Train ticket price list Hanoi – Sapa, Sapa – Hanoi

There are many trains from Hanoi to Sapa, running every day and during holidays and Tet. Depending on the type of train and class of seats, ticket prices will vary.

In addition, you need to pay attention to some of the following abbreviations:

Arrival station: Fares to the destinations in the itinerary you want to learn about

NC: hard seat

NCL: air-conditioned hard seats

NM: soft seats

NML: air-conditioned soft seat

Patient 1: Hard bed on the first floor

BnT2: Hard bed on the 2nd floor

BnT3: Hard bed on the 3rd floor

Hospital 1: Air-conditioned hard bed on the 1st floor

BnLT2: Air-conditioned hard bed on the 2nd floor

BnLT3: Air-conditioned hard bed on the 3rd floor

AnT1: Soft bed on the first floor

AnT2: Soft bed on the 2nd floor

AnLT1: Air-conditioned soft bed on the first floor

AnLT2: Air-conditioned soft bed on the 2nd floor

GP: passenger seat

SP1 train ticket price list

Running time: about 8 hours

Departure time from Hanoi: 9:10 p.m

Arrival time in Lao Cai: 05:25

Ticket classes: AnLT1, AnLT2

Introduction: SP1 train is the fastest train on the Hanoi – Lao Cai – Sapa route, stops at few stations, you can choose this train for this journey.

SP1 train ticket price does not include meals. The SP1 train is the fastest train, running every day at a few stations on the route Hanoi – Lao Cai – Hanoi

SP3 train ticket price list

SP3 train ticket price does not include meals. The SP3 train is one of the fastest trains, running daily with few stops on the route Hanoi – Lao Cai – Hanoi. SP3 trains mainly have ticket classes: BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2. Passenger ticket classes are mainly added during peak periods and Tet holidays.

SP7 train price list

Running time: about 8 hours

Ticket classes: BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2

Introduction: SP7 train is a fast train on the Hanoi – Lao Cai – Sapa route, stops at few stations, you can choose this train for this journey.

SP7 trains mainly have the following ticket classes: NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2. Passenger ticket classes are mainly added during peak periods and Tet holidays.

SP2 train price list

Running time: about 8 hours

Ticket classes: AnLT1, AnLT2

Introduction: SP2 train is the fastest train on the Lao Cai – Sapa – Hanoi route, stops at few stations, you can choose this train for this journey.

SP4 train price list

Running time: about 8 hours

Ticket classes: BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2

Introduction: SP4 train is a fast train on the route Lao Cai – Sapa – Hanoi, stopping at few stations, you can choose this train for this journey.

SP4 trains mainly have ticket classes: BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2. Passenger ticket classes are mainly added during peak periods and Tet holidays.

SP8 train ticket price list

Running time: about 8 hours

Ticket classes: NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3, AnLT1, AnLT2

Train ticket price list LC1 – Slow Train

Running time: about 9 hours

Ticket classes: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

Introduction: LC1 train is a slow train on the Hanoi – Lao Cai – Sapa route, stopping at many stations

(enlarge the image to view)

Train ticket price list

LC 3 ticket price list – Slowest train

Running time: about 9 hours

Ticket classes: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

Introduction: LC3 train is the slowest train on the Hanoi – Lao Cai – Sapa route, stopping at many stations

Ticket price list LC2 – Slow Train

Running time: about 9 hours

Ticket classes: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

Introduction: LC2 train is a slow train on the Lao Cai – Sapa – Hanoi route, stopping at many stations

(enlarge the image to view)

Train ticket price list LC4 – Slow train

Running time: about 9 hours

Ticket classes: NC, NML, BnLT1, BnLT2, BnLT3

Introduction: LC4 train is the slowest train on the Lao Cai – Sapa – Hanoi route, stopping at many stations

(Source: vetausapa) – The first price comparison website in Vietnam

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