14 iron-rich foods for babies to eat to increase immunity and prevent anemia

14 iron-rich foods for babies to eat to increase immunity and prevent anemia

Iron is an extremely important compound for physical and intellectual development in children. Therefore, you should pay attention to supplementing your baby with the following iron-rich foods every day to prevent the risk of anemia and help your baby become healthier.

1. Iron-rich foods for babies from red vegetables

During the weaning period, in addition to fresh milk, mothers need to supplement it Root vegetables are guaranteed to be safe and fresh There is bright red color in your baby’s meals. This is both good for the digestive system and provides many necessary nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium… to support your child’s future development needs.

Red vegetables help increase oxygen and supplement iron for children

Red vegetables help increase oxygen and supplement iron for children (Source: songkhoeviet.com)

2. Foods rich in iron for babies include skim milk and yogurt

With 16ml Canned yogurt is convenient to use and preserve Children will be provided with about 800mg of calcium, which not only has a good impact on the digestive system, but also… Effective ways to prevent constipation in childrenbut also destroys some harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. Also, you can Combined with the natural sweetness of fresh fruits like pureed bananas and apples to stimulate children’s taste buds.

Yogurt and skimmed fresh milk are the keys to effectively increasing resistance and height in children

Yogurt and skimmed fresh milk are the keys to effectively increasing resistance and height in children (Source: nhipsongphunu.com)

3. Oats

According to studies, oats themselves contain a lot of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B and folic acid to help babies digest easily, become smarter and provide a lot of nutrition for children. With this iron-rich food for babies, you can freely prepare it with chicken, carrots, potatoes…, and even puree a mixture of oatmeal and oatmeal. Walnut milk contains pure walnut ingredients to create porridge with rich nutritional sources and stimulate height development for children.

Combining oats with other foods will provide a nutritious dish that will help your baby grow quickly

Combining oats with other foods will bring a nutritious dish, helping your baby grow quickly (Source: sacdepvasuckhoe24h.blogspot.com)

4. Bananas

On average, one banana provides 400mg of Potassium. They act as a bridge to transport other nutrients into the body easily, soothe the stomach as well as fight diarrhea commonly found in children. Furthermore, bananas contain quite a lot of calories, when combined with fresh milk nutritional ingredients then puree, it will form An ideal and nutritious snack made from bananas for children.

Banana - a fruit that helps your baby's body absorb better

Banana – a fruit that helps your baby’s body absorb better (Source: hellobacsi.com)

5. Salmon, mackerel and fish have omega-3

Choosing iron-rich foods for your baby plays a huge role in their development. One of them is salmon and mackerel. They are always trusted and used by parents in their children’s main meals.

With the content of DHA, omega-3, amino acids, protein, EPA… your baby will enhance the ability to concentrate, improve eye health, promote metabolism, as well as have beautiful skin. smooth and incredibly shiny hair. However, you should only feed your child 2-3 times a week to ensure adequate supply of beneficial fats and essential vitamins.

Support your baby's comprehensive development with dishes from salmon and mackerel

Support your baby’s comprehensive development with dishes from salmon and mackerel (Source: benhvaynenasung.com)

6. Nuts and beans

During the development stage, your baby’s body is still quite weak, so you should pay attention to supplementing your baby with lots of iron-rich foods such as: Nutritious dried seeds and beans to ensure the perfect development of muscles, bones and intelligence in children.

Suggesting an easy weaning recipe below:

Pumpkin stewed with lentils: Cut pumpkin into small cubes, then stir-fry with sesame oil. Pour water into the pot and start to boil. When the water boils, add 10g of washed lentils and stew until the pumpkin is soft, then turn off the heat. In addition, you can also add more Fresh meat contains high nutritional content, ensuring food safety and hygiene like chicken, beef… depending on your child’s preferences to stimulate your child’s appetite.

Nuts and beans provide many nutrients and rich sources of protein for babies

Nuts and beans provide many nutrients and abundant protein sources for babies (Source: hellobacsi.com)

7. Garlic and herbs

Garlic is a popular spice that is effective in treating common diseases in children such as digestive disorders, colds, infections, insect bites… Every day, you just need to add a small amount to your baby’s diet. Small amounts of garlic juice to eliminate harmful bacteria groups in the intestines as well as promote the digestive process more smoothly. Herbs are also often used as spices to add flavor to dishes. Its ingredients also contain iron that is good for the body, so you should add it to your baby’s dishes!

