetable oil to ensure nutrients is recommended by experts for low-temperature dishes
Using vegetable oil to ensure nutrients is recommended by experts for low-temperature dishes

However, to be safest, vegetable oil Recommended for use in low-temperature cooking dishes such as salads, soups and mixed dishes instead of dishes such as fried spring rolls. With these dishes, vegetable oil not only enhances the flavor of the dish but also brings out all its uses, good for the health of the whole family. Currently, researchers still do not have a consensus on how much oil should be used in a day, but 2 teaspoons is the recommended ideal level.

2. Choose cold pressed oil

Cold pressed oil is an oil obtained from fruits or seeds through crushing and pressing with a granite mill or modern stainless steel industrial machine. When pressing, the oil pressing temperature should not exceed 49 degrees Celsius, and do not use additional chemical solvents. Therefore, cold pressed oil will retain its aroma, taste and nutritional value thanks to its unchanged chemical structure, which is more optimal than other production methods.

Using sunflower vegetable oil properly provides very high nutritional content
Using sunflower vegetable oil properly provides very high nutritional content

One of the cold-pressed vegetable oils popular with many families today is sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is high in vitamin E, which helps improve the body’s natural immune system and prevent cancer. Besides, cold pressed sunflower oil Extremely rich in antioxidants, a valuable source of nutrients that helps keep skin fresh, prevents damage from ultraviolet rays of sunlight and effectively regenerates cells.

3. Do not use frying oil over and over again

This is a big no-no in cooking because when fried over and over again, vegetable oil will produce some toxins such as aldehydes, fatty acid oxides that cause indigestion, stomach pain, dizziness, diarrhea… In the modern family kitchen, not many families use frying oil multiple times. However, the main type of oil used at street vendors or carts in front of school gates is usually frying oil. again many times. Therefore, parents should limit feeding their children these foods.

Although these snacks are very attractive, they are often fried in oil that has been used many times. They pose many health dangers
Although these snacks are very attractive, they are often fried in oil that has been used many times. They pose many health dangers

4. Store cooking oil properly

You don’t necessarily need to put the oil in the refrigerator. Instead, you just need to keep the cooking oil in a cool place, away from light and away from heat sources to ensure good quality cooking oil. Currently, cooking oil is often pre-packaged in bottles with tight seals. In case you need to strain it, you should choose a container that is dry, clean and has a tight lid. Note especially that cooking oil is easily oxidized, so you should close the lid tightly, otherwise the above preservation steps will be useless.

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