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  What should you eat if you have a hot liver? 20 fruits and vegetables with cooling properties, detoxifying and quickly cooling

What should you eat if you have a hot liver? 20 fruits and vegetables with cooling properties, detoxifying and quickly cooling

Changing living environments and unhealthy living habits can easily lead to digestive diseases related to liver function. So how to quickly detoxify and cool the liver? What should you eat and avoid if you have liver heat to support treatment and prevention of related diseases?

1. What should you eat if you have a hot liver?

1.1. Carrot

Carrots and Fresh root vegetables from VinEco farm colored like beets contain large amounts of beta-carotene and plant flavonoids. These two active ingredients help support and improve liver function, thereby increasing the ability to treat related diseases such as internal heat.

The nutritional composition of carrots contains Beta-carotene

1.2. Onions and garlic

The composition of this food contains a lot of antioxidants, rich in Allicin and Selenium, which help detoxify and fight inflammation extremely effectively. Besides, garlic also helps stimulate enzyme activity to protect and enhance liver function.

What should you eat if you have hot liver to enhance liver function?

1.3. Broccoli

Glucosinolate is a specific enzyme that supports the production of other enzymes in the liver and also helps enhance the removal of toxins from the body, significantly limiting the risks that can lead to liver cancer.

It’s great that broccoli is packed with these helpful enzymes, making it one of the best vegetables for your liver!

What should you eat if you have a hot liver to remove toxins from your body?

1.4. Green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables contain lots of vitamins and fiber such as Malabar spinach, spinach, etc. help improve the digestive tract. Their ingredients also contain many active ingredients that can resolve and limit the effects of pesticide residues and heavy metals. residue in the food we eat every day. From there, it supports the liver in eliminating toxins, enhancing function and protecting the liver.

Spinach is good for the liver and supports diabetes treatment

1.5. Cooling lemonade

The ingredients of detox bottles cannot lack lemon flavor. Every day in the morning, enjoying a glass of warm lemon water will help you purify your body, lose weight effectively, especially protecting your liver thanks to Vitamin C and wonderful active ingredients from this fruit.

A glass of lemon water in the morning helps protect the liver and purify the body

1.6. Beetroot

Just like carrots and beets, beets contain a lot of beta Cyanin pigments that reduce stress and fatigue, enhance liver detoxification, especially with harmful substances such as heavy metals.

What should you eat to cool your liver if you have a hot liver? Drink a glass of beetroot juice immediately

1.7. Turmeric

The famous active ingredient Curcumin in turmeric helps nourish the blood, strengthen the immune system and improve the digestive tract. Particularly for the liver, turmeric ingredients also help eliminate and resolve toxins and stimulate bile gland activity.

Great effects of turmeric on health and liver

1.8. Artichoke

Artichoke helps eliminate excess cholesterol and fat in the liver, while the two active ingredients Cynarin and Silymarin help support liver functions and eliminate harmful toxins. Besides, artichoke tea is also one of them Simple summer cooling dishes that are very good for health.

Artichoke also helps eliminate toxic substances accumulated in the intestinal tract

1.9. Avocado

The antioxidant found in avocados, Glutathione, also has a very good effect on the detoxification process in the liver. Besides, Vitamin K and other nutrients in avocado also help maintain shape, beautify skin, and improve health.

A glass of avocado smoothie contains many nutrients and is very good for the liver

1.10. Grapefruit

Grapefruit and citrus fruits such as oranges and tangerines all contain a lot of Vitamin C. This active ingredient is extremely beneficial for the body from bones and joints, the digestive system and especially helps the liver eliminate toxic substances in the blood. However, people who are taking medication should not eat grapefruit immediately (within 24 hours) because it can lead to poisoning.

Grapefruit and oranges contain a lot of vitamin C for healthy skeletal muscles

1.11. Beans

Capital in composition of beans and whole grains like oats… all contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, mineral salts… which both help improve health, limit obesity and help detoxify and cool the liver effectively.

Most cereals are nutritious and good for health

1.12. Green tea cools the liver

Green tea has an astringent taste, followed by a sweet taste that lingers in the neck, cooling the liver and keeping the skin plump. Besides, green tea is also Foods that are good for the heart and keep blood pressure stable. To retain the precious essence, you should take fresh tea buds, slightly crush them and steep them in boiling water for about 15 minutes and then enjoy.

The Japanese people's secret to healthy living comes from fresh tea leaves

1.13. Apple

Apples are The fruit contains a lot of vitamins A and C especially Pectin essence, which is an active ingredient that helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the liver, thereby enhancing liver function and protection.

What should you eat if you have a hot liver to both detoxify and cool down your liver?

