What’s in a backpacker’s backpack?

In our country, due to the underdeveloped economy and the limited entertainment industry, Vietnamese youth are at a disadvantage compared to other countries or the world’s great powers because they do not know where to go or what to do. Fortunately, backpacking tourism in recent years has gradually become a hobby and a trend for young people.

“Backpacking” is a spontaneous and spontaneous trip, sometimes without a schedule, sometimes not knowing where to go and where to return, no guide, no complicated services, just traveling with passion and discovery so that we can live forever with youth.

For those who love to travel long distances, they all have their own ways of arranging things, each item they bring along when traveling always plays an important and indispensable role in the journey that awaits them ahead. Let’s take a look at the useful items that should be carried in the backpack of a “traveler”!

Personal items

Personal items are indispensable when participating in any backpacking trip, as well as traveling. No one wants to have to “share” clothes with others, or borrow a hat from a companion except in unavoidable cases.

Therefore, things like personal clothes, scarves, full-face hats or visors, masks, socks, gloves, raincoats, sleeping bags, sunglasses, dust-proof glasses, toothbrushes, batteries, plastic bags of all kinds, etc. will always be on your list. If you are a girl, items like shampoo, sunscreen, lipstick, and facial cleanser will also be countless items that you want to bring.

However, it should be noted that we need to spend a lot of time balancing the items we bring, to avoid bringing too much or too little. This is the most headache-inducing problem for new backpackers. To limit this, do not hesitate to consult your companions, the leader in the group, or experienced backpackers.

Protective and troubleshooting items

In addition to personal items, protective gear also plays an important role, especially on bad roads – when you may have to face a few “falls”, scratches on your hands and feet, walking in the dark, or even sleeping outdoors. Below are some protective and troubleshooting items to keep in mind.

– Arm, knee and copper pipe protection: If you are going on a road trip for the first time, are not confident in your “inexperienced” driving skills, or choose bad, difficult roads, then protecting yourself (and your companions) is something that no one needs to remind you of!

Motorcycle repair kit, tires, sprockets and chains: When traveling long distances, no one can say anything nice. If unfortunately your beloved car has a problem, we need to quickly fix it to continue the trip.

Backpacking knife: Not only for “peeling fruit”, having a good knife will help you feel more confident on your journey. They can be used to prepare food, cut dry branches, leaves, vines, and defend yourself in case of “robbery”.

Reflective paper: Even if you don’t plan to travel at night, you should still put reflective tape on the back of your helmet and the back of your vehicle. The reason is that the nature of traveling is spontaneous and sometimes the whole group has to travel in the dark due to some incidents, delays are unavoidable.

Tech gadgets

Technology is something that is hard to separate from us, even when you are on a trip far away from the city, far away from human civilization. Using technology properly, in the right place will help you “breathe” much easier. Below are the items you can refer to:

Camera: Not a choice, but a necessity. 99% of backpackers who go on trips want to capture memorable moments with you and your loved ones. Remember to bring a memory card and rechargeable battery so that your camera can follow you throughout the journey.

Smartphone: Besides taking photos and checking in, choosing a smartphone to bring along will help you a lot on your trip, and save a lot of space in your backpack. Compass, flashlight, GPS, map, communication, etc. are too many functions integrated into one device. However, the versatility of smartphones is also a disadvantage, because when you lose it, we also lose a lot of things. Keep your phone carefully, have a spare battery, and choose a waterproof type if necessary.

Waterproof portable speaker, headphone:For long motorbike trips, headphones will help you fight sleepiness. However, do not turn the music too loud to ensure safety. And portable speakers are indispensable for memorable outdoor camping nights.

Weird Items You Never Thought Of

In some cases when we open a backpacker’s backpack, you may find unexpected items such as condoms, sanitary napkins. So what are they actually for?

Condom:Many people blush, thinking that carrying condoms is not proper. However, this versatile and compact item will be the best waterproof and scratch-resistant bag for phones, cameras, music players, etc. If it rains, condoms can also help keep your shoes dry.

Sanitary napkin:Many people are quite surprised to find this delicate item in the backpacks of men. However, sanitary napkins are useful in some situations such as when climbing mountains or in cold areas. At this time, placing a piece of sanitary napkin under the sole of the shoe will help keep the body warm and comfortable when moving. In case the shoes get wet, it will also help the shoes dry faster.

-Cigarette: If you are nearsighted and afraid of getting your glasses wet during your trips? Apply some herbal medicine leaves on your glasses, the glasses will not be blurred by water.

– Newspaper: Not just for leisure reading. If it suddenly gets cold at night and you don’t have many warm clothes, put some dry newspaper or cardboard inside your jacket, you will see the difference right away.

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Nguyen Nguyen

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