Detailed instructions on how to make delicious green bean mooncakes without preservatives

Mooncakes come in many different flavors, but mung bean filling is always popular because of its versatility, suitability for vegetarians, and the ability to make them at home. In this article, we will learn how to make delicious mooncakes with mung bean filling!

In Vietnam, soft mooncakes are usually round like the moon, symbolizing unity and fulfillment. The ivory-white color on the outside represents the desire and hope for a smooth and peaceful new beginning. Baked mooncakes mean that no matter how many difficulties, failures or challenges we go through, our family will always be by our side, supporting and protecting us. The filling combines salty and sweet flavors, symbolizing both the sweet joys and emotional moments in life.

Green bean moon cakewhether baked or soft version, contain similar meanings. It is not only a favorite dish but also represents solidarity, family affection and good things.

How to make soft moon cake with green bean filling

1. Ingredients for making moon cakes with soft green bean filling

To create the soft moon cake with green bean filling delicious and perfect flavor, the exact measurement of ingredients plays an extremely important role. According to the instructions on how to make green bean mooncakes, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

How to make soft moon cake with green bean filling
How to make soft moon cake with green bean filling

1.1. The crust:

  • 1/2 teaspoon grapefruit essential oil.
  • 200g cooked sticky rice flour.
  • 400g sugar water for moon cakes.

1.2. Cake filling:

  • 100g peeled green beans.
  • 5g flour
  • 40g cooking oil.
  • 45g sugar.
  • 40ml water.

1.3. Sugar water part:

  • 250g refined white sugar.
  • 250g boiled hot water.
  • 1/8 teaspoon lemon juice.

2. How to make green bean mooncakes

2.1. Step 1: Make sugar water

First, heat the water and then add the sugar and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, place the pot on the stove and heat it gently over low heat. When the sugar water starts to boil, use a ladle to skim off any foam that forms on the surface of the water. Then, add the lemon juice to the pot and continue to simmer the mixture over low heat for 20 to 30 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Important notes during the process of boiling sugar water to make green bean moon cake Avoid stirring too vigorously as this can cause the sugar to crystallize. Once the mixture has been heated, let it cool down and then you can start making the mooncakes right away. However, if you want to make more delicious mooncakes, prepare the sugar syrup 5 to 7 days before you start making the mooncakes.

How to make green bean mooncakes
How to make green bean mooncakes

2.2. Step 2: Make green bean filling

How to make soft green bean mooncakes Not too complicated, but at the stage of preparing the bean filling, you need to follow the steps below:

Before proceeding, soak the mung beans in water for about 4 hours to ensure the beans expand evenly. Then, wash and steam until the beans are cooked.

Once the mung beans are soft, puree them in a blender. You can also puree them by hand, but this will take more time and effort. If necessary, add a little more bean water to make it easier to puree.

Place a non-stick pan on the stove and add the pureed mung bean mixture to the pan. Next, add 45g of sugar and 40g of cooking oil and stir-fry evenly. When the sugar is completely melted, mix 5g of flour with 40ml of water and pour into the pan to continue stirring. Stir-fry until the bean filling has reached a delicious consistency, turn off the stove and let the mung bean filling cool completely before using. make moon cake.

Then, make each round ball of filling. If the cake mold size is 150g, then each bean ball should weigh about 50g.

2.3. Step 3: Make the moon cake crust

Add sugar water and grapefruit essential oil to a large bowl and stir well. Then, use a spoon to scoop the sticky rice flour into the bowl, while scooping, stir well. When the flour thickens, use your hands to mix the flour until the mixture is smooth and elastic.

Divide the dough into small pieces, each about 100g. Then use your hands to roll the dough into balls.

2.4. Step 4: Shape the green bean mooncake

Spread a thin layer of flour over the surface of the mooncake mold. This will create a barrier between the cake and the mold, preventing the cake from sticking while you shape it. This will also make it easier to remove the cake once it is done.

Place the pill green bean cake prepared on top of the thin layer of dough in the pan. Make sure the cake is in the center to allow enough space for shaping.

Next, gently press the cake down into the mold. This pressing helps the cake adhere to the thin layer of dough and the shape of the cake will be maintained during the shaping process.

