Detailed review of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

If you’re looking for a Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer review, you might like’s complete guide to this very popular, low-calorie, non-alcoholic beer. In the article below, you will learn everything you need to know about Budweiser Zero.

Recommendation: Beer products are only for people over 18 years old.

Almost every commercial brewery is developing recipes for non-alcoholic beers as people are now reaching for healthier options. So grab a bottle of Budweiser Zero and discover everything about this non-alcoholic beer right here.

1. History of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer was launched in 2020 by the famous American brand Budweiser. This beer was created in collaboration with NBA legend Dwyane Wade – who always had the perfect athlete in mind while coming up with the idea for this drink. Budweiser Zero boasts zero sugar, low 50 calories and 0.5% ABV (alcohol content).

2. Review of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic Budweiser Zero beer is an American-style Pale Lager produced by Anheuser-Busch. This is a beer with no alcohol content, no sugar and minimal starch. Budweiser Zero’s alcohol content is only 0.5% with 22g of carbs.

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer has no alcohol and no sugar
Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer has no alcohol and no sugar

Below are some features of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer.

2.1 Appearance of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is pale yellow and crystal clear. It has a generous white tip with low hold. A moderate amount of active carbonation can be seen through the bottom of the glass.

Appearance of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer
Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is frothy and bubbly

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is frothy and bubbly by nature. It has decent outlines on the rim and on the top of the beer, and looks just like a regular Budweiser beer.

2.2 Aroma of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer smells like bread and cereal. It has light aromas of green malt and some rice, along with some light sweetness. Additionally, it has the aroma of corn potatoes and shortbread.

However, if you are drinking this beer from a can, you will find it has no smell. On the other hand, if you are drinking this beer from a glass, you will get the same sensations as if you were drinking Bud Light. There is also a slight pine smell.

2.3 Mouthfeel when drinking Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

When it comes to non-alcoholic beers, not everyone likes them. For a non-alcoholic Budweiser, this beer isn’t bad at all and tastes better in a glass than in a can. There was a lot of visible carbonation when poured into a glass, and the flavor of the sweet potato was stronger in the glass than in the can. Budweiser Zero is an extremely light and refreshing beer, perfect for a summer family outing.

Almost everyone doesn’t like this beer unless they try it for themselves. Once you taste it, you will know how perfect this beer is to quench your thirst. This beer has less water than Bud Light, but if you are a fan of Bud Light, you will definitely like this drink. If you’re on a diet and crave a cold beer, Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer will do the trick.

2.4 Taste of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

At first sip, Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer tastes of lots of grains, light oak, some sugar cookies and moderate bread notes. There is a light aroma of rice ingredients and the beer has a nutty sweetness similar to the taste of Budweiser Light beer.

Mid-sip, there’s some pretty nice malty biscuitiness and an oak-like flavor. There are very few hoppy flowers and they are almost hidden somewhere in the beer taste.

On the palate after drinking, there is still a heavy malt biscuit “note” and some German butter “notes”. Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer has tones of tart lemon that tend to balance the overall equation of the beer. The overall taste of Budweiser Zero is clean, crisp and dry with minimal presence. There’s still a bit of candy-like sweetness left in the aftertaste.

2.5 Food pairing with Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer goes well with salty and spicy dishes. Some foods you can pair with Budweiser Zero include roasted chicken, burgers, and spicy tacos.

Food paired with Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer
Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer goes well with salty and spicy dishes

3. What is Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer made of?

Looking at the label, you would expect something interesting from the ingredients of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer, but this is not a craft beer. The main ingredients in this beer are water, barley, rice, malt and hops.

The term zero stands for natural flavor, meaning this beer is free of any artificial flavorings.

Rice is a common ingredient in such beers because it makes the beer bland and almost flavorless. There is no hop seed or malt extract in Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer.

4. Nutritional value of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

As mentioned above, Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is considered non-alcoholic and lower in calories than most beer brands on the market.

Here’s what the nutrition label for Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer includes:

– Total calories: 50

– Saturated fat: 0%

– Trans fat: 0%

– Cholesterol: 0%

– Sodium: 10mg

– Total carbohydrates: 11.5g

– Sugar: 0%

– Fiber: 0%

– Protein: 1.4g

– Vitamin D: 0%

– Calcium: 7g

5. Health benefits of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer

The popularity of non-alcoholic beers has seen a rising trend among millennials. As a general rule among beer enthusiasts, any beer that does not contain alcohol is considered healthy. While nutritionists say it cannot be considered a “healthy drink,” they believe it is a healthier alternative to traditional beers and view it as a occasional enjoyable drink.

Most regular beers range from 145-180 calories, and some craft beers even hit 200 calories. But when it comes to non-alcoholic beer, there are some health benefits that may surprise you.

Here are some known and researched health benefits of non-alcoholic beer:

5.1 Rehydrate the body

Alcoholic beers lead to dehydration and hangovers. Non-alcoholic beers, on the other hand, contain no alcohol, which is why they tend to rehydrate the body. It is a fact that the lower the alcohol, the lower the dehydration ability.

5.2 Improve cardiovascular health

Researchers believe that non-alcoholic beers will make your heart healthier. These beers contain polyphenols that help maintain a good heart. Additionally, these beers reduce blood pressure and inflammation. They also produce stem cells that repair and maintain the endothelial walls of blood vessels.

5.3 Promote post-exercise recovery

If you are a fan of golf or billiards, you will know how much fun it is to play them with a chilled beer. Additionally, when it comes to certain sports, a non-alcoholic beer after sports can help hydrate the body. It is also beneficial for post-exercise recovery.

5.4 Improve copper metabolism

A copper deficiency can lead to joint pain and weak bones. One of the benefits of non-alcoholic beer is that it promotes copper metabolism. It does not allow the body to become deficient in copper.

5.5 Reduce anxiety and stress

Did you know hops used in beer promote good sleep? Hops contain a specific compound called xanthohumol and myrcene that have sedative effects. Hops increases the activity of GABA acid, and as GABA acid levels increase, nerve activity decreases, leading to brain relaxation. And so, consuming non-alcoholic beers will reduce anxiety and stress.

5.6 Reduce the risk of osteoporosis

Silicon is a component of non-alcoholic beer. Consuming these can increase bone mineral density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Experts still recommend choosing a beer with the best and highest quality malted barley and hops to reap all the benefits.

6. Conclusion

Reviews of Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer are quite varied, but overall Budweiser Zero is definitely drinkable.

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is a delicious treat for those who want to enjoy beer but don’t want to drink alcohol, and is a great alternative to regular beers because they help you stay away from all the harmful effects of alcohol in school. If you have to drink too much.

Budweiser Zero non-alcoholic beer is also a perfect drink for a warm, sunny day because it is a neutral-tasting beer, and while some people prefer fruity, hoppy beers, there are some occasions when suitable for these beers. For example, a class reunion for women after a period of graduation, or a wedding anniversary for a newlywed couple…

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