34 dishes made from stir-fried spinach and soup are all better than restaurants

34 dishes made from stir-fried spinach and soup are all better than restaurants

As a plant grown all year round and very familiar to Vietnamese family meals, dishes made from water spinach are not only simple and easy to make but also provide eaters with many good nutrients. Join Websosanh to discover the recipe for 34 delicious dishes with water spinach in the following article!

1. Dishes from stir-fried water spinach

Water spinach has very good health effectsin addition, you can also prepare a variety of delicious stir-fried dishes.

1.1. Stir-fried water spinach with garlic

One of the first dishes from spinach that must be mentioned is stir-fried spinach with garlic. It can be said that this seems to have become a favorite dish of many people because the fragrant aroma of fried garlic mixed with sweet and sour fish sauce always “awakens” all 5 senses and our stomach.

With its typical simplicity, the dish of stir-fried water spinach with garlic has equally simple ingredients. Just prepare 1-2 bunches of young water spinach, a few cloves of minced or thinly sliced ​​garlic, cooking oil, MSG, sugar, fish sauce, lemon, and chili to make delicious fish sauce. You should remember to choose bunches of spinach Fresh green vegetables, guaranteed origin so as not to affect the quality of the food as well as the health of the family.

Wash the vegetables, pick off all the old leaves and let them drain thoroughly. Pour the appropriate amount of fish sauce into a bowl, add MSG, sugar, chili and garlic and stir, taste to see if it is to your liking. Continue to boil the pot of water, boil the spinach and blanch it again in cold water to keep the vegetables crispy and fresh.

Afterward Put a non-stick frying pan on the stoveadd cooking oil, wait for it to heat up a bit, then add the remaining minced garlic, use chopsticks to stir well until the garlic turns golden, then pour the boiled vegetables into the pan, stir gently but evenly. Finally, when you see that the vegetables are cooked, pour fish sauce on top, continue stirring until absorbed and turn off the stove. Remove to a plate and enjoy with other dishes.

Stir-fried water spinach with garlic - a frugal dish that's easy to make

Stir-fried water spinach with garlic – a frugal dish that’s easy to make.

1.2. Stir-fried beef with water spinach

The way to make stir-fried water spinach with beef is similar to stir-frying garlic, just keep in mind Choose quality beef that is fresh during the daystay away from meat left out for a day because it can easily cause stomach aches or other health problems, and don’t forget to marinate the beef for about 30 minutes before stir-frying!

1.3. Buffalo meat stir-fried with water spinach

Buffalo meat stir-fried with nutritious water spinach

Buffalo meat stir-fried with nutritious water spinach.

1.4. Stir-fried water spinach

Stir-fried water spinach is a delicious dish that many families and vegetarian restaurants prepare on the full moon day or the first day of the lunar new year. This dish is also extremely simple to make and does not take much time. Choose bunches of spinach that are free from worms and bright green to make the dish more delicious.

After washing the spinach and removing the withered and old leaves, put it in boiling water and boil it briefly, then blanch it in cold water to make the spinach crispy and fresh, then drain it in a basket. Take a bowl and put the chao balls in, then mash them and add a little sugar, seasoning powder, and minced chili depending on your and your family’s spicy taste.

Continue to put the oil pan on the stove, wait for it to be hot, then fry the minced garlic until golden brown and fragrant, add water spinach and turn on high heat, stir well. Finally, pour in the cup of mashed chao and stir again to absorb the spices. Turn off the stove and wait until rice time!

Stir-fried water spinach

Stir-fried water spinach.

1.5. Stir-fried water spinach with pork

Similar to stir-fried beef and buffalo meat, you should also pay attention Choose clean pork that meets quality standards okay.

Stir-fried spinach with pork

Stir-fried spinach with pork.

1.6. Stir-fried water spinach with garlic butter

With stir-fried spinach with garlic butter, you just need to replace the cooking oil with oil Salted butter cooks deliciously premium food When stir-fried, it will increase the flavor and make it more delicious!

Stir-fried water spinach with garlic butter

Stir-fried water spinach with garlic butter.

1.7. Stir-fried water spinach with shrimp

The method and ingredients are similar to the ways to prepare delicious dishes from water spinach mentioned above, but with shrimp you also need to pay attention. Choose premium fresh shrimp, no preservatives And pay attention to boiling the shrimp, peeling and removing the heads cleanly, then stir-frying to create a delicious, nutritious and rich dish for your family to enjoy.

