Why should you use a fine dust mask?

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In what cases should you use a fine dust mask? How does this type of mask work, how effective is it, and is it really necessary in today’s times?

Explain the specific effects of fine dust masks

The epidemic makes everyone stick to masks. In the dictionary of masks, there is a concept called a fine dust mask. Environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, directly affecting human health. One of the most serious and heaviest causes is microscopic fine dust – something that we humans cannot see with the naked eye, nor can regular masks filter it out. To make your mask shopping more accurate, read this article. From there, we know the reason why we need such fine anti-dust masks.

How does fine dust affect health?

If you want to know why fine dust masks are necessary, you need to know what this type of dust is and how harmful it is. Fine dust is liquid particles or particles floating in the air with extremely small sizes, less than 2.5 micrometers. The type symbol PM 2.5 refers to the standard content of this particle per 1 m3 air. What does fine dust affect?

fine dust mask

First, it easily penetrates deep into the respiratory tract, causing an oxygen imbalance in the DNA structure. This causes lung cancer.

It also causes respiratory diseases because when dust interacts with NO2, CO, SO2 gases, it will prevent hemoglobin and cause cells to lack oxygen. This causes chronic pulmonary congestion.

In addition, fine dust also causes many cardiovascular diseases because when it enters the alveoli, passes the air barrier, blood enters the circulatory system, easily causing myocardial infarction.

fine dust mask

Not only that, fine dust also affects human psychology. Anyone exposed for a long time will suffer serious memory loss.

So what exactly is a fine dust mask?

Using a medical mask and then a normal cloth mask can only filter out dust that is visible to the eye. Meanwhile, you must use a fine dust mask to prevent this type of dust. Basically, a car will be made of standard layers including: non-woven fabric, small dust filter layer and fine dust filter layer, activated carbon layer and airy layer. From there, dust as small as 0.3 micrometers can be filtered. What is the symbol for each type of mask? N+number is the percentage that can prevent the smallest fine dust with a diameter of 0.3 micrometers. For example, N99 can prevent 99% of fine dust with a minimum diameter of about 0.3 micrometers.

fine dust mask

Which type of fine dust mask should I choose?

The market has countless types and prices, but I recommend some famous ones as follows:

3M 9501 VT mask

This type is resistant to 95% of fine dust. The kite design covers the mouth and nose. This mask has an exhalation valve to provide more ventilation for the user. The advantage is that it is made of non-woven fabric, so there is less worry about causing irritation. The product’s elastic band can also be used for many people.

Mask type PM 2.5

This is the N99 line as shown in the example above. The design also hugs the face. This type has two silicon lines on the nose. This model is equipped with both air and steam regulation valves. It is also ideal for use in frosty areas.

How to use correctly

fine dust mask

This type offers many uses as follows:

  • When wearing a mask, you should not wear it open. The air that wants to pass through your mouth and nose must be filtered through the mask layer, limiting bacteria and fine dust from entering.
  • Masks have a certain lifespan, should not be used for too long, should be replaced regularly.
  • Do not let the mask come into contact with detergent as it will reduce its effectiveness.

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