5 types of functional foods to safely and effectively treat numbness in limbs and long-term pain

5 types of functional foods to safely and effectively treat numbness in limbs and long-term pain

Numbness in the limbs is a common condition in many people, especially the elderly. Understanding the causes, symptoms and effective treatments for numbness and pain in limbs will help limit the negative effects of this disease.

1. What is numbness in limbs?

Numbness and pain in the limbs is a feeling of numbness and tingling in the limbs, which can be accompanied by discomfort and pain in the bones and joints. This may be a normal physiological phenomenon due to compression of the limbs, making it difficult for blood to circulate, but it can also be a symptom of common bone and joint diseases other.

Numbness in limbs is a common disease in many people
Numbness in limbs is a common disease in many people

2. Causes of numbness and pain in limbs

2.1 Spinal degeneration

Before using medicine to treat numbness in limbs, it is necessary to clearly determine the cause of this condition. The most common is the condition arising from spinal degeneration problems. At that time, the cartilage in the joints and vertebrae is damaged, rubbed, and eroded with the nerve roots, causing pain and numbness from the neck to the arms or from the waist to the legs.

2.2 Disc herniation

A herniated disc causes the mucus in the fibrous disc to spill out, causing spinal nerves to be compressed. The main external manifestation is numbness and pain in the limbs. This is also one of the common causes of numbness in limbs in middle-aged and elderly people.

2.3 Osteoarthritis

When joints are damaged, degenerated and eroded parts appear, they will affect the nerve roots and surrounding organs, causing pain in the limbs.

2.4 Multiple sclerosis

This disorder directly affects the central nervous system. At that time, the lipid membrane surrounding the axis of nerve cells is eroded, manifesting symptoms such as muscle spasms, fatigue, pain and numbness in the limbs.

2.5 Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a congenital disease, causing many serious effects on the patient’s health. The nerve roots running along the spine are compressed, causing numbness in the limbs. If there is no timely treatment, the patient may suffer from blood circulation blockage and difficulty in daily activities.

Spinal stenosis is a common cause of limb numbness
Spinal stenosis is a common cause of limb numbness

3. Symptoms of numbness in limbs

3.1 Numbness in the fingertips and toes gradually spreads

In the early stages, limb numbness is simply a feeling of tingling, discomfort, and loss of sensation. However, if left for a long time without using medicine to treat numbness and pain in the limbs in time, the level of numbness and pain will increase over time, spreading to other areas of the body, causing difficulty in motor. The patient feels very uncomfortable in the fingertips and toes.

3.2 Shoulder and neck pain

Along with numbness in the limbs, symptoms of shoulder and neck pain may appear if the disease is caused by spinal degeneration. In addition, with each different disease, patients may experience other symptoms such as: motor paralysis stemming from polyneuritis, rapid weight loss due to diabetes. If numbness in the limbs is accompanied by these problems, you should quickly see a doctor for appropriate treatment. Besides, to reduce the feeling of discomfort, you can find solutions Herbal belt supports the treatment of bone and joint diseases Fit.

Shoulder and neck pain can come from numbness in the limbs
Shoulder and neck pain can come from numbness in the limbs

3.3 Pain along the nerve

With symptoms of numbness in the limbs due to disc herniation, the patient will feel pain along the nerves, very uncomfortable even when lying, sitting or moving. As soon as you notice yourself having these signs, you need to immediately go to a hospital or reputable medical facility Participate in intensive physical therapytreat and use appropriate medicine to treat numbness and pain in limbs.

4. Oriental medicine to treat numbness in limbs

4.1. Vinfa bones and joints (hard capsules, granules)

If you are wondering what functional foods you should take for numbness in your limbs, you can refer to Vinfa bone and joint products in hard capsule or granule form. This is a functional food that has the effect of improving health, supporting the treatment of pain, osteoarthritis and limb numbness due to related diseases. This functional food to treat numbness in limbs is made from ingredients that are precious natural herbs. Including: dong quai, mulberry, licorice, atractylodes and many other oriental medicines. Therefore, the product provides gradual, safe and long-lasting effects, does not affect other health problems when used according to instructions.