1.8. Stir-fried water spinach with oyster sauce

For this delicious dish combining water spinach and oyster sauce, you only need: After washing the water spinach, let it dry thoroughly. Then put a pan of cooking oil on the stove until slightly hot, add minced garlic and fry until fragrant, continue to add water spinach and stir quickly – evenly. Choose pure oyster sauce Pour ½ tablespoon directly onto spinach, add ½ teaspoon sugar, stir well and turn off the stove. Note that you should not add salt because the oyster sauce is already salty.

1.9. Stir-fried water spinach with shrimp paste

It may sound strange, but in the list of delicious dishes made from water spinach, a plate of stir-fried water spinach with shrimp paste cannot be missing. The taste of shrimp paste is rich and salty along with fresh crispy spinach will definitely awaken your taste buds as soon as you “hear” it.

First, soak dried shrimp in cold water to expand, then rinse and drain. Grind or pound a mixture of fresh chili, purple onion, garlic, and dried shrimp. Put a pan of oil on the stove, wait until hot, then add a little onion and garlic until fragrant, then pour in the mixture and stir well. Continue pouring shrimp paste into the pan and stir.

Wait for the spices to blend with the shrimp paste, then pour in the spinach, turn the heat to high and stir well. Season with a little sugar and a little cold water for better taste, then turn off the stove. If you want, you can add a little roasted peanuts, crush them and pour them on top when you put them on the plate to make the dish more attractive and fragrant.

Stir-fried water spinach with shrimp

Stir-fried water spinach with shrimp.

1.10. Stir-fried water spinach with squid

1.11. Stir-fried water spinach with melon

1.12. Stir-fried water spinach with bean sprouts

After washing water spinach and bean sprouts, about 100 – 200 grams of good quality, boil water and add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of salt to the water pot. oil. When the water boils, put the spinach in and boil for about 2 minutes, then take it out and blanch in cold water. Do the same with bean sprouts. Put the pan on the stove and remove the onions and garlic until fragrant, then add the vegetables, bean sprouts and 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce and stir well. Finally, season to taste and turn off the stove. With just a few simple steps, you can have a delicious spinach dish!

Stir-fried water spinach with bean sprouts

Stir-fried water spinach with bean sprouts.

1.13. Stir-fried water spinach with tamarind

1.14. Stir-fried water spinach with instant noodles

1.15. Stir-fried water spinach with tofu

1.16. Stir-fried water spinach with peanuts

1.17. Make stir-fried water spinach with snails

Finger snails stir-fried with water spinach is one of the “favorite” dishes of many people when they go to shops or even restaurants.

Nail snails are similar fresh seafood Other shells such as clams, oysters, and mussels need about 1kg to be thoroughly cleaned before cooking. After buying, you should soak the snails in cold water mixed with vinegar and cut fresh chili into it (about 3 – 4). While the snails are soaking, pick up all the leaves and wash the spinach thoroughly. Next, boil the water and boil the vegetables until cooked, then drain and cover with cold water to make the vegetables crispy.

After washing the snails, boil them and then take the meat and remove the shell. Fry shallots and garlic in a pan of hot oil, add boiled snails, turn on high heat and stir well. Then season to taste spices If necessary, when you see the snails starting to absorb the mixture, turn down the heat and add the spinach and stir. The vegetables will soften a bit, then turn off the stove. So you have a delicious snail dish stir-fried with spinach after just a few extremely simple steps!

1.18. Stir-fried water spinach with vegetarian chao

Vegetarian stir-fried water spinach

Vegetarian stir-fried water spinach.

1.19. Stir-fried morning glory with mushrooms

Stir-fried morning glory with mushrooms

Stir-fried morning glory with mushrooms.

2. How to cook spinach soup

2.1. Sour soup with spinach and shrimp

As one of the delicious dishes with water spinach that has a sour taste that is hard to resist, sour water spinach soup with shrimp is one of the dishes that is nutritious but easy to prepare.

Mince the garlic, wash and cut 2 medium-sized tomatoes. Shrimp about 100 grams, washed, peeled, removed heads and seasoned to taste. From spinach, pick up all the deep and old leaves and wash them. Take the soup pot and put it on the stoveadd oil and wait until hot, then fry garlic until fragrant and stir-fry until golden brown. Next, add the shrimp and stir well. When the shrimp turns brick color, add tomatoes and stir, pay attention Choose fresh, vitamin-rich tomatoes and of moderate size. Soak the tamarind in warm water, then filter the water and pour it into the shrimp pan. Finally, pour filtered water into the pan, wait for it to boil, then add spinach. Use chopsticks to stir the vegetables until they are cooked evenly. Season to taste and pour into a bowl to enjoy.

