Tips on how to use powder to contour your nose quickly and effectively

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If you’re still struggling to know how to use nose contouring powder to “hack your nose”, you should immediately refer to the article below.

One of the ways to make your face more balanced and elegant is to use nose contouring powder. Instead of telling you how to create contour for the whole face, which is a bit difficult and takes a lot of time, within the limits of this article, I will give you some tips to make your nose taller and straighter.

Why do people want to contour their nose?

nose contouring powder

A high, straight nose is truly the dream of many people. You probably know how the shape of your nose determines your face. Therefore, using nose contouring powder will overcome the nose’s disadvantages, making the face more balanced and luxurious. Using this part can also cheat the height of the nose, making the nostrils slimmer as well as making the nose straight and blurring the kinks. In general, just a few light strokes can make anyone feel more confident.

What standards should be used to contour the nose in particular and contour the face in general?

You need a few basic tools so you can perform the “transformation” operation for that nose. You need to prepare basic, bullet points below:

  • Nose contouring powder: choose matte powder for a natural look instead of waxes or creams. You should prioritize choosing the type that has 2 shading tones – dark and highlight – light.
  • Contour brush: If you want to apply powder to contour your nose, you must use a separate specialized brush. You should choose a small, slightly beveled brush with a medium-compressed cotton head and a slight spring. You should use a brush to blend more evenly and smoothly.

Having these two essential tools is enough. You can choose cream or wax stick contouring, which is fine, but it’s easier to apply and can be applied by hand or brush. But I still recommend using powder to contour your nose.

nose contouring powder

Follow the steps to use nose contouring powder

Applying powder to contour the nose is done after the face has been applied and concealer has been completed. You can apply powder to set a smooth foundation, then apply blush and contour. Use dark powder to contour your nose. You should start from the top down, gently pat, not rub, creating lines along both sides of the nose. You should use small sugar, then gradually spread it out, not too thick.

What to keep in mind for each nose shape when using nose contouring powder

With each different nose type, the way to create nose volume will also be completely different. Below are some basic notes to apply flexibly.

nose contouring powder

  • With a crooked nose, you need to shape it first to see which side the nose tilts towards. Draw a straight line to reshape the bridge of your nose with nose contouring powder. Use dark contour powder first, then highlight the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose. Spread a little evenly for a natural look.
  • With a bumpy nose shape, still create contour on both sides, then use highlighter to conceal the imperfections on the bridge of the nose. Use the round brush head to blend the color evenly for a natural nose.
  • With a flat nose, the tip of the nose is large and the wings of the nose flare out to the sides. At this time, you should create volume on both sides of the nose until the tip and then the tip of the nose. As for the tip of the nose, you should apply powder to contour the nose in an upside-down triangle shape. Still remember the same highlights. Use a brush to blend light and dark colors.
  • Big nose shape: A big nose means the tip of the nose is big, the nostrils are also bulging, the low nose looks out of balance with the face. At this time, you should contour both sides and then gradually enter the tip of the nose. Highlight as usual. You should focus on the wings of the nose and the tip of the nose should be “shadowed” a bit.

nose contouring powder

Note that nose contouring powder needs to be flexible. You should use at least 2 types of brushes, and use a contouring color 1-2 tones darker than the background to be effective.

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