6 ways to choose delicious avocados that are not bitter and identify ripe or old avocados

6 ways to choose delicious avocados that are not bitter and identify ripe or old avocados

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Avocado is a nutritious food containing many essential vitamins and nutrients. However, not everyone knows how to choose butter that is delicious, waxy and not bitter. Join Websosanh to find out in the following article to “pocket” experiences on how to choose delicious avocados.

1. How to choose a delicious avocado that is not bitter

1.1. How to identify old avocados

Butter is kind Fruits are rich in nutrients and healthy for health. To distinguish between young and old avocados, you can rely on two factors: the length of the seed and the color of the avocado intestine. If you shake the avocado, if you see loose seeds and make noises, it means the fruit is old and vice versa. When peeling the core, if the intestine is green, it is a young avocado, if the intestine is dark brown, the avocado is overripe. And if the avocado flesh is yellow, the avocado is ripe and suitable to enjoy.

To distinguish between young and old avocados, you can rely on two factors: the length of the seed and the color of the avocado intestine.

1.2. Shell color

To choose a delicious avocado, you can rely on the color of the skin. Delicious avocados will have green skin with yellow spots. The flesh of these fruits will be more flexible than purple-skinned avocados. You should buy avocado at VinMart supermarket system by Vietnamese domestic fruits Freshness and reasonable prices are always guaranteed here.

1.3 Shape

Based on shape is also a way to choose delicious avocados that are not bitter, which you should pay attention to. Avocados usually have the main shapes of being long and round. However, long avocados often have smaller seeds, more flesh and less fiber than round avocados.

Avocados usually have the main shapes of being long and round

1.4 Avocado stem

If when you remove the stem the concave part is green, the avocado is not ripe. If the hollow is dark brown, the butter has gone bad. If it is yellow, it means the avocado is just ripe. Avocados with yellow stem concavities show that the avocado is ripe and pliable. This is one of the ways to choose delicious avocados that you should know.

1.5 Weight and size of avocado

If the avocado feels heavy when picked up, the flesh is firm and waxy. The way to choose a delicious avocado is that when you shake it gently, you can hear the sound of seeds inside and the skin of the fruit becomes shiny. You should not choose fruit that is pinkish brown in color and the seeds are too loud because the flesh will be very thin.

1.6. Some other identification tips

Delicious fruits provide nutrients that strengthen the body’s resistance But their quality must be really good. One tip to know if an avocado is good or not is to squeeze the avocado all over. If it feels soft, the avocado is ripe. You should not choose fruits that are too hard or too soft because green or overripe avocados will be bitter and not delicious.

How to identify good wax butter

2. How to safely ripen avocado quickly

While avocados are green, you should let them ripen naturally at room temperature (23-25 ​​degrees Celsius). Please note that you should not wrap green avocados in plastic bags or put them in the refrigerator because this will cause the avocados to easily rot or not ripen evenly.

Let the avocados come in direct contact with the ground. Or you can place avocados next to fruits that produce a lot of ethylene gas like bananas. The gas released from the banana will speed up the avocado ripening process faster than usual.

Another way is to dip green avocados in cold water or rinse them under running water. Put all this avocado in a basket, stem side up and leave it in a cool place. You can do this 2-3 times a day to help the avocado ripen quickly, without the skin drying out.

If you accidentally cut a green avocado, don’t rush to throw it away. Cut green avocado into small pieces then soak it with granulated sugar and put it in a box. Use the lid to cover the box tightly and put it in the refrigerator. The avocado will ripen and you can still use it. This is 1 in 22 ways to preserve fruit at home that many people use best.

The ethylene gas contained in bananas will speed up the ripening process of avocados

3. How to preserve avocado so it stays fresh and delicious

You should not put avocados in the refrigerator while they are still green. However, if you want to prolong the shelf life, you should put ripe avocados in the refrigerator. This method will help the avocado continue to be eaten for 2-3 days.

For ripe avocados that have been cut but not used up, you can put them in a vacuum bag and put them in the refrigerator. You should not leave butter in food for too long because it will lose its nutrition and no longer taste delicious.

How to preserve avocado fresh for a long time

Please apply Websosanh’s ways to choose delicious avocados that are not bitter so you can choose delicious, moderately ripe avocados and make delicious dishes and drinks from avocados.

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