Sour soup with spinach, crab and meat

Sour soup with spinach, crab and meat.

2.2. Vegetarian spinach and sour soup

2.3. Sour soup with water spinach and red tilapia

2.4. Crab soup with water spinach and taro

Take about 250 grams of crab, wash it, remove the bib and shell, then scoop the brick out. You can too Using pre-processed crabs still ensures deliciousness and nutrition. Wash thoroughly and put in a mortar to grind until smooth. Remove the leaves from water spinach, take the stems, chop them into small pieces, and soak them in dilute salt water.

Peel 15 taro potatoes, soak in diluted salt water for about 10 minutes. Next, boil the potatoes in a pot, add 1 teaspoon of salt to the boiling water so that when the potatoes are cooked, the viscosity will be less. Take the potatoes out, rinse with cold water and drain.

Marinate the potatoes with 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder and 1 teaspoon of fish sauce to make the potatoes more flavorful when eaten. For the crab carcass, filter the crushed crab and add the spices into the pot of filtered water and stir well. For the brick part, add the spices, beat until dissolved, fry the onion in the pan, then pour into the brick bowl to simmer until the smell increases, then pour in 1 cup of filtered water to continue simmering the crab.

Next step, you put the crab pot on the stove, turn on the heat until the meat floats, then turn down the heat. Use a spatula to gently push the crab scum aside, then add the taro and water spinach. Pour the crab water over the crab scum. Turn off the stove, lift the pot and pour the soup into a bowl.

Water spinach and taro soup - a delicious countryside dish with rich flavor

Water spinach and taro soup – a delicious countryside dish with rich flavor.

2.5. How to cook sour water spinach soup with beef

2.6. Eel and water spinach sour soup

3. How to make spinach salad

3.1. Water spinach salad with beef

3.2. Shrimp and meat spinach salad

Shrimp and meat spinach salad is a favorite dish of many people

Shrimp and meat spinach salad is a favorite dish of many people.

3.3. Pig ear spinach salad

200 grams of water spinach, remove leaves, leave stems and split in half. Wash them and then boil them in boiling water. Then, take it out, blanch in cold water and drain. Use lemon, salt and vinegar to disinfect 250 grams of pig ears, then marinate with a little seasoning and boil. When the pig ears are cooked, take them out, blanch in cold water, slice thinly and drain to make the ears more crispy. The salad dressing includes 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of fish sauce, chopped chili, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of sugar, minced garlic and put in a bowl and stir well to dissolve all the sugar. Put the mixture of water spinach and boiled pig’s ears into a large bowl, pour the mixture on top and use your hands to mix thoroughly until absorbed. Then pour 100 grams of crushed roasted peanuts on top and start enjoying!

3.4. Grated water spinach salad

3.5. Crispy fried spinach salad

Dried gourami fish is grilled or fried until golden, then tear off the bones, take the meat, marinate with purple onions and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Wash 100 grams of water spinach, remove the leaves, cut into small stems, and grate the acacia mango into strips. Prepare crispy fried dough. Water to make salad: mix 2 spoons of fish sauce, 3 spoons of sugar, 1 spoon of minced garlic and chili, half a spoon of MSG. Pour oil into the pan, put it on the stove, wait for the oil to heat, then dip the spinach into the bowl Crispy fried dough ensures health safety then drop into the pan. After frying, take it out to drain the oil. Put half of acacia mango, fish and vegetables in a bowl, then pour over the salad mixture and mix well. Finally, put the spinach on a plate and place the mixed salad on top.

Crispy fried water spinach - a delicious dish that's hard to resist

Crispy fried water spinach – a delicious dish that’s hard to resist.

3.6. How to make spinach and peanut salad

3.7. Seafood spinach salad

3.8. Water spinach salad with shrimp paste

4. Boiled water spinach

This is an easy dish made from spinach that almost anyone can make. In addition to vegetables, boiled water spinach is also a dish Food helps lose weight effectively and quickly is being chosen by many people in many of their meals. Just choose fresh young spinach, then remove the yellow and old leaves. Put the water on the stove to boil, then add the vegetables, stir until the vegetables are just cooked, then turn off the heat and take them out to drain. Add a delicious, delicious dipping sauce made from fish sauce, garlic, chili, lemon, and sugar, and you have a delicious, simple dish!

Boiled water spinach

Boiled water spinach.

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