What should you eat if you have a cold? 15 dishes to increase resistance and quickly restore health

What should people with a cold eat to soothe and treat the symptoms of the disease while also staying away from foods that make the condition worse. Please refer to the article below.

1. What should you eat if you have a cold?

1.1. Chicken soup

Chicken soup is the top choice in the list of dishes to treat colds that is highly appreciated by many people. Because in Chicken soup contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, protein, calories These are essential nutrients for the body, especially when you have a cold. When you have a fever, your body needs more fluids. Therefore, choose chicken soup because this dish is liquid and contains electrolytes that help reduce cold and fever symptoms in patients.

Eating 1-2 bowls of chicken soup when you have a cold also helps clear nasal mucus effectively, inhibits the body’s neutrophils, and minimizes symptoms of cough and stuffy nose.

Chicken soup is good for people with colds

Chicken soup is good for people with colds.

1.2. Fruits contain lots of vitamin C

Fruits contain lots of vitamin C Helps support the treatment of colds effectively. Topping this list are citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, tangerines and other fruits such as kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, and papaya. These foods will help reduce symptoms of fever, fatigue, and dehydration in people with colds, and increase the body’s resistance.

1.3. Fruits have antioxidants

Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, grapes are Imported fruits are rich in nutrientscontains abundant vitamin C content to help strengthen the body’s immune system. When you have a cold, you should supplement these fruits to recover quickly, reduce inflammation, reduce fever, and limit bad cholesterol. Eat a regular amount of fruits with antioxidants every day to support immunity against harmful bacteria and achieve good health.

Antioxidant fruits help people recover quickly from colds

Antioxidant fruits help people recover quickly from colds.

1.4. Garlic

Garlic has a good cold-relieving effect because it contains allicin compounds, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances that strengthen the body’s immune system and limit disease-causing viruses. This is also a popular spice in the list of what to eat for colds and is recommended by medical experts to be added to the daily menu. You can use garlic to make stir-fried dishes, soak garlic, and eat raw garlic. Besides Black garlic is known as an effective medicinal herb You should use it to nourish your body.

1.5. Food increases heat

Foods that increase body heat such as pepper and hot chili will help clear your nose better when you have a cold, making breathing less uncomfortable. If you feel stuffy and have difficulty breathing when you have a cold, try warming foods right away. However, it’s not just an immediate solution, use a combination of many other cold treatment methods to get good results.

Foods that increase heat warm the body, limiting cold symptoms (

Foods that increase heat warm the body, limiting cold symptoms.

1.6. Ginger

Ginger is on the list of warm, anti-inflammatory foods that limit disease-causing viruses, so it is good for people with colds and coughs. Ginger can be used in many different ways such as sucking, eating, drinking with hot water with lemon and honey. Note, Use a moderate amount of ginger to help the body feel comfortable.

1.7. Milk, cheese, butter

Milk and dairy products are beneficial for health of people with colds, helps support recovery to good health. is on the list of what to eat if you have a cold. Because these foods contain high amounts of protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals that are good for health. Yogurt also contains many beneficial microorganisms that support the digestive system.

1.8. Coconut water

Coconut water contains a lot of potassium and vitamin C to help support the immune system and replenish essential electrolytes when the body has a cold. Adding coconut water also helps supplement substances such as caprylic acid and lauric acid to help limit bacteria, good for people with colds. This is also a way to supplement necessary fluids for the body.

Coconut water hydrates people with colds

Coconut water hydrates people with colds.

1.9. Hot tea

Hot tea also has a decongestant effect Similar to chicken soup, foods increase heat. Enjoy hot cups of tea to clear the sinuses and mucus in the nose, helping to clear the nose naturally. Tea also contains polyphenols and tannins that are beneficial to health in terms of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation. You should use green teas and flower teas to enhance the aroma and help the body feel more comfortable.

1.10. Banana

Add quality, fresh, domestic fruits What should you eat when you have a cold to ensure your body has all the necessary nutrients? Bananas contain large amounts of potassium and vitamin C to help strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s energy, and soothe the throat.

1.11. Oats

Oatmeal contains a large amount of fiber necessary for the body. Not only that, oats also contain protein that increases resistance and effectively treats colds. You can See how to choose nut milks to supplement your body’s nutrition.

1.12. Butter

Avocados contain large amounts of vitamins, oleic acid, and minerals that help support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and are good for cold patients. Not only that, avocado also contains a good amount of nutrients for the body’s resistance. Using avocado to prepare weight loss dishes gives remarkable results.

Delicious dish made from wax butter

Delicious dish made from wax butter.

1.13. Yogurt

Yogurt is also known as Yogurt is beneficial for the digestive system and intestinal tract Helps reduce cold symptoms in the body. The amount of Probiotics in yogurt is a good substance that reduces fever, is anti-inflammatory, and cools the body, so you should supplement it when you have a cold. Add 1-2 jars of yogurt every day to get the healthiest digestive and immune systems.

1.14. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables have essential vitamins and nutrients for the body to build and protect the immune system against environmental agents. Supplement these foods to keep the body healthy and recover quickly for cold patients.

1.15. Salmon

Salmon contains a large amount of protein and omega 3 Helps fight inflammation well. These substances are not easy to find in many other foods. Pay attention to the list of what to eat if you have a cold to increase your body’s resistance and have stable health.



2. What should you not eat if you have a cold?

2.1. Caffeine

When you have a cold, adding more fluid to your body is extremely necessary. However, you should limit drinks containing caffeine and alcohol because not only are they harmful to your health, they also dehydrate your body, making colds worse.

2.2. Limit sugar

Foods high in sugar such as candy, jam… should be limited, especially when you have a cold. Because sugar weakens anti-inflammatory white blood cells, causing inflammation that is not good for the body.

Eating too much sugar is harmful to your health

Eating too much sugar is harmful to your health.

2.3. Fast food or processed foods

If you want to get rid of a cold quickly, you should say no to fast food and processed foods. Because these foods contain high amounts of fructose, MSG, coloring agents, preservatives and many chemicals that are harmful to health. Instead, you should choose foods that are processed safely to ensure food hygiene and safety.

2.4. Greasy food

Fatty foods are often harder to digest, especially for people with colds, and can easily cause bloating and flatulence. That’s why it is at the top of the list of things you should pay attention to when you have a cold. Prepare and cook dishes with a convenient oil-free fryer to limit the amount of unnecessary grease.

Greasy foods are not good for people with colds

Greasy foods are not good for people with colds.

2.5. Bread

Bread contains a high amount of processed starch which is not good for people with colds. Because this amount of processed starch has the ability to quickly convert into sugar, increasing the body’s blood sugar, which is not good for the immune system.

2.6. Grape juice

When you have a cold, you should also limit the use of grape juice. Because grape juice also contains a large amount of sugar, which is not good for the body’s weakened immune system.

2.7. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is a food that contains high levels of nutrients. However, when you have the flu, you should consider this food. Because peanut butter contains a lot of sugar and protein, it is not good for reducing fever and controlling the disease.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter.

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