1.14. Sugar beet

As just introduced above, carrots and beets contain a lot of Carotene, which restores and stabilizes liver function, thereby improving the digestive system, reducing pimples, heat rash… in people with heat. in.

Both beets and carrots are very healthy

1.15. Walnut

Walnuts contain many amino acids, some of which are very rare in nature. Therefore, walnuts have many effects, from nourishing the liver, strengthening the brain to supporting development and avoiding fetal defects. You can eat roasted walnuts or use them directly Walnut milk to increase resistance and protect the liver.

Walnuts increase resistance and protect the liver

1.16. Gotu kola

Gotu kola is often dried, boiled into drinking water or soup, and eaten raw to cool down and treat constipation and internal heat. According to oriental medicine, pennywort has a sweet taste and cool properties that are very suitable for enhancing liver health.

Gotu kola grows abundantly on the edges of fields

1.17. Plantain leaves

Plantain leaves or plantain flowers have long been a folk remedy to treat frequent urination and rashes caused by internal heat. Plantain leaves cool and detoxify the liver very effectively, but care must be taken when using it for people with weak kidneys and pregnant women.

1.18. Dandelion

There are many wonderful vegetables that are the answer to the question of what to eat to cool down when the liver is hot. However, few people probably know the liver-cooling, stress-reducing, and fatigue-reducing effects of dandelion. A type of weed that often grows on the side of the road. People often boil dandelion leaves to make drinking water.

Dandelion has many health benefits

1.19. Chrysanthemum

It is one of four precious herbs, used to make tea and medicine. Chrysanthemums have a bitter taste and cool properties that are good for digestion and excretion. Chrysanthemum tea helps cool the liver, thereby keeping the skin youthful.

Chrysanthemum tea is diuretic, cools the liver and cools the body

1.20. Papaya

Papaya capital is Domestic fruits are nutritious, benign and contain many vitamins. Papaya seeds contain several compounds that can prevent and restore signs of liver damage such as internal heat and even cirrhosis. You can take papaya seeds to mix drinks or prepare them with food.

Save papaya seeds to make tea to cool the liver

2. What should you avoid eating if you have a hot liver?

2.1. Hot and spicy dishes

The next question of concern after what to eat with liver heat is what foods should be avoided or absolutely avoided if you do not want to get or make the condition worse. The first is to limit eating spicy foods such as spicy noodles, kimchi… dishes with a lot of chili and hot foods heat up the liver, causing pimples, rashes…

You should limit eating dishes that contain a lot of chili and are hot

2.2. The meat is red, shrimp

Red meats such as beef, lamb or seafood…are all very rich in protein. Too high a protein content can lead to bloating and flatulence, which in turn affects liver function, making the condition worse.

A diet too rich in protein can harm digestion

2.3. Instant noodles, canned foods

Ready-to-eat ready-to-eat foods such as instant noodles, canned meat, fast food… often contain a lot of fat, high calories and many preservatives, which are especially difficult to digest. Regular use will affect the liver and other organs in the body.

Canned foods often contain many preservatives and are low in nutrients

2.4. Fried and processed foods

Hot and spicy foods such as stir-fries, fried foods, grilled foods, spicy noodles, chili… should all be limited. Not only does it cause internal heat, eating too much hot and spicy dishes also leads to cardiovascular problems, blood pressure, stomach pain…

What should you eat and drink if you have hot liver so as not to harm your health?

2.5. Tobacco, alcohol, stimulants

Tobacco, alcohol and stimulants are all harmful to the body, whether it is the liver or other organs. In alcohol, especially cigarettes, there are substances that cause organ destruction, liver cancer and many other serious health problems.

Stimulants such as cigarettes and alcohol are very harmful to health

2.6. Sweet foods, high in sugar

What should you avoid eating if you have a hot liver? In addition to spicy foods, alcohol, stimulants, etc., you should also limit eating a lot of sweets. Foods containing a lot of sugar can reduce the ability of the liver and kidneys to function, thereby causing many blood pressure diseases, or diabetes…

Don't eat too much food containing sugar

2.7. Tonics also heat up the liver

Supplements if used in the wrong dosage and manner can also cause liver heat and even damage the liver. To nourish the body and increase resistance and beautify the skin, it should be used appropriately, according to the instructions of doctors and nutritionists.

Deer velvet and ginseng are tonics that easily cause internal heat

Above are foods that should and should not be used for people with liver heat. Along with a healthy and nutritious diet, to protect and support liver recovery in the best way. First, you should go directly to the hospital for a general examination or in-depth examination of the liver and biliary system, and to screen for hepatitis when there are any signs of the disease or periodically for early detection. Combining a vitamin-rich diet with a healthy lifestyle and moderate exercise will help you keep your liver healthy.

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