Limit the symptoms of numbness and pain in your limbs with the right products
Limit the symptoms of numbness and pain in your limbs with the right products

4.2. Lolot leaves

Not only used as a familiar food in the family, lolot leaves are also considered effective herbs thanks to their valuable pharmacological effects. According to Oriental medicine, guise leaves are warm and spicy, effective in eliminating rheumatism, reducing inflammation, pain and symptoms of limb numbness.

How to treat: Prepare lolot leaves, white powdered leaves, ox tat nam, wild amaranth, and shame plants, 30 grams of each. After washing, draining, boil everything in two liters of water over low heat. With high efficiency and safety for the health of those using it Treatment services for disc herniation and spinal degeneration You can ask your doctor for advice to apply this remedy in parallel with the hospital treatment.

4.3. White mugwort

White mugwort is a medicinal plant that is easy to find and use to treat numbness in limbs. According to Oriental medicine, this is a warm-natured plant that effectively enhances blood circulation under the skin. Thanks to this, the symptoms of numbness in the limbs will gradually improve, giving the patient a feeling of comfort and ease. This is How to treat bone and joint pain and numb limbs in the elderly without causing side effects. Therefore, patients can apply it regularly whenever they feel pain or fatigue.

How to do: Wash a handful of wormwood and drain, then crush and dry roast with salt. After about 10 minutes, turn off the stove, pour it into a thick cloth and apply it to the numb skin area. Additionally, you can soak wormwood with salt for about 1 day and then apply wormwood leaves to your skin whenever you feel a stinging or uncomfortable feeling.

Treat numbness in limbs with white wormwood
Treat numbness in limbs with white wormwood

4.4. Chaste tree

Chaste tree (also known as shame tree) has long been used to make medicine to treat numbness in limbs. According to traditional medicine, this is a plant with bitter-sweet and cold properties. The roots have an astringent taste and are effective in reducing inflammation and pain, clearing menstruation, and promoting pleasure. If you often have numbness in your limbs, you can collect the roots of the chaste tree, wash them, slice them thinly and soak them in wine for later use. Every day, use 20 grams of this soaked root and boil it in 400ml of water until only 100ml remains, then pour into a bowl and divide into 2 doses to drink, morning and afternoon.

4.5. The earthen tree restores the spirit

Even though it is just a wild plant, the Astragalus plant is an extremely effective folk remedy to treat numbness in limbs. Ancient people often cut the stems and roots, washed them, dried them and made a decoction to make medicine from this herb to treat numbness in limbs and reduce bone and joint pain. Up to now, this is still a widely used remedy, especially in mountainous areas of our country. To bring more effective treatment, it needs to be combined with other herbs. The most effective remedy is: use 20 grams of rhizome of the Astragalus plant, 10 grams of stone gecko, 8 grams of millennium event, 6 grams of decocted angelica with drinking water every day. In addition, you can stew this plant with pork to improve your health or soak it in wine to massage your limbs when you feel numb.

5. Prevention of numbness and pain in limbs

5.1 Increase physical activity and sports

Just like when preventing other diseases, increasing movement and exercise also effectively reduces bone and joint diseases and numbness in the limbs. When signs of fatigue begin to appear, you can use the service.

Some methods can help prevent numbness and pain such as increasing physical activity, regularly exercising to keep the body healthy and create good elasticity.

Sports activities help effectively prevent numbness in limbs
Sports activities help effectively prevent numbness in limbs

5.2 Reasonable diet

A healthy, balanced diet will help the body receive the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy state and repel diseases and unpleasant symptoms. Better yet, you should supplement the necessary vitamins to ensure your body is full of nutrients and always healthy. Functional foods that support bones and joints is an effective solution to support treatment and prevent disease recurrence. However, you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist if you are using herbal medicine to treat numbness in your limbs. Besides, don’t forget to stay away from cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and other stimulants.

5.3 Use reasonable health

Being lazy or exercising too much both causes negative effects on health and can easily cause damage to the bone and joint system. Symptoms of this condition are the appearance of pain and fatigue in the body and numbness in the limbs. Therefore, besides exercising to increase your strength, you need to pay attention to issues such as: do not carry too heavy objects, do not stand or sit in one place for too long. If you go to school or work and need to sit for a long time, practice good sitting posture and regularly exercise your limbs gently.

It should be noted that no matter what medicine to treat numbness in limbs, you need to consult your doctor before using it. Besides, don’t forget to keep a healthy lifestyle and use Treatment services at a reputable oriental medicine facility for effective treatment.

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