Garlic - a spice that is good for health and has the ability to cure diseases in children

Garlic – a spice that is good for health and has the ability to cure diseases in children (Source: hellobacsi.com)

8. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is a great food that helps reduce stress and stimulate a better mood. Therefore, you should let your children sip a little bit every day. It is not only beneficial for their health but also has the effect of enhancing memory, helping children become smarter and more sensitive. However pure dark chocolate Usually contains less sugar than milk chocolate, so its bitter taste is quite high, many children will not like it. To solve this problem, mothers can mix it with cocoa powder and condensed milk, creating a delicious and attractive drink for children. than.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that are extremely good for the heart

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that are extremely good for the heart (Source: hellobacsi.com)

9. Olive oil – iron-rich food for weaning babies

Pure olive oil, conveniently bottled Nowadays, it should not be missing in your family kitchen! Because olive oil contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the body, iron supplementation helps prevent anemia very well. For that reason, when cooking for their children, mothers should add a little olive oil to make the food more delicious and provide the necessary amount of iron to help children eat well and develop better.

This oil is very good for your baby's health and is recommended by many doctors

This type of oil is very good for your baby’s health and is recommended by many doctors (Source: cotacdunggi.com)

10. Pomegranate

Pomegranate contains a lot of folate, fiber, potassium, vitamins B, C and E that can reduce the risk of infection, fight the attack of bacteria, and not only that, they also help eliminate parasitic worms in the body. children’s stomach and intestinal walls effectively without the use of drugs. You just need to separate the seeds and put them in the juicer to make a healthy drink for your baby. Especially during the teething period, you should let your baby drink more than usual to ease persistent toothaches.

A pomegranate a day will bring abundant fiber to your baby's body

A pomegranate a day will bring abundant fiber to your baby’s body (Source: kenh14.vn)

11. Cherries

From 8 months old and up, the baby’s digestive system is no longer as immature as before, then the mother can add cherry-flavored dishes. Thanks to being rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C…, eating dishes containing cherries will help your baby’s health and intelligence be nourished and maximized. How to process cherries into delicious dishes is not too difficult, please refer to:

Cherry smoothie: Wash the cherries and separate the seeds. Put the cherries in a pot of enough water and boil until they are soft, then wait for them to cool and use a spoon to mash them.

Cherry and banana mixture: Put cherries, bananas and a little yogurt in a blender, puree and let your baby enjoy.

Cherries contain Folate - an active ingredient that stimulates brain development in children

Cherries contain Folate – an active ingredient that stimulates brain development in children (Source: vi.wikipedia.org)

12. Nuts

Nuts are an iron supplement for babies, rated quite well by experts because they contain nutritional ingredients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin E, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Every day you should let your child consume a few seeds and mix them together nutritious cereals different, but need to puree to avoid choking your baby.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts (Source: trueforage.com)

13. Poultry meat

Usually, 100 grams clean fresh poultry meat will provide about 67% of protein, 182mg of phosphorus and 15mg of calcium for the body. Therefore, it supports strong bones and stable red blood cell development as well as plays an important role in strengthening the child’s immune system. In particular, when choosing to buy delicious chicken of clear origin to cook for your baby, you should buy the breast to limit the amount of fat released during the cooking process. Below are some poultry menus that mothers can refer to:

Sweet potato chicken porridge: Cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces and steam them for about 10 minutes, finally puree them with chicken and feed them to your children while they are still hot.

Chicken and pumpkin potatoes: First, steam the potatoes and pumpkin, then put them in a blender with the chicken. This is a dish for babies in the weaning age that many mothers often choose because it is quick and simple to make.

Poultry is a great food for babies because it contains many essential nutrients

Poultry is a great food for babies because it contains many essential nutrients (Source: bloganchoi.com)

14. Poultry eggs

According to experts, Poultry eggs are raised cleanly and tested for safety is a food that contains a lot of protein and vitamins necessary for children’s developing bodies. Besides, thanks to two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, your baby’s eyes are protected from damage when exposed to ultraviolet rays, thereby reducing the risk of cataracts in the future. future.

However, you should not overuse eggs because children are susceptible to digestive disorders if they eat too much. It’s best for your child to eat 3 to 4 fruits a week to achieve high efficiency in nutrient absorption. Furthermore, make sure the eggs are completely boiled to remove all bacteria. Dishes that can be varied for children:

Stir-fried eggs: Mix 1 egg with half a cup of fresh milk. Heat a pan of cooking oil, then add the above mixture, stir well, season with a little salt and add minced cheese to the dish. Then wait a few minutes for the eggs to thicken and scoop them into a bowl for your baby to enjoy.

Organic butter-dipped egg rice: Mix well the mixture of half a cup of cooked rice, a boiled egg yolk, a little organic butter and salt together, then mash and feed your baby.

Poultry eggs are rich in iron, which helps improve memory in children

Poultry eggs rich in iron help improve memory in children (Source: queminhngaymoi.vn)

With the iron-rich foods for babies mentioned in the above article, Websosanh hopes mothers know how to prepare nutritious meals for babies.

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