Once the cake is pressed firmly, gently remove it from the pan. The thin layer of flour will ensure that the cake does not stick and will keep the shape you want.

How to make moon cake with green bean filling

1. Ingredients for making green bean cake

1.1. The crust:

  • 300g flour.
  • 15g peanut butter.
  • 5h honey
  • 40g vegetable oil.
  • 210g sugar water for mooncakes.
  • 1 to 2 egg yolks.

1.2. Cake filling:

  • 200g peeled green beans.
  • 150g refined sugar.
  • 30g glutinous rice flour.
  • 50g malt
  • 50g cooking oil.

1.3. Sugar water part:

  • 1kg sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 600ml boiling water.

1.4. Cake coating mixture:

  • 1 egg yolk
  • Fresh milk.
  • Oil.
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar water for baking.
How to make moon cake with green bean filling
How to make moon cake with green bean filling

2. How to make moon cakes with green bean filling

2.1. Step 1: Prepare sugar water

Add 1kg of sugar and 600ml of water to the pot and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, place the pot on the stove and cook over low heat. When the water in the pot starts to boil, skim off all the foam on the surface. Then, add the juice of half a lemon to the pot and continue to simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Cook until the sugar water starts to thicken, then turn off the heat and let it cool naturally.

Tips: To avoid re-melting the sugar while cooking the cake syrup, you should avoid stirring vigorously. Usually, the syrup will be cooked 1 week in advance to make moon cake tastes better.

2.2. Step 2: Make green bean filling

To make moon cake with green bean filling To get the right taste, the most important step is to make the filling. First, take the peeled mung beans, soak them in water for about 4-5 hours, then wash them and continue to cook them in a pot with a little water. Check the softness of the beans, if they are soft, put them in a blender to puree. Next, put the pureed mung beans and white sugar on the stove, use a non-stick pan to cook. The important thing is to continuously stir by hand to combine the beans and sugar evenly, avoiding burning or forming lumps.

Once the mung beans have been pureed, place them in a non-stick pan, add 150g sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, and 50g cooking oil and stir-fry. When the sugar has completely dissolved, mix 30g glutinous rice flour with a little water and pour into the pot to continue stirring.

Cook the bean paste until it is soft and pliable, then let it cool. Next, form each ball into a ball about 4cm in diameter, suitable for a 75g cake pan.

How to make moon cakes with green bean filling
How to make moon cakes with green bean filling

2.3. Step 3: Make the crust and mold

Next step in moon cake recipe with green bean filling That is making the crust and molding:

First, mix well the mixture including 210g of sugar water, egg yolks (2 eggs), honey (5g), peanut butter (1g), and vegetable oil (40g), then let it sit for about 2 hours.

Add flour spoonful by spoonful to the mixture that has been left to rise for enough time, mixing well by hand until the mixture becomes smooth and elastic, forming a soft dough. Then, cover and let rise for another 30 minutes. Be careful to only stir the dough evenly, do not knead.

When the dough has risen enough, divide the dough into portions with a weight equal to 1/2 the weight of the filling.

Before rolling out the dough, lightly dust the pie pan and rolling board with flour to prevent sticking. Then, roll out each portion of the pie crust, place the filling in the middle, and wrap it tightly so that the crust wraps evenly around the filling.

Put green bean moon cake into a lightly floured mold, press firmly to create a sharp shape for about 30 seconds. Continue with the remaining ingredients until all are finished.

2.4. Step 4: Bake the cake

Sort moon cake Put the cake in a tray and bake at 180 degrees Celsius. After about 10 minutes of baking, take the baking tray out and lightly spray water on the cake surface, continue baking for about 10 more minutes.

Wait until the cake gives off a fragrant aroma and the crust turns an attractive golden brown, then remove the cake from the oven.

Once you’ve finished making the cookies, place them in a bag or container and seal them, leaving them for about 1-2 days before enjoying. Baked and soft mooncakes with mung bean filling will have a moderate softness and elasticity, along with a delicious, smooth and sweet filling. For the best taste, you can enjoy the cake with a cup of hot tea.

Above is how to make moon cake with green bean filling in the most detailed way. Wish you success and have a happy Tet with